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Updated page “Plitron Transformers”
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(416) 477 – 4799 or Toll Free: 1 – (877) 337 – 9480 x 223 (416) 477 – 4799 or Toll Free: 1 – (877) 337 – 9480 x 223[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column]
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Updated page “Meet the Torus Power Team”
Howard Gladstone
President and CEO
Howard Gladstone has a life-time interest and involvement in music and audio.
Howard Gladstone
President, CEO
Howard Gladstone has a life-time interest and involvement in music and audio.
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Updated post “Torus Power Launches TOT AVR Series at CEDIA Expo 2015 ”
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Updated post “Torus Power Debuts TOT AVR Series Toroidal Isolation Transformers at ISE 2016”
The Acclaimed TOT Line of Compact Power Isolation Transformers Now Features Automatic Voltage Regulation and New Lower Price Point
The Acclaimed TOT Line of Compact Power Isolation Transformers Now Features Automatic Voltage Regulation and New Lower Price Point

Torus Power launches TOT AVR product series.
Toronto, ON, Canada & Amsterdam, NL—(ISE, stand #5-R128)—February 1, 2016 – Torus Power, maker of uncompromising, clean, isolation transformer-based power components announced it will debut its new TOT AVR Series of Toroidal Isolation power transformers at Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) 2016, with models available for use in Continental Europe (TOT AVR CE), the United Kingdom (TOT AVR UK), and North America (TOT AVR), as well as Mexico, Japan and Australia. The new TOT AVR builds upon Torus Power’s successful, compact, and competitively priced TOT Series of Toroidal Isolation Transformer products, but adds Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR) to an already robust feature set and a new, lower price point. Toronto, ON, Canada & Amsterdam, NL—(ISE, stand #5-R128)—February 1, 2016 – Torus Power, maker of uncompromising, clean, isolation transformer-based power components announced it will debut its new TOT AVR Series of Toroidal Isolation power transformers at Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) 2016, with models available for use in Continental Europe (TOT AVR CE), the United Kingdom (TOT AVR UK), and North America (TOT AVR), as well as Mexico, Japan and Australia. The new TOT AVR builds upon Torus Power’s successful, compact, and competitively priced TOT Series of Toroidal Isolation Transformer products, but adds Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR) to an already robust feature set and a new, lower price point.
@KMB_Comm @KMB_Comm
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Updated post “Torus Power Spins Off from Plitron Manufacturing”
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Updated post “Torus Power Shows Flagship RM Series Isolation Transformers at ISE 2016”
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Created post “Torus Power Shows Flagship RM Series Isolation Transformers at ISE 2016”
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Updated post “Torus Power to Become Independent Business Entity”
For Torus Power, this transition is the direct result of the company’s planned, progressive growth that has evolved over recent years. Building upon new product introductions to meet lower price points and satisfy the needs of a more diverse audience, Torus posted record sales numbers in January 2016, and is on its way to its strongest quarter ever. The company is poised for continued expansion. For Torus Power, this transition is the direct result of the company’s planned, progressive growth that has evolved over recent years. Building upon new product introductions to meet lower price points and satisfy the needs of a more diverse audience, Torus posted record sales numbers in January 2016, and is on its way to its strongest quarter ever. The company is poised for continued expansion.
Key employees have been retained and are committed to helping Torus Power reach new heights. Founder Howard Gladstone will stay on as Chairman and CEO. Kevin Main has been promoted to President and COO, and Ross Whitney will become Torus Power Technical Sales Specialist and Customer Service Manager. Other positions will be created and Key employees have been retained and are committed to helping Torus Power reach new heights. Founder Howard Gladstone will stay on as Chairman and CEO. Kevin Main has been promoted to President and COO, and Ross Whitney will become Torus Power Technical Sales Specialist and Customer Service Manager. Other positions will be created and filled as needed to support Torus Power’s next phase of growth.

Torus Power, Howard Gladstone, Chairman and CEO

Torus Power, Howard Gladstone, Chairman and CEO
filled as needed to support Torus Power’s next phase of growth.
“By taking a dedicated and diligent approach these last few years, Torus Power has become an established and well recognized brand name in the industry. To take things to the next level, it is important for us to execute these significant steps and create our own best-in-class culture for Torus Power Inc.,” says Main. “We will continue to have a deep, ongoing relationship with Plitron Manufacturing Inc. and expect this to be a very positive change for all involved.” “By taking a dedicated and diligent approach these last few years, Torus Power has become an established and well recognized brand name in the industry. To take things to the next level, it is important for us to execute these significant steps and create our own best-in-class culture for Torus Power Inc.,” says Main. “We will continue to have a deep, ongoing relationship with Plitron Manufacturing Inc. and expect this to be a very positive change for all involved.”
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It’s getting rather confusing, don’t you think? Product pages are no longer consistent regarding groupings by technology icons.
The TOT AVR in reality has 5 technology Icons yet it now appears on the AVR page where all other products have 6, and on the TOT page where all other products have 3 Icons.
Also, all of the AVR pages contain the AVR description in the left margin, except the TOT AVR page. I added some notes in the left margin for the ‘TOT AVR’ PLEASE READ THE LEFT MARGIN TO CONFIRM IT IS OK.
RE your request for TOT AVR on first slider, I still don’t have artwork showing the TOT AVR product with Icons. I will request it again.
We need a new product Icon class with 5 Icons, which does not currently exist.
Following the above structure, should the WM RM series also appear on the RM page? The WM AVR series on the AVR page? And the WM AVR2 on the AVR2 page.
Thanks for your attention and response to the above. These may be small but very important organizational issues, and product page listings are now inconsistent.
, Kevin, ,, TOT AVR, New TOT page, Hi Brian, I know that we have the TOT AVR listed on the AVR page...Was also hoping to see it listed on the TOT series page as it is part of that series. This is important. Also, when I land on the Torus site I get the "affordable tot series" and an image of the TOT Mini/Max...could we change the first slider to show the "New TOT AVR" ??? Thanks, kevin, , , , , ,, Oct-28-2015, , Kevin Main, ,, web work svp,, Hi Brian, Hope all is well. Just a couple of quick things… Next upcoming trade show for Torus Power is ISE in Amsterdam Feb 9th -12th. This is not on the website yet. Maybe too soon, but CEDIA 2016 is Sept 14-17 in Dallas Attached are pictures of a large install in Stockholm using Torus Power. Can these be added to the Installation gallery? Katye will be sending you some Rave and AV Nation Videos from CEDIA to add to the site also. Thanks, kevin , mbl-system-in-stockholm2.jpg, , mbl-system-in-stockholm.jpg, ,,, Oct-28-2015, done oct 28, Ross Whitney, ,, Request from Martin H - AV EMEA,, "please could you take Audio Centar in Poland off our online distributor list", , , , , ,, Oct-20-2015, , Lindsey, ,, Testing, Cirrus, This is very very cool! Good job., , , 1929868_39868165023_4911_n.jpg, , ,, Aug-27-2015, , Ross Whitney, ,, Torus Power "North America" designation for floor mount units,, Hi Brian, If you scroll to the bottom of the page linked above you see that our Floor Mount Series are designated for customers in North America only. Our floor mount units are 50/60Hz rated so they can also be used nearly everywhere except Japan. Steve Nolan pointed this out to me. Could you please add Continental Europe, United Kingdom and Australia below the Floor Mount description on this page and also add the Floor Mount units to the product pages for Continental Europe, United Kingdom and Australia? Feel free to call or whatever if this is less than clear. Thanks Brian! Ross, , , , , ,, Aug-17-2015, , Ross, ,, Issues,, Hi Brian, I noticed a couple of things this morning on the above page. First, the email address for our Viet Nam distributor should be Second, in the Caribbean area, Tobago is spelled wrong - twice. Thanks Brian - site looks great! Ross, , , , , ,, Aug-17-2015, , Ross, ,, Issues,, Hi Brian, I noticed a couple of things this morning on the above page. First, the email address for our Viet Nam distributor should be Second, in the Caribbean area, Tobago is spelled wrong - twice. Thanks Brian - site looks great! Ross, , , , , ,, Jul-25-2015, , Brian Gladstone, ,, test, test, [Attachment1] [Attachment2] [Attachment3], , , system_light_690w.jpg, ,,, Jun-24-2015, done, Ross, ,, Link for new Torus Power product catalogue,, I am putting the finishing touches on the Torus Power newsletter for June/July and we want to include a link to the 2015 product catalogue. I copied the link from the Torus Power home page and noticed that it takes you off the site to: I know the new site will be launching very soon but is it possible for the new catalogue to reside on instead of on the Gladstone Media site? , , , , , ,, Jun-23-2015, done, Matthew Roher, ,, Please add Torus Power International Distributor to Site, , Hi Brian, Please add the following International Distributor to the Torus Power webiste: Contact information: HBL Audio Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam 84-903671194 Thank you kindly, Matt, , , , , ,, Jun-23-2015, Completed on 1/01/2014 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Matthew Roher, ,, Please add new Installation pictures for Dealer, , Hi Brian, I'm pleased to say that we have a dealer who has used Torus Power in his demo room and would like it to be posted on our website! I will send you all the photos/logo via hotmail, but wanted to let you know now. More to come. Sincerely, Matt, , , , , ,, Jun-23-2015, Completed on 1/13/2014, Ross Whitney, ,, Jan. 7 correction from RW, , MOST of the RM 2.5 evidence has been removed from this page. The LINE CORDS section at the bottom of the page still mentions the 2.5A model. , , , , , ,, Jun-23-2015, Completed on 1/13/2014, Howard, ,, TOT, Home , Change the copy on home for TOT to: TOT MINI and TOT MAX and are ultra compact toroidal isolation power conditioners, and the most affordable products in the Torus line-up. The compact footprint and sloped face of TOT models make them convenient for use in almost any situation. They look sharp on a component shelf, or can be located elsewhere when space is at a premium. TOT Mini is rated for 7 Amps (3Amps international), and the TOT Max is rated 15 Amps (7.5 Amps international). , , , , , ,, Jun-23-2015, Completed on 1/15/2014, Matthew Roher, ,, Please remove Specialty Marketing from our list of Distributors,, Hi Brian, Please remove Specialty Marketing from this Torus Power webpage: Thank you, Matt p.s. I like the added field for webpage, very smart., , , , , ,, Jun-23-2015, Completed on 1/15/2014, Matthew Roher, ,, Please add AV Pro Alliance as a New USA Distributor,, Hi Brian, Please add AV Professional Alliance as a new Distributor for USA. Here is their contact information: AV Professional Alliance Location: USA National, based in South Dakota Sales & Support: Toll Free: 1-877-886-5112 International: 605-274-6055 Email: Web: Other inquiries: Matt Murray: 605-271-2157 Thank you kindly, Matt, , , , , ,, Jun-23-2015, Completed on 1/16/2015, Matthew Roher, ,, AV Pro Alliance,, Hi Brian, Could you kindly change the name of "AV Professional Alliance" to "AV Pro Alliance"? Thank you for your help and the promptness of these posts! Our partners appreciate it too. Most Sincerely, Matt, , , , , ,, Jun-23-2015, Completed 1/20/2014 , Matthew Roher, ,, Menu Item Missing from Page,, Hi Brian, Not sure if this was deliberate, but when I hover the mouse over the "Contacts" heading at the top of the Torus Power home page, the link option for Dealers and Integrators USA is no longer there. Can you kindly include in the drop-down menu. Thanks, Matt, , , , , ,, Jun-23-2015, Completed 1/20/2014 , Matthew Roher, ,, New Italian Distributor,, Please add the following Italian Distributor to the Torus Power Website: LP Audio – Luca Parlato Via della Tesa 20 34138 Trieste Tel. 040 569824 Fax 040 2602320 Cell. 335 6434188 Thank you kindly, Matt , , , , , ,, Jun-23-2015, Done on 1/31/14, Matthew Roher, ,, New Distributor in Czech Republic,, Hi Brian, Please add the following contact information for our new distributor in Czech Republic: High-End Audio Studio s.r.o. Belgicka 4, 120 00 Prague 2 Tel: +420 224 256 844 e-mail: Also, I think there may have been a formatting error with Poland. Could you kindly change the font so that it appears like the other countries? Thank you for your help. Sincerely, Matt, , , , , ,, Jun-23-2015, Completed 2/6/2014 feb5 sent email to matt This is a bit different that the other listings on that page Shall I add it twice - once for PA 2 listings, and again for DE? Pls advise your thoughts how this should be listed. , Matthew Roher, ,, Please add new Torus Power Dealer,, Hi Brian, Please add HiFi House to the contact page of USA Torus Power dealer: Here is their contact information: HIFI HOUSE 1001 Sussex Blvd Broomall, PA 19008 509 York Road Jenkintown, PA 19046 2304 Concord Pike Wilmington, DE 19803 T: 1-800-990-4434 Thank you, Matt , , , , , ,, Jun-23-2015, completed 02/09/14 created new page called 'Other Torus Products', Howard Gladstone, ,, Revise Medical Receptacles,, The Medical Receptacles on this page are a separate product, not part of the Wall Mount product. Please create a page called OTHER TORUS PRODUCTS, and put it there.. , , , , , Brian,, Jun-23-2015, completed 02/11/14, Matthew Roher, ,, RMR (Audio Consultants),, Hi Brian, Kindly add this new Dealer to the Torus Power Website: RMR (Audio Consultants) Parker, TX T: 214-938-8138 Thank you kindly, Matt, , , , , ,, Jun-23-2015, , Tom Wicks, ,, VA ratings and missing data from RM - Products page, RM - Products page and Int'l VA data, Hi Brian, Here is my first installment for requested web edits. The atatched file was sent last week as an email attachement for VA ratings. We also need to populate the RM Series dimensions and provide other corrections. Please let me know if you need the data, or if you have it already. Thanks, Tom, , , POWER-VA-rating-for-Torus-Power.pdf, , ,, Jun-23-2015, completed on Feb 26 - I think there are still some errors wrote email to Tom separately, Tom Wicks, ,, VA ratings and missing data from RM - Products page, Torus North American , I found this file yesterday that Dan had been working on some time ago: Torus Power Brochure Corrections.doc , , , Torus-Power-Brochure-Corrections.doc, , ,, Jun-23-2015, completed 02/26/14, Matt, ,, Add Trade Shows to Torus Site,, Hi Brian, Here are some of the trade shows that Torus Power will be attending over the next several months. If you could kindly populate the Torus Power website with this information so our customers and dealers know where they can find us it would be greatly appreciated. Sapphire Marketing Road Show Boston 2014 March 12th & 13th, 2014 Embassy Suites 550 Winter Street Waltham, MA 02451, USA AXPONA – Audio EXPO North America April 25th to 27th, 2014 The Westin O'Hare 6100 North River Road Rosemont, IL 60018, USA Sapphire Marketing Road Show New York City 2014 May 1st & 2nd, 2014 Midtown Lofts 267 Fifth Avenue, 11th Floor New York, NY 10016, USA CEDIA EXPO 2014, Booth 1066 September 11th to 13th, 2014 Colorado Convention Center 700 14th Street Denver, CO 80202, USA Graphics: I have attached the Sapphire Marketing Logo. Here is a link to all logos for AXPONA: Here is a link for the AXPONA Logo with white background: Here is a link for the AXPONA Logo with black background: I have attached the CEDIA EXPO Logo. Please let me know if you have any questions. There is also a show in Northern California with Redwood Marketing, but I will pass on information for that when it becomes available. Thank you for your help. Sincerely, , CEDIA-EXPO_Logo-1500x400-2.jpg, Sapphire-Marketing-Logo-2014.jpg, Axpona_Logo_2013_whitebackground.jpg, , Brian,, Jun-23-2015, done asked Tom to double check all, Tom Wicks, ,, raw text for GM NA Brochure Mar03, reference for specs and copy, Hi Brian, Here is the text extracted from the Gladstone Media North American Brochure, rev. Mar03 2014., TORUS_POWER_BROCHURE_V10_MAR_03-pagw-11-20.doc, , TORUS_POWER_BROCHURE_V10_MAR_03-pagw-1-10.doc, , ,, Jun-23-2015, same as above completed 3/18/2014, Matthew Roher, ,, Please add new Torus Power brochure,, Please replace the top left corner brochure (Torus Power Brochure Sept 23 V 71) with the attached., , , TORUS_POWER_BROCHURE_V11_MAR_18_PRINT_SMALL.pdf, , ,, Jun-23-2015, completed 3/18/2014, Matthew Roher, ,, Please add new Torus Power brochure,, Please replace the top left corner brochure (Torus Power Brochure Sept 23 V 71) with the attached., , , TORUS_POWER_BROCHURE_V11_MAR_18_PRINT_SMALL.pdf, , ,, Jun-23-2015, completed on Mar 21, with note to Matt that i think they are all wrong should be 170-240 VAC input, Matthew Roher, ,, AVR2 20 BAL specification correction,, Hi Brian, On the table at the bottom of the link: It says the AVR2 20 BAL has 120V input. Can you kindly change this to indicate 240V? A dealer here in Ontario was confused when speaking with a customer (bad), but I think we have the sale (good), so no harm no foul. Thanks for your help with this. -Matt, , , , , ,, Jun-23-2015, fixed 3/24/14 - the problem was related to the phone number validation module, which was replaced - the phone number will no longer be validated, Matthew Roher, ,, Online Warranty Registration Page Down,, We received an email from a customer in Australia who tried to register his product and the page was blank. I tried and saw the same thing. Please help us get this page up and running agian so our customers can register their products. Thank you, Matt, , , , , ,, Jun-23-2015, Done Apr 3, 2014, Matthew Roher, ,, Please add the following International Distributor to the Torus Power Website,, Please add to website: Extreme Audio Aydogan kardesler Tic.Ltd.Sti. Office: Buyukdere Cad. Uc Yol Mevkii NO.233 KAT: B2 34398 Maslak/Istanbul/Turkey TEL: +90 444 3760 FAX: +90 212 285 00 73 E-Mail: , , , , , ,, Jun-23-2015, , Tom Wicks, ,, images available for TOT ... CE models,, Hi Brian, Thanks for the news link. Please note that we have photos available for the TOT Int'l CE page, which presently shows North American outlets. Also, the 515R page does not exist yet. I am not sure if this is intentional, so please stand-by on the 515R (50Hz 220~240V with North American outlets). Thanks! Tom, TOT-MAX-CE-masked-rear-0001.gif, , TOT-MINI-CE-masked-rear-0001.gif, , ,, Jun-23-2015, completed, Ross Whitney, ,, "Introducing the new TOT series" page,, Hi Brian, 1. For consistency could you please remove the blank lines after paragraphs 2 and 3? 2. Can you please add my name and contact info under technical inquiries? 3. Please replace the contact emails - and Thank you, Ross, , , Introducing-the-new-TOT-series-from-Torus-Power-rev-03.docx, , ,, Jun-23-2015, send email to Ross requesting what webpage is being referred to?, Ross Whitney, ,, TOT in-wall changes, See body, Hi Brian, Some changes concerning in-wall mounting of the TOT. Thanks, Ross, , , Updates-for-website-TOT-in-wall-changes.docx, , ,, Jun-23-2015, sent email to ross to confirm what data to be added to site, Ross Whitney, ,, New rep in France,, Received this information yesterday from Martin Harding: "...we are starting this week with our new distributor in France and he will soon have stock there." Please add to the list of international distributors - thanks!, , , , , ,, Jun-23-2015, completed, Ross Whitney, ,, Spec error & typo,, Hi Brian, A customer pointed this out. In the row headed "Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR)" about halfway down the page: "...22, 230, 240 VAC ± 5V..." should read "...220, 230, 240 VAC ± 10V..." Thank you, Ross , , , , , ,, Jun-23-2015, completed, Ross Whitney, ,, Ex-distributor for Canada, &, Hi Brian, Please remove all references to Aralex Acoustics. They are no longer our distributor for Canada. They have gone out of business. Thank you, Ross, , , , , ,, Jun-23-2015, completed, Steve Nolan, ,, Howards Interview , News Section ,, , , , , Brian,, Jun-23-2015, Completed 6/20, Ross Whitney, ,, New Torus Power sales contact,, Hi Brian, Please remove Paul as Sales contact and put in Kevin Main. 416.667.9914 x 248 Thank you!, , , , , ,, Jun-23-2015, Completed - the table is getting large and need to come up with an improved format , Ross, ,, Overseas updates,, Hi Brian, I hope all is well. We received this from Martin Harding. Please update the page with this info. Thank you, Ross FRANCE Europe Audio Diffusion BP82 89203 AVALLON Cédex Email. Tél: +33(0) GERMANY Mediacraft AG Gaugrafenstraße 19-23 60489 Frankfurt. Telefon +49 (0) 69 – 30 08 80 0 SWITZERLAND CHEKTONE GMBH Looslistrasse 15 CH-3027 Bern TEL.:+41 31 388 28 88 NORWAY E&S IMPORT GEITMYRSVEIEN 56 OSLO NORWAY 0455 Please remove Thailand. They are inactive..., , , , , ,, Jun-23-2015, Completed, Ross, ,, Floor mount page,, 1. In the chart, output voltage is given as 1 X 120V. These pieces are able to output both 120V and 240V. 2. "FM to be fed form diconnect or panel with current limiting." Two typos. Thank you Brian!, , , , , ,, Jun-23-2015, in process Jul 17 see email stream, Kevin Main, ,, You Tube Torus Videos,, From: Kevin Main [] Sent: July 15, 2014 12:51 PM To: Brian Gladstone - Hotmail Cc: Steve Nolan Subject: FW: Torus Power videos to be posted on new Youtube channel Hi Brian, Here are links to some Torus Power videos that we should be using on our website. We should also have these posted to a Torus youtube channel Would that be something that you would look after? Thanks, Kevin From: John Bennett [] Sent: Monday, July 14, 2014 8:13 PM To: Kevin Main Cc: Katye McGregor Bennett Subject: Torus Power videos to be posted on new Youtube channel Hey Kevin, Here are the videos that you and Katye talked about uploading to a new Torus Power youtube channel. I've included all the info on each video that will need to be added after each upload. David Susilo (shot at CES 2014) video - Title - David Susilo; PhD Testimonial of Torus Power Toroidal Isolation Transformers at CES 2014 Description - This video is a testimonial by David Susilo; PhD discussing the unique features and benefits of the Torus Power Toroidal Isolation Power Conditioner product line. David Susilo; PhD is a THX, ISF, CEDIA Certified Instructor CEA and HAA Member. For more information go to Tags - Transformers,David Susilo; PhD,Torus Power testimonial,Torus Power,toroidal isolation transformer,plitron toroidal transformer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOT Series video - Title - Torus Power TOT Mini and Max Series Power Conditioners with Plitron Toroidal Isolation Transformers Description - Torus Power TOT Mini and Max Series power conditioners with Toroidal Isolation transformers and USB charger at ISE 2014. For more information go to Tags - TOT Series,toroidal transformer,TOT Mini,TOT Max,Torus Power TOT Series,power conditioner with toroidal isolation,Plitron manufacturing ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AVR2 ( both shot at ISE 2014) video link - Title - Torus Power AVR2 Power Conditioner with Plitron Toroidal Isolation Transformer and IP addressability Description - Torus Power discusses the AVR2 with toroidal isolation transformer IP addressability at ISE 2014 in Amsterdam, NL. For more information go to Tags - Toroidal transformer,power conditioner with toroidal isolation,Plitron manufacturing,IP Address (Protocol),AVR Series,AVR2,Torus Power conditioner with toroidal isolation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- jpg for title slide (use on all videos) after uploading video to youtube- The videos where originally approved by Howard, then we changed the intro to be more inline with the style guide and I was unable to get them in front of him for review before he left for vacation. Take care, John John Bennett KMB Communications C - (406) 425-0633 E - , , , , , Brian,, Jun-23-2015, in process Jul 17 see email stream, Kevin Main, ,, Update Hour Power Page,, Hi Brian, I have updated the Torus Power Hour information – attached. This should work well for the website. In terms of who should attend…we are primarily targeting Custom Integrators with 20A + product solutions. Please let me know if you need any additional info. Thanks, Kevin From: Brian Gladstone [] Sent: Monday, July 14, 2014 11:44 PM To: Kevin Main; 'Katye (McGregor) Bennett'; Ross Whitney; Steve Nolan Subject: RE: Need Details on Torus Power Hour at Cedia for Website Kevin The page describing the Torus Hour Power at CEDIA is launched to the Torus site Also note, there is a linked excerpt on the home page right side-bar under news. Obviously it’s not the final version, so pls send edits asap. (need to remove text such as (confirm verbiage with panel) etc. and replace ‘TBA’s with data. We need a link to registration, need to confirm room no, plus more details. When all the details are finalized I can put a graphic image on the home page slider. Pls send updates as soon as you can. Thanks Brian Gladstone From: Brian Gladstone [] Sent: July 14, 2014 5:28 PM To: 'Kevin Main'; 'Katye (McGregor) Bennett'; 'Ross Whitney'; 'Steve Nolan' Subject: RE: Need Details on Torus Power Hour at Cedia for Website Thanks Kevin Nice to virtually meet you as well. See Below Regards, Brian Gladstone From: Kevin Main [] Sent: July 14, 2014 2:57 PM To: Brian Gladstone - Hotmail; Katye (McGregor) Bennett; Ross Whitney; Steve Nolan Subject: RE: Need Details on Torus Power Hour at Cedia for Website Hi Brian, Nice to meet you “virtually!” Here is some information on the Torus Power Hour. You will notice that we still have to finalize some of the details of our presentation, but this should be enough for you to get the website updated. This is good to get some web presence. We can always add to the listing as needed. I will send you a link. I found this link on the Cedia site – which could be updated with more information - as you sent to me. The registration can only be done on the CEDIA website, so I will have to get the link to that site for you. Thanks a link to registration is key. I tried unsuccessfully to find a link on the Cedia site – registration is not accessible from the ‘Session Search’ (link is above). I will also try to find the CEDIA logos for you to use. I already have CEDIA logos for the website – unless there is a different version used for seminars. On another note, I have noticed some typos on the Torus product information on the website…should I send this information over to you for correcting? Pls send any requests for Torus web changes via this page the password is ‘ swordfish ‘ – I see Ross has already sent you the details. In this manner we can track changes to the website in a chronological manner and maintain a log for follow-up. I am working on a major upgrade to the Torus Power website, and I can send more details after I have a chance to consult with Howard hopefully in the very near future. Thanks, Kevin Main Vice President Sales & Marketing, Torus Power Plitron Manufacturing Inc. 8-601 Magnetic Drive Toronto, ON. M3J 3J2 Cell: (289) 439-7700 Office: (416) 667-9914 ext. 248 From: Brian Gladstone [] Sent: Monday, July 14, 2014 2:29 PM To: Katye (McGregor) Bennett; Ross Whitney; Kevin Main; Steve Nolan Subject: Need Details on Torus Power Hour at Cedia for Website Greetings Kate, I trust all is well with you. Can you advise details regarding the upcoming torus power hour seminar at Cedia, so I can get listed on the torus website? We need date, time, location, room seating capacity, short description of the session, plus any other information which would be relevant to the listing. Also, in our last series of emails we discussed putting a pre-registration form on the website. As mentioned, I can build the Web registration form in a manner that sends a confirming email to the submitter with cc to torus. As well can put all the registration info on a separate password protected page so you can export attendees info into a spreadsheet. Also can export all the names into a separate list for bulk mailing. I can get started with the web work as soon as I receive more details. Thanks and regards, Brian Gladstone Torus Power Web-guy , , , Torus_Power-Hour-Info.docx, , Brian,, Jun-23-2015, test of system ignore, Brian Gladstone, ,, fix the site,,, , , , , Brian,, Jun-23-2015, completed , Ross Whitney, ,, Int'l wall mounts,, Hi Brian, This page says: "All units are designed for 240 Volt Balanced input (2 X 120V), or 208V input. Output is 120Volt/60 Hz at rated output current as per model listing below." The above text must have been borrowed from a North American wall mount page. I would suggest something like: "All units are designed for 220-240 Volt input. Output is 220-240 Volts at rated output current as listed below." Thanks Brian! Ross, , , , , ,, Jun-23-2015, completed, Ross Whitney, ,, Int's wall mounts II,, Hi Brian, In the specs chart we see : Nominal Output Current IAC 3 X 15 5 X 15 These numbers describe the output breakers, not the output current. Nominal output current for the two units is 30A and 50A respectively. Could you please change either the numbers or the heading? That is, make it read either Nominal Output Current 30A 50A or Output Breaker Rating IAC 3 X 15 5 X 15 Thanks, Ross, , , , , ,, Jun-23-2015, sent email to Ross - not sure which image to use Ross supplied image on July 25 completed, Ross Whitney, ,, Int'l wall mounts III,, Hi Brian, The image on this page is a wall mount AVR. The page is devoted to "RM" type wall mount units - wall mount units with the AVR circuitry have their own separate page. Let me know if you need a non-AVR wall mount image. Thanks, Ross, , , , , ,, Jun-23-2015, completed, Ross Whitney, ,, Contact update,, Hi Brian, I hope all is well. This request was submitted in June and on the list below it says "Completed 6/20". Kevin's name is not on the page though - the page still has Paul listed. Please update - thanks! Ross, should-be-Kevin-not-Paul.jpg, , website-request.jpg, , ,, Jun-23-2015, completed, Ross Whitney, ,, New details for Norway distributor,, Hi Brian, Hope all is well. We have some new information for our partner in Norway. Now: NORWAY E&S IMPORT GEITMYRSVEIEN 56 OSLO NORWAY 0455 Change to: NORWAY NorLyd AS Geitmyrsveien 56 0455 Oslo Phone: +4791870990 Thank you, Ross, , , , , ,, Jun-23-2015, send ross an email w questions, Ross, ,, Trade show info page,, Hi Brian, An external party brought this to our attention 🙁 To my knowledge the only trade show plans we have for Torus Power involve the CEDIA show next month. Please add all of our CEDIA details to this page and remove all of the "legacy" stuff. Thanks Brian, Ross, , , , , ,, Jun-23-2015, completed, Ross Whitney, ,, Typos part 1,, Hi Brian, Please see the attached image for some requested corrections. Thank you, Ross, , , fix-me-please-1.jpg, , ,, Jun-23-2015, completed, Ross Whitney, ,, Typos part 2,, Hi Brian, Another one. Thank you, Ross, , , fix-me-please-2.jpg, , ,, Jun-23-2015, completed, Ross Whitney, ,, New dist. in Switzerland,, Hi Brian, We have been asked to replace the existing Switzerland information with this: GrammoFile GmbH Looslistrasse 15 CH-3027 Bern Phone: +41 31 388 28 99 Email: Thanks, Ross, , , , , ,, Jun-23-2015, completed, Ross Whitney, ,, Swiss distributor,, Hi Brian, Please fix the Swiss distributor's email address. The top-level domain is CH, not CA. Thanks, Ross, , , , , ,, Jun-23-2015, completed, Ross Whitney, ,, Swiss deistributor II,, Hi Brian, The (August 19?) request also indicates a company name change. The distributor in Switzerland is to be listed as GrammoFile GmbH. Thank you, Ross, , , , , ,, Jun-23-2015, completed, Ross, ,, Easy one for you,, Hi Brian, Happy Monday - hope you're well. I just spotted this under TOT SERIES on the home page: "TOT MINI and TOT MAX and are ultra compact toroidal isolation power conditioners, and the most affordable products in the Torus line-up." Too many "ands" 🙂 Thanks Brian, Ross, , , , , ,, Jun-23-2015, completed, Kevin Main, ,, Update Contact Information On Torus Website, CONTACTS, 1) Torus Contacts: Please add Ross Whitney as a contact for general inquiries. 2) Torus Contacts: Please add International AV Sales as our international distributor for Mexico/Caribbean/Central & South America. Website is James Wellnitz - (858) 663-8086 and Helma Paulson (407) 257-3408 3) Sales Reps & Distributors: Please remove "distributors" so this section is only listing North America Sales Reps. 4) Sales Reps & Distributors: Please remove AV Pro Alliance 5) Sales Reps & Distributors: Please change the territory for Rep-Presents to only include the states of OH/WV/KY/IN/IL/WI 6) Sales Reps & Distributors: Please add for Michigan..Sales And Marketing Inc. Sami Al-Saadi (269) 806-3949 7) Sales Reps & Distributors: Please add for Southern California, Arizona & Clark County Nevada (Las Vegas): AV Partners. 630 N. Rancho Road Thousand Oaks, CA> 91362 Martin Byrne (562) 841-5445; Eric Leicht (805) 496-7054; John Villano (661) 406-1228 8) Please add for Texas/Oklahoma/Louisiana/Arkansas: Momentum Marketing Hector Menna - South Texas - (281) 714-5742; Matt Kahle - North Texas/Oklahoma - (214) 883-8835; Chuck McClennan - Louisiana/Arkansas - (623) 209-4773 Thank you , , , , , ,, Jun-23-2015, completed, Kevin Main, ,, Update Dealer Locator, Dealer Locator, Please make the following changes to our dealer locator... 1) remove Hi Fi House in Pennsylvania - store is closed Please add: 1)Audio Video Integration 647 Francisco Blvd E, San Rafael, CA 94901 (415) 526-0070 2)Design Audio Video Whitehouse Texas Serving East Texas Since 1997 903-571-7189 3)Fulkra Costa Mesa, CA USA 92627 C 949.690.8055 P 949.855.8055 Showroom 290 Broadway St Laguna Beach, CA Phone:877.738.5572 Email: 4) Now Listen Here Now Listen Here 113 E Chestnut Street Lancaster, PA 17602 Phone: (717) 409-5050 5) Atomic Hi Fi 20 Main Street Ashland, MA 01721 p: 508-881-9959 f: 508-881-9958 Thank You., , , , , ,, Jun-23-2015, completed , Kevin Main, ,, Remove listing for UK Distributor, Contact - International distributors, Hi, Please remove the following international distributor from our listing... UNITED KINGDOM RGB Communications Ltd 2 Lowesden Business Park, Lambourn Woodlands Hungerford, Berkshire, RG17 7RY, UK Tel: +44 (0)1488 73366 Fax: +44 (0)1488 73377 Email: , , , , , ,, Jun-23-2015, completed , Kevin Main, ,, Dealer Listing, Dealer Locator, Please correct the spelling of DELAWARE as the state in the dealer locator. Please remove Hi Fi House in Delaware and 2 locations in Pennsylvania as these stores have closed. Thanks., , , , , ,, Jun-23-2015, completed , Kevin Main, ,, Update dealer information, Dealer Locator, Kevin, We decided to drop our 888 and fax number, so can that be removed from the dealer list? Also, remove the 508 Leone Road A/V Logix 508 Leone Road <——————————————this Woolwich, NJ USA, 08085 T: 888-579-8632 <——————————————this T: 856-832-0245 F: 856-832-0248 <—————————————— and this also, the installation gallery isn’t loading and could use a corrected name/information from us. plus the logo is an older one, can you utilize the new one instead of that gray background one you have on there now? Brian - I will send this logo to you in an e-mail... , , , , , ,, Jun-23-2015, done, Kevin main, ,, Contacts, Reps and distributors & International Distributors, Hi Brian, 1) Our new Rep for So. Cal is now listed - AV Partners. Can you move the order so they are right before/after Redwood marketing and then can you remove Art Kelm Ground One? Ground One Location CA, NV, HI Contact Arthur Kelm 707-480-0257 Web 2) There is an error in the phone number of our distributor in Switzerland. It should end in 89...not 99. Thanks, Kevin , , , , , ,, Jun-23-2015, done, Kevin, ,, International Distributor Listing, Distributors - International , Please delete the following International Distributor: Audio Center Poland Please add the following new international distributor: United Kingdom Karma Audio Visual To contact us please call the sales office: 01423 358846 Website From page: Contacts TORIUS Reps and Distributors Please remove Florida Rep - Plexus Systems and add Kevin Main an=s contact for Florida territory., , , , , ,, Jun-23-2015, , Ross Whitney, ,, One word to be corrected,, Near the bottom of the page in the 'Inspire' section "blacker belts" should be "blacker blacks". Thanks Brian!, , , , , ,, Jun-23-2015, , Brian, ,, pls revise Torus Website,, This is a test , , , 1526466_10153704481715024_975033755_n.jpg, ,,, Jun-05-2015, , Ross Whitney, ,, One word to be corrected,, Near the bottom of the page in the 'Inspire' section "blacker belts" should be "blacker blacks". Thanks Brian!, , , , , ,, Feb-23-2015, done, Kevin, ,, International Distributor Listing, Distributors - International , Please delete the following International Distributor: Audio Center Poland Please add the following new international distributor: United Kingdom Karma Audio Visual To contact us please call the sales office: 01423 358846 Website From page: Contacts TORIUS Reps and Distributors Please remove Florida Rep - Plexus Systems and add Kevin Main an=s contact for Florida territory., , , , , ,, Oct-03-2014, done, Kevin main, ,, Contacts, Reps and distributors & International Distributors, Hi Brian, 1) Our new Rep for So. Cal is now listed - AV Partners. Can you move the order so they are right before/after Redwood marketing and then can you remove Art Kelm Ground One? Ground One Location CA, NV, HI Contact Arthur Kelm 707-480-0257 Web 2) There is an error in the phone number of our distributor in Switzerland. It should end in 89...not 99. Thanks, Kevin , , , , , ,, Oct-02-2014, completed , Kevin Main, ,, Update dealer information, Dealer Locator, Kevin, We decided to drop our 888 and fax number, so can that be removed from the dealer list? Also, remove the 508 Leone Road A/V Logix 508 Leone Road <——————————————this Woolwich, NJ USA, 08085 T: 888-579-8632 <——————————————this T: 856-832-0245 F: 856-832-0248 <—————————————— and this also, the installation gallery isn’t loading and could use a corrected name/information from us. plus the logo is an older one, can you utilize the new one instead of that gray background one you have on there now? Brian - I will send this logo to you in an e-mail... , , , , , ,, Oct-01-2014, completed , Kevin Main, ,, Dealer Listing, Dealer Locator, Please correct the spelling of DELAWARE as the state in the dealer locator. Please remove Hi Fi House in Delaware and 2 locations in Pennsylvania as these stores have closed. Thanks., , , , , ,, Oct-01-2014, completed , Kevin Main, ,, Remove listing for UK Distributor, Contact - International distributors, Hi, Please remove the following international distributor from our listing... UNITED KINGDOM RGB Communications Ltd 2 Lowesden Business Park, Lambourn Woodlands Hungerford, Berkshire, RG17 7RY, UK Tel: +44 (0)1488 73366 Fax: +44 (0)1488 73377 Email: , , , , , ,, Sep-30-2014, completed, Kevin Main, ,, Update Dealer Locator, Dealer Locator, Please make the following changes to our dealer locator... 1) remove Hi Fi House in Pennsylvania - store is closed Please add: 1)Audio Video Integration 647 Francisco Blvd E, San Rafael, CA 94901 (415) 526-0070 2)Design Audio Video Whitehouse Texas Serving East Texas Since 1997 903-571-7189 3)Fulkra Costa Mesa, CA USA 92627 C 949.690.8055 P 949.855.8055 Showroom 290 Broadway St Laguna Beach, CA Phone:877.738.5572 Email: 4) Now Listen Here Now Listen Here 113 E Chestnut Street Lancaster, PA 17602 Phone: (717) 409-5050 5) Atomic Hi Fi 20 Main Street Ashland, MA 01721 p: 508-881-9959 f: 508-881-9958 Thank You., , , , , ,, Sep-29-2014, completed, Kevin Main, ,, Update Contact Information On Torus Website, CONTACTS, 1) Torus Contacts: Please add Ross Whitney as a contact for general inquiries. 2) Torus Contacts: Please add International AV Sales as our international distributor for Mexico/Caribbean/Central & South America. Website is James Wellnitz - (858) 663-8086 and Helma Paulson (407) 257-3408 3) Sales Reps & Distributors: Please remove "distributors" so this section is only listing North America Sales Reps. 4) Sales Reps & Distributors: Please remove AV Pro Alliance 5) Sales Reps & Distributors: Please change the territory for Rep-Presents to only include the states of OH/WV/KY/IN/IL/WI 6) Sales Reps & Distributors: Please add for Michigan..Sales And Marketing Inc. Sami Al-Saadi (269) 806-3949 7) Sales Reps & Distributors: Please add for Southern California, Arizona & Clark County Nevada (Las Vegas): AV Partners. 630 N. Rancho Road Thousand Oaks, CA> 91362 Martin Byrne (562) 841-5445; Eric Leicht (805) 496-7054; John Villano (661) 406-1228 8) Please add for Texas/Oklahoma/Louisiana/Arkansas: Momentum Marketing Hector Menna - South Texas - (281) 714-5742; Matt Kahle - North Texas/Oklahoma - (214) 883-8835; Chuck McClennan - Louisiana/Arkansas - (623) 209-4773 Thank you , , , , , ,, Sep-08-2014, completed, Ross, ,, Easy one for you,, Hi Brian, Happy Monday - hope you're well. I just spotted this under TOT SERIES on the home page: "TOT MINI and TOT MAX and are ultra compact toroidal isolation power conditioners, and the most affordable products in the Torus line-up." Too many "ands" 🙂 Thanks Brian, Ross, , , , , ,, Sep-02-2014, completed, Ross Whitney, ,, Swiss deistributor II,, Hi Brian, The (August 19?) request also indicates a company name change. The distributor in Switzerland is to be listed as GrammoFile GmbH. Thank you, Ross, , , , , ,, Sep-02-2014, completed, Ross Whitney, ,, Swiss distributor,, Hi Brian, Please fix the Swiss distributor's email address. The top-level domain is CH, not CA. Thanks, Ross, , , , , ,, Aug-19-2014, completed, Ross Whitney, ,, New dist. in Switzerland,, Hi Brian, We have been asked to replace the existing Switzerland information with this: GrammoFile GmbH Looslistrasse 15 CH-3027 Bern Phone: +41 31 388 28 99 Email: Thanks, Ross, , , , , ,, Aug-18-2014, completed, Ross Whitney, ,, Typos part 2,, Hi Brian, Another one. Thank you, Ross, , , fix-me-please-2.jpg, , ,, Aug-18-2014, completed, Ross Whitney, ,, Typos part 1,, Hi Brian, Please see the attached image for some requested corrections. Thank you, Ross, , , fix-me-please-1.jpg, , ,, Aug-13-2014, send ross an email w questions, Ross, ,, Trade show info page,, Hi Brian, An external party brought this to our attention 🙁 To my knowledge the only trade show plans we have for Torus Power involve the CEDIA show next month. Please add all of our CEDIA details to this page and remove all of the "legacy" stuff. Thanks Brian, Ross, , , , , ,, Aug-08-2014, completed, Ross Whitney, ,, New details for Norway distributor,, Hi Brian, Hope all is well. We have some new information for our partner in Norway. Now: NORWAY E&S IMPORT GEITMYRSVEIEN 56 OSLO NORWAY 0455 Change to: NORWAY NorLyd AS Geitmyrsveien 56 0455 Oslo Phone: +4791870990 Thank you, Ross, , , , , ,, Jul-23-2014, completed, Ross Whitney, ,, Contact update,, Hi Brian, I hope all is well. This request was submitted in June and on the list below it says "Completed 6/20". Kevin's name is not on the page though - the page still has Paul listed. Please update - thanks! Ross, should-be-Kevin-not-Paul.jpg, , website-request.jpg, , ,, Jul-16-2014, sent email to Ross - not sure which image to use Ross supplied image on July 25 completed, Ross Whitney, ,, Int'l wall mounts III,, Hi Brian, The image on this page is a wall mount AVR. The page is devoted to "RM" type wall mount units - wall mount units with the AVR circuitry have their own separate page. Let me know if you need a non-AVR wall mount image. Thanks, Ross, , , , , ,, Jul-16-2014, completed, Ross Whitney, ,, Int's wall mounts II,, Hi Brian, In the specs chart we see : Nominal Output Current IAC 3 X 15 5 X 15 These numbers describe the output breakers, not the output current. Nominal output current for the two units is 30A and 50A respectively. Could you please change either the numbers or the heading? That is, make it read either Nominal Output Current 30A 50A or Output Breaker Rating IAC 3 X 15 5 X 15 Thanks, Ross, , , , , ,, Jul-16-2014, completed , Ross Whitney, ,, Int'l wall mounts,, Hi Brian, This page says: "All units are designed for 240 Volt Balanced input (2 X 120V), or 208V input. Output is 120Volt/60 Hz at rated output current as per model listing below." The above text must have been borrowed from a North American wall mount page. I would suggest something like: "All units are designed for 220-240 Volt input. Output is 220-240 Volts at rated output current as listed below." Thanks Brian! Ross, , , , , ,, Jul-15-2014, test of system ignore, Brian Gladstone, ,, fix the site,,, , , , , Brian,, Jul-15-2014, in process Jul 17 see email stream, Kevin Main, ,, Update Hour Power Page,, Hi Brian, I have updated the Torus Power Hour information – attached. This should work well for the website. In terms of who should attend…we are primarily targeting Custom Integrators with 20A + product solutions. Please let me know if you need any additional info. Thanks, Kevin From: Brian Gladstone [] Sent: Monday, July 14, 2014 11:44 PM To: Kevin Main; 'Katye (McGregor) Bennett'; Ross Whitney; Steve Nolan Subject: RE: Need Details on Torus Power Hour at Cedia for Website Kevin The page describing the Torus Hour Power at CEDIA is launched to the Torus site Also note, there is a linked excerpt on the home page right side-bar under news. Obviously it’s not the final version, so pls send edits asap. (need to remove text such as (confirm verbiage with panel) etc. and replace ‘TBA’s with data. We need a link to registration, need to confirm room no, plus more details. When all the details are finalized I can put a graphic image on the home page slider. Pls send updates as soon as you can. Thanks Brian Gladstone From: Brian Gladstone [] Sent: July 14, 2014 5:28 PM To: 'Kevin Main'; 'Katye (McGregor) Bennett'; 'Ross Whitney'; 'Steve Nolan' Subject: RE: Need Details on Torus Power Hour at Cedia for Website Thanks Kevin Nice to virtually meet you as well. See Below Regards, Brian Gladstone From: Kevin Main [] Sent: July 14, 2014 2:57 PM To: Brian Gladstone - Hotmail; Katye (McGregor) Bennett; Ross Whitney; Steve Nolan Subject: RE: Need Details on Torus Power Hour at Cedia for Website Hi Brian, Nice to meet you “virtually!” Here is some information on the Torus Power Hour. You will notice that we still have to finalize some of the details of our presentation, but this should be enough for you to get the website updated. This is good to get some web presence. We can always add to the listing as needed. I will send you a link. I found this link on the Cedia site – which could be updated with more information - as you sent to me. The registration can only be done on the CEDIA website, so I will have to get the link to that site for you. Thanks a link to registration is key. I tried unsuccessfully to find a link on the Cedia site – registration is not accessible from the ‘Session Search’ (link is above). I will also try to find the CEDIA logos for you to use. I already have CEDIA logos for the website – unless there is a different version used for seminars. On another note, I have noticed some typos on the Torus product information on the website…should I send this information over to you for correcting? Pls send any requests for Torus web changes via this page the password is ‘ swordfish ‘ – I see Ross has already sent you the details. In this manner we can track changes to the website in a chronological manner and maintain a log for follow-up. I am working on a major upgrade to the Torus Power website, and I can send more details after I have a chance to consult with Howard hopefully in the very near future. Thanks, Kevin Main Vice President Sales & Marketing, Torus Power Plitron Manufacturing Inc. 8-601 Magnetic Drive Toronto, ON. M3J 3J2 Cell: (289) 439-7700 Office: (416) 667-9914 ext. 248 From: Brian Gladstone [] Sent: Monday, July 14, 2014 2:29 PM To: Katye (McGregor) Bennett; Ross Whitney; Kevin Main; Steve Nolan Subject: Need Details on Torus Power Hour at Cedia for Website Greetings Kate, I trust all is well with you. Can you advise details regarding the upcoming torus power hour seminar at Cedia, so I can get listed on the torus website? We need date, time, location, room seating capacity, short description of the session, plus any other information which would be relevant to the listing. Also, in our last series of emails we discussed putting a pre-registration form on the website. As mentioned, I can build the Web registration form in a manner that sends a confirming email to the submitter with cc to torus. As well can put all the registration info on a separate password protected page so you can export attendees info into a spreadsheet. Also can export all the names into a separate list for bulk mailing. I can get started with the web work as soon as I receive more details. Thanks and regards, Brian Gladstone Torus Power Web-guy , , , Torus_Power-Hour-Info.docx, , Brian,, Jul-15-2014, in process Jul 17 see email stream, Kevin Main, ,, You Tube Torus Videos,, From: Kevin Main [] Sent: July 15, 2014 12:51 PM To: Brian Gladstone - Hotmail Cc: Steve Nolan Subject: FW: Torus Power videos to be posted on new Youtube channel Hi Brian, Here are links to some Torus Power videos that we should be using on our website. We should also have these posted to a Torus youtube channel Would that be something that you would look after? Thanks, Kevin From: John Bennett [] Sent: Monday, July 14, 2014 8:13 PM To: Kevin Main Cc: Katye McGregor Bennett Subject: Torus Power videos to be posted on new Youtube channel Hey Kevin, Here are the videos that you and Katye talked about uploading to a new Torus Power youtube channel. I've included all the info on each video that will need to be added after each upload. David Susilo (shot at CES 2014) video - Title - David Susilo; PhD Testimonial of Torus Power Toroidal Isolation Transformers at CES 2014 Description - This video is a testimonial by David Susilo; PhD discussing the unique features and benefits of the Torus Power Toroidal Isolation Power Conditioner product line. David Susilo; PhD is a THX, ISF, CEDIA Certified Instructor CEA and HAA Member. For more information go to Tags - Transformers,David Susilo; PhD,Torus Power testimonial,Torus Power,toroidal isolation transformer,plitron toroidal transformer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOT Series video - Title - Torus Power TOT Mini and Max Series Power Conditioners with Plitron Toroidal Isolation Transformers Description - Torus Power TOT Mini and Max Series power conditioners with Toroidal Isolation transformers and USB charger at ISE 2014. For more information go to Tags - TOT Series,toroidal transformer,TOT Mini,TOT Max,Torus Power TOT Series,power conditioner with toroidal isolation,Plitron manufacturing ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AVR2 ( both shot at ISE 2014) video link - Title - Torus Power AVR2 Power Conditioner with Plitron Toroidal Isolation Transformer and IP addressability Description - Torus Power discusses the AVR2 with toroidal isolation transformer IP addressability at ISE 2014 in Amsterdam, NL. For more information go to Tags - Toroidal transformer,power conditioner with toroidal isolation,Plitron manufacturing,IP Address (Protocol),AVR Series,AVR2,Torus Power conditioner with toroidal isolation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- jpg for title slide (use on all videos) after uploading video to youtube- The videos where originally approved by Howard, then we changed the intro to be more inline with the style guide and I was unable to get them in front of him for review before he left for vacation. Take care, John John Bennett KMB Communications C - (406) 425-0633 E - , , , , , Brian,, Jul-01-2014, Completed, Ross, ,, Floor mount page,, 1. In the chart, output voltage is given as 1 X 120V. These pieces are able to output both 120V and 240V. 2. "FM to be fed form diconnect or panel with current limiting." Two typos. Thank you Brian!, , , , , ,, Jun-23-2014, Completed - the table is getting large and need to come up with an improved format , Ross, ,, Overseas updates,, Hi Brian, I hope all is well. We received this from Martin Harding. Please update the page with this info. Thank you, Ross FRANCE Europe Audio Diffusion BP82 89203 AVALLON Cédex Email. Tél: +33(0) GERMANY Mediacraft AG Gaugrafenstraße 19-23 60489 Frankfurt. Telefon +49 (0) 69 – 30 08 80 0 SWITZERLAND CHEKTONE GMBH Looslistrasse 15 CH-3027 Bern TEL.:+41 31 388 28 88 NORWAY E&S IMPORT GEITMYRSVEIEN 56 OSLO NORWAY 0455 Please remove Thailand. They are inactive..., , , , , ,, Jun-19-2014, Completed 6/20, Ross Whitney, ,, New Torus Power sales contact,, Hi Brian, Please remove Paul as Sales contact and put in Kevin Main. 416.667.9914 x 248 Thank you!, , , , , ,, Jun-13-2014, completed, Steve Nolan, ,, Howards Interview , News Section ,, , , , , Brian,, Jun-12-2014, completed, Ross Whitney, ,, Ex-distributor for Canada, &, Hi Brian, Please remove all references to Aralex Acoustics. They are no longer our distributor for Canada. They have gone out of business. Thank you, Ross, , , , , ,, May-30-2014, completed, Ross Whitney, ,, Spec error & typo,, Hi Brian, A customer pointed this out. In the row headed "Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR)" about halfway down the page: "...22, 230, 240 VAC ± 5V..." should read "...220, 230, 240 VAC ± 10V..." Thank you, Ross , , , , , ,, May-27-2014, sent email to ross to confirm what data to be added to site, Ross Whitney, ,, New rep in France,, Received this information yesterday from Martin Harding: "...we are starting this week with our new distributor in France and he will soon have stock there." Please add to the list of international distributors - thanks!, , , , , ,, May-15-2014, send email to Ross requesting what webpage is being referred to?, Ross Whitney, ,, TOT in-wall changes, See body, Hi Brian, Some changes concerning in-wall mounting of the TOT. Thanks, Ross, , , Updates-for-website-TOT-in-wall-changes.docx, , ,, May-07-2014, completed, Ross Whitney, ,, "Introducing the new TOT series" page,, Hi Brian, 1. For consistency could you please remove the blank lines after paragraphs 2 and 3? 2. Can you please add my name and contact info under technical inquiries? 3. Please replace the contact emails - and Thank you, Ross, , , Introducing-the-new-TOT-series-from-Torus-Power-rev-03.docx, , ,, May-05-2014, , Tom Wicks, ,, images available for TOT ... CE models,, Hi Brian, Thanks for the news link. Please note that we have photos available for the TOT Int'l CE page, which presently shows North American outlets. Also, the 515R page does not exist yet. I am not sure if this is intentional, so please stand-by on the 515R (50Hz 220~240V with North American outlets). Thanks! Tom, TOT-MAX-CE-masked-rear-0001.gif, , TOT-MINI-CE-masked-rear-0001.gif, , ,, Apr-03-2014, Done Apr 3, 2014, Matthew Roher, ,, Please add the following International Distributor to the Torus Power Website,, Please add to website: Extreme Audio Aydogan kardesler Tic.Ltd.Sti. Office: Buyukdere Cad. Uc Yol Mevkii NO.233 KAT: B2 34398 Maslak/Istanbul/Turkey TEL: +90 444 3760 FAX: +90 212 285 00 73 E-Mail: , , , , , ,, Mar-24-2014, fixed 3/24/14 - the problem was related to the phone number validation module, which was replaced - the phone number will no longer be validated, Matthew Roher, ,, Online Warranty Registration Page Down,, We received an email from a customer in Australia who tried to register his product and the page was blank. I tried and saw the same thing. Please help us get this page up and running agian so our customers can register their products. Thank you, Matt, , , , , ,, Mar-20-2014, completed on Mar 21, with note to Matt that i think they are all wrong should be 170-240 VAC input, Matthew Roher, ,, AVR2 20 BAL specification correction,, Hi Brian, On the table at the bottom of the link: It says the AVR2 20 BAL has 120V input. Can you kindly change this to indicate 240V? A dealer here in Ontario was confused when speaking with a customer (bad), but I think we have the sale (good), so no harm no foul. Thanks for your help with this. -Matt, , , , , ,, Mar-18-2014, completed 3/18/2014, Matthew Roher, ,, Please add new Torus Power brochure,, Please replace the top left corner brochure (Torus Power Brochure Sept 23 V 71) with the attached., , , TORUS_POWER_BROCHURE_V11_MAR_18_PRINT_SMALL.pdf, , ,, Mar-18-2014, same as above completed 3/18/2014, Matthew Roher, ,, Please add new Torus Power brochure,, Please replace the top left corner brochure (Torus Power Brochure Sept 23 V 71) with the attached., , , TORUS_POWER_BROCHURE_V11_MAR_18_PRINT_SMALL.pdf, , ,, Mar-07-2014, done asked Tom to double check all, Tom Wicks, ,, raw text for GM NA Brochure Mar03, reference for specs and copy, Hi Brian, Here is the text extracted from the Gladstone Media North American Brochure, rev. Mar03 2014., TORUS_POWER_BROCHURE_V10_MAR_03-pagw-11-20.doc, , TORUS_POWER_BROCHURE_V10_MAR_03-pagw-1-10.doc, , ,, Feb-26-2014, completed 02/26/14, Matt, ,, Add Trade Shows to Torus Site,, Hi Brian, Here are some of the trade shows that Torus Power will be attending over the next several months. If you could kindly populate the Torus Power website with this information so our customers and dealers know where they can find us it would be greatly appreciated. Sapphire Marketing Road Show Boston 2014 March 12th & 13th, 2014 Embassy Suites 550 Winter Street Waltham, MA 02451, USA AXPONA – Audio EXPO North America April 25th to 27th, 2014 The Westin O'Hare 6100 North River Road Rosemont, IL 60018, USA Sapphire Marketing Road Show New York City 2014 May 1st & 2nd, 2014 Midtown Lofts 267 Fifth Avenue, 11th Floor New York, NY 10016, USA CEDIA EXPO 2014, Booth 1066 September 11th to 13th, 2014 Colorado Convention Center 700 14th Street Denver, CO 80202, USA Graphics: I have attached the Sapphire Marketing Logo. Here is a link to all logos for AXPONA: Here is a link for the AXPONA Logo with white background: Here is a link for the AXPONA Logo with black background: I have attached the CEDIA EXPO Logo. Please let me know if you have any questions. There is also a show in Northern California with Redwood Marketing, but I will pass on information for that when it becomes available. Thank you for your help. Sincerely, , CEDIA-EXPO_Logo-1500x400-2.jpg, Sapphire-Marketing-Logo-2014.jpg, Axpona_Logo_2013_whitebackground.jpg, , Brian,, Feb-21-2014, completed on Feb 26 - I think there are still some errors wrote email to Tom separately, Tom Wicks, ,, VA ratings and missing data from RM - Products page, Torus North American , I found this file yesterday that Dan had been working on some time ago: Torus Power Brochure Corrections.doc , , , Torus-Power-Brochure-Corrections.doc, , ,, Feb-19-2014, , Tom Wicks, ,, VA ratings and missing data from RM - Products page, RM - Products page and Int'l VA data, Hi Brian, Here is my first installment for requested web edits. The atatched file was sent last week as an email attachement for VA ratings. We also need to populate the RM Series dimensions and provide other corrections. Please let me know if you need the data, or if you have it already. Thanks, Tom, , , POWER-VA-rating-for-Torus-Power.pdf, , ,, Feb-10-2014, completed 02/11/14, Matthew Roher, ,, RMR (Audio Consultants),, Hi Brian, Kindly add this new Dealer to the Torus Power Website: RMR (Audio Consultants) Parker, TX T: 214-938-8138 Thank you kindly, Matt, , , , , ,, Feb-09-2014, completed 02/09/14 created new page called 'Other Torus Products', Howard Gladstone, ,, Revise Medical Receptacles,, The Medical Receptacles on this page are a separate product, not part of the Wall Mount product. Please create a page called OTHER TORUS PRODUCTS, and put it there.. , , , , , Brian,, Feb-05-2014, Completed 2/6/2014 feb5 sent email to matt This is a bit different that the other listings on that page Shall I add it twice - once for PA 2 listings, and again for DE? Pls advise your thoughts how this should be listed. , Matthew Roher, ,, Please add new Torus Power Dealer,, Hi Brian, Please add HiFi House to the contact page of USA Torus Power dealer: Here is their contact information: HIFI HOUSE 1001 Sussex Blvd Broomall, PA 19008 509 York Road Jenkintown, PA 19046 2304 Concord Pike Wilmington, DE 19803 T: 1-800-990-4434 Thank you, Matt , , , , , ,, Jan-30-2014, Done on 1/31/14, Matthew Roher, ,, New Distributor in Czech Republic,, Hi Brian, Please add the following contact information for our new distributor in Czech Republic: High-End Audio Studio s.r.o. Belgicka 4, 120 00 Prague 2 Tel: +420 224 256 844 e-mail: Also, I think there may have been a formatting error with Poland. Could you kindly change the font so that it appears like the other countries? Thank you for your help. Sincerely, Matt, , , , , ,, Jan-20-2014, Completed 1/20/2014 , Matthew Roher, ,, New Italian Distributor,, Please add the following Italian Distributor to the Torus Power Website: LP Audio – Luca Parlato Via della Tesa 20 34138 Trieste Tel. 040 569824 Fax 040 2602320 Cell. 335 6434188 Thank you kindly, Matt , , , , , ,, Jan-20-2014, Completed 1/20/2014 , Matthew Roher, ,, Menu Item Missing from Page,, Hi Brian, Not sure if this was deliberate, but when I hover the mouse over the "Contacts" heading at the top of the Torus Power home page, the link option for Dealers and Integrators USA is no longer there. Can you kindly include in the drop-down menu. Thanks, Matt, , , , , ,, Jan-16-2014, Completed on 1/16/2015, Matthew Roher, ,, AV Pro Alliance,, Hi Brian, Could you kindly change the name of "AV Professional Alliance" to "AV Pro Alliance"? Thank you for your help and the promptness of these posts! Our partners appreciate it too. Most Sincerely, Matt, , , , , ,, Jan-15-2014, Completed on 1/15/2014, Matthew Roher, ,, Please add AV Pro Alliance as a New USA Distributor,, Hi Brian, Please add AV Professional Alliance as a new Distributor for USA. Here is their contact information: AV Professional Alliance Location: USA National, based in South Dakota Sales & Support: Toll Free: 1-877-886-5112 International: 605-274-6055 Email: Web: Other inquiries: Matt Murray: 605-271-2157 Thank you kindly, Matt, , , , , ,, Jan-15-2014, Completed on 1/15/2014, Matthew Roher, ,, Please remove Specialty Marketing from our list of Distributors,, Hi Brian, Please remove Specialty Marketing from this Torus Power webpage: Thank you, Matt p.s. I like the added field for webpage, very smart., , , , , ,, Jan-13-2014, Completed on 1/13/2014, Howard, ,, TOT, Home , Change the copy on home for TOT to: TOT MINI and TOT MAX and are ultra compact toroidal isolation power conditioners, and the most affordable products in the Torus line-up. The compact footprint and sloped face of TOT models make them convenient for use in almost any situation. They look sharp on a component shelf, or can be located elsewhere when space is at a premium. TOT Mini is rated for 7 Amps (3Amps international), and the TOT Max is rated 15 Amps (7.5 Amps international). , , , , , ,, Jan-07-2014, Completed on 1/13/2014, Ross Whitney, ,, Jan. 7 correction from RW, , MOST of the RM 2.5 evidence has been removed from this page. The LINE CORDS section at the bottom of the page still mentions the 2.5A model. , , , , , ,, Dec-13-2013, Completed on 1/01/2014 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Matthew Roher, ,, Please add new Installation pictures for Dealer, , Hi Brian, I'm pleased to say that we have a dealer who has used Torus Power in his demo room and would like it to be posted on our website! I will send you all the photos/logo via hotmail, but wanted to let you know now. More to come. Sincerely, Matt, , , , , ,, Dec-10-2013, done, Matthew Roher, ,, Please add Torus Power International Distributor to Site, , Hi Brian, Please add the following International Distributor to the Torus Power webiste: Contact information: HBL Audio Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam 84-903671194 Thank you kindly, Matt, , , , , ,
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Submitted | Webmaster | your-name | g-recaptcha-response | your-email | your-subject | Page | your-message | Attachment2 | Attachment3 | Attachment1 | submit | Submitted Login | Submitted From |
Nov-24-2020 | Ross | | Can't add new dealers on website | | Hi Brian, I was asked to add a new dealer to our dealer locator today. I logged in and it looks like the button to add a dealer is no longer there. Can you please send me an email or give me a call and let me know how to get in? 647-466-5150 Thanks, Ross | | |||||||
Oct-23-2020 | Ross | | Change of address - distributor in Greece | | Hi Brian, New info for our partner in Greece: Audio Soul Ultra Tel. +30 2103839399 Limnou 8 street 17237, Dafni Athens Greece Email: Facebook: Metro Station: Agios Ioannis Thanks, Ross | | |||||||
Sep-29-2020 | Ross | | Missing link | | Hi Brian, I have been asked to add this new dealer to our dealer locator (page link above). Theater One 15209 107th Avenue Ct E Puyallup, WA 98374 Jeff George (253) 232-8787 I logged in to the wp-admin area of the website but the left nav bar no longer shows a link for adding new dealers. Please let me know how I can do this - as soon as possible. Thanks, Ross | | |||||||
May-29-2020 | Ross | 03AGdBq257niV7DXpudD2UE6rGlJ-AXw0gQipB-ifLytrvUtndZWfGgDe1SVrEv5wIaPsggsS2iLSGIvDQxYLPclCFZb4TA39GkB5cyMycV0jaInRBHIAsRPS4Au6xFiZnWEPQ3AnghfqLf7QIjWjOP1aEKxgag6pAkDEY8m_GjUnrzBN3aZO4VBB9QkHcs5gPFMyvp2D_jn0PmZ0eO9Be8BYBNoPxurqUBm8Vh3WWpHJryFj3LZARwb32VFwUWLAJuK9413n7VPF_Rre8lvLo99FNT-_00dcF_D3CIAgeIuJuLNyvV2hoJ0wgf-XT021aeSekNXc1UWcdO94IRN0UGnXirsjf1L2_83uC9EsTwfNrUJXH0nht6A1bHJxCmoDJgTULTqaX_mAC | | New distributor - Ukraine | | Hi Brian, Please add: Zapadynska 5 Kyiv 04114 Ukraine Ph: +380 (66) 473 8468 or +380 (67) 112 5028 Thanks and keep well, Ross | | ||||||
May-15-2020 | Ross | 03AGdBq27Y0M-Iv_tCf6_l5U71CkIYdxZO1-DlJ2MVFDpznBZ44zldJyuA3jasU3YcDgXcZgcoPfY5NtdfpOnZmOj_f_tYQ9wHqeAziD3D6-RNNpAqbqIBWgD-SItMOevqA6UStXXreeeARq7y78iYF78uQcPbT3tyqrx6oKMCzRGIq7fK6nVY0PpVv0GQuFcvtcIXVHKTIeuNqYynRPLsVp6Fegb3rJ612eMl-1466DR7VuwxnX1YiWCWZPrGHeW6594ndu74vOsBCrAEaw_pZdNrfiKKSH5w3wME3DkYSxnqtLKvH_0IwFxCeKulxkac1hiSpxaBR3mPPH1kuhkptuLmJV79NWdj0s1pk217_WaSddwwJggXKHz9a_o5kmaV5dAvtaVNosC1 | | AVR Elite page visible prematurely | | Hi Brian, This page does not appear to be ready for public viewing. If you use the search tool on for keyword 'Elite' it comes up at the top of the list of results. Can you please hide this page until is it completed? Thank you, Ross | | ||||||
Dec-19-2019 | Ross | | Distributor in Asia to be removed | | Hi Brian, Please remove Clef Audio in Bangkok, Thailand from our international distributors page. Thank you, Ross | | |||||||
Dec-11-2019 | Ross | sales@toruspower.ciom | Contact Torus Power form - spam prevention | | Hi Brian, We had a team meeting today and we discussed the spam that comes into our address through the contact form on this web page. I know there is a very simple arithmetic question that has to be answered before the message can be submitted. Can we make it a little harder for the bad guys by implementing CAPTCHA or something similar? Thanks, Ross | | |||||||
Nov-01-2019 | Ross | | Price lists available to anyone!! | see below | Hi Brian, Please take these two pages down ASAP: Not only are these pages accessible to anyone, they are found in a Google search for 'Torus price list'. Please reply when this has been received and when it has been completed. Thanks, Ross | | |||||||
Oct-22-2019 | Ross | | New video for website | | Hi Brian, Kevin has asked for this video to be uploaded to the Videos area of our website - *not* to the front page, just to the Videos area. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you, Ross | | |||||||
Sep-26-2019 | Ross | | Caption needed for photo on website | | Hi Brian, Please see the attached picture. Can you please add a caption below the picture of the AVR2 30 CE (on both view 1 and view 2) so it is entirely clear that the unit with three power switches is the model AVR2 30 CE? Thanks, Ross | | |||||||
Aug-16-2019 | Ross | | New distributor for Portugal | | Hi Brian, Please update our Portugal distributor info to read: Ultimate Audio Rua da Casquilha N2A 1500-154 Lisboa Portugal E-mail: Thank you, Ross | | |||||||
Aug-13-2019 | Ross | | Position filled - please remove help wanted ad | | Hi Brian, Like the subject says - please remove or hide this page ASAP. Thank you, Ross | | |||||||
Jul-15-2019 | Ross | | Change of distributor - Slovakia | | Hi Brian, Please remove Niomcom and add DreamAudio in their place. Details: DreamAudio Jaskovy Rad 213 Bratislava, 83101 Slovakia Tel: 00421 905 199 568 website: email: Contact: Ondrej Artim Thanks, Ross | | |||||||
Jul-15-2019 | Ross | | New TPI team member - Gary Collins | | Photo attached - here is the bio: Gary graduated from Ryerson University with an electrical engineering diploma and began his career working in the commercial security industry. Gary spent 20 years with Chubb Security starting as a bench technician and advancing to Technical Support Manager. While working for Chubb, Gary also attained diplomas in Telecommunications and Network Concepts and Information Systems from Humber College in Toronto. For the past five years, Gary has been providing inside sales and technical support for commercial emergency communication systems. In his business roles Gary has traveled throughout North America, Europe, United Kingdom, Asia, Australia, and New Zealand providing onsite system training, commissioning, and troubleshooting services. Gary specializes in providing technical guidance and support for commercial security and communications systems and brings a strong technology background to Torus Power. | | |||||||
Jul-04-2019 | Ross | | Discontinued RM models - North America | | Hi Brian, Hope you're well. Writing today to let you know that the RM 5 and RM 10 have basically been discontinued and we would like these models to be removed from the website. Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks, Ross | | |||||||
Jun-10-2019 | Ross | | Corrections for RM page | | Hi Brian, Please replace: "Torus Powers power isolation units (PIUS) combine search suppression with massive toroidal transformers to provide AC power conditioning and protection from voltage surges." with: "Torus Power's power isolation units (PIUs) combine surge suppression with massive toroidal transformers to provide AC power conditioning and protection from voltage surges." Three changes - add an apostrophe to "Powers", change "PIUS" to "PIUs" and replace "search" with "surge". Thanks, Ross | | |||||||
May-31-2019 | Ross | | New distributor for the website | | Hi Brian, Here are the details on our new distributor: SOUTH KOREA SOHGOM 323, Jangsu2-ro Socho-myeon, Wonju 26308, South Korea Tel: 010-5308-8754 Thanks, Ross | | |||||||
May-21-2019 | Ross | | Corrections for web page | | Hi Brian, A customer pointed this out (embarrassing). The RM 20 uses a single 2400 VA toroidal transformer to supply 120V at 20A to the 10 AC outlets on its rear panel. It has a 20 a circuit breaker for its on off switch and uses a 14 AWG detachable AC cord rated at 15 amp/125V. This should read: The RM 20 uses a single 2400VA toroidal transformer to supply 120V at 20A to the 10 AC outlets on its rear panel. It has a 20A on/off switch and uses a 12 AWG detachable AC cord rated at 20A/125V. Thanks, Ross | | |||||||
May-15-2019 | Ross | | Expanded territory for distributor | | Hi Brian, Our distributor for Greece also covers Cyprus. Please change the "Greece" heading to "Greece & Cyprus" so customers in both countries will be able to find our distributor. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks Brian, Ross | | |||||||
May-02-2019 | Ross | | New prices for web stores - USD and CAD | | Hi Brian, Please see the attached Word doc. We have many price changes that came into effect yesterday. Thanks, Ross | | |||||||
Apr-30-2019 | Ross Whitney | | Remove 5kVA AIO panels | | Hi Brian, We are no longer including the 5kVA AIO panels on our North American price lists. Please remove the ALL IN ONE 5KVA tab and both the AIO-5K-240 and the AIO-5K-208 from our website. Thanks, Ross | | |||||||
Apr-29-2019 | Ross Whitney | | Corrections for EU distributors | | Hi Brian, Please make these changes: Slovenia: Pear Audio Europe d.o.o. Cankarjevo Nabr. 15 1000 Ljubljana Slovenija Contact : Peter Mezek Tel.: 00386-41-711440 e mail: Slovakia: Niomcom s.r.o. Odborárska 5 831 02 Bratislava 3 Slovakia Tel.: +421 918 620 160 e-mail: web: Thank you, Ross | | |||||||
Apr-26-2019 | Ross Whitney | | Distributor name change | | Hi Brian, Our distributor in Taiwan is listed with two company names: M&K Sound Taiwan Keep Running Audio Co. They have asked us to remove the "M&K Sound Taiwan" from the listing and to only show "Keep Running Audio Co." Can you take care of this for us please? Thanks Brian, Ross | | |||||||
Apr-18-2019 | Ross Whitney | | Products to be removed from site | | Hi Brian, I just noticed that the 35kVA floor mount transformers are still on our website. Plitron is no longer building these models. Can you please remove them from our site? The 25kVA floor mount transformers are still available. Thank you, Ross | | |||||||
Apr-16-2019 | Ross Whitney | | New Q&A for the FAQ page | | Hi Brian, Here is a new entry for our FAQ page. This one is asked quite frequently so please give it a prominent spot on the page. Thanks, Ross | | |||||||
Apr-10-2019 | Ross | | New distributor | | Hi Brian, Please add our new distributor for Germany and Austria to the EUROPE AND UNITED KINGDOM area of our website. Here are the details: IBEX AUDIO GmbH Alfredshöhe 29 89522 Heidenheim, Germany T +49 7321 25490 M +49 176 1011 3585 Thank you, Ross | | |||||||
Jul-25-2018 | Ross Whitney | | Problems with dealer locator | | Hi Brian, The dealer locator tool is not working perfectly. It throws an error or gets stuck Searching when you plug in a valid city, state and zip. Please try to get this fixed. Thank you, Ross | | |||||||
Jul-11-2018 | Ross | | Newsletters to be added | | Hi Brian, I hope all is well. We have three newsletters to be added to the Torus Power site: Nov. 11, 2017: May 10, 2018: June 28, 2018: I tested the links and they work fine on my iPhone which is not logged into CyberImpact - should work for you too. Thanks, Ross | | |||||||
Apr-10-2018 | done | Ross | | New info for French distributor | | Hi Brian, New address and numbers for our distributor in France - email and web will not change. JFF Diffusion 288 B allée des frênes 69300 Caluire Thanks, Ross | | ||||||
Apr-06-2018 | done | Ross | | New contact info for AV EMEA | | Please update the AV EMEA info as follows: Distributor Inquiries Europe, Asia, Middle East, Africa, Australia, Oceania AV EMEA Martin Harding Michael Kwetters Peter Schoon +31 416 820280 | | ||||||
Mar-29-2018 | done | Ross | | Japan models - remove from site | | Hi Brian, Kevin and I discussed this today. We would like you to remove Japan from the Products drop-down list and remove the page linked above along with these two pages: Please let me know if you have any questions - and thanks! Sincerely, Ross | | ||||||
Mar-26-2018 | done | Ross | | Updates/corrections to TOT page | | Hi Brian, There are three pages of images on this web page. Page 2 shows a white TOT Mini in a wall pan and a white TOT Max. The TOT Max caption says "Medical grade outlets & USB charger". Issues: 1. The TOT series does not use medical-grade outlets. 2. We no longer offer any TOT models in white and we no longer offer the wall pan. Please remove these images as soon as you can and please remove any images of white TOTs or mentions of wall pans from all TOT pages, domestic and international. Thanks Brian, Ross | | ||||||
Mar-23-2018 | done | Ross | | Discontinued models | | Hi Brian, We are discontinuing the RM 15 Plus, AVR 15 Plus and AVR2 15 Plus models. Please remove all of these models from the US and Canada web stores as soon as possible. Let me know if you have any questions - thanks! Ross | | ||||||
Mar-13-2018 | done | Ross | | Address change for China distributor | | Hi Brian, "Kindly also note that Laco's address has been moved from Shop A019 to Shop A029 and the rest of the address is the same. Please update your record accordingly." Please make this small change to the distributor's information - thanks. Ross | | ||||||
Mar-08-2018 | done | Ross | | New email address for Martin H | | Hi Brian, Can you please update Martin Harding's email address? The new one is: - thanks! | | ||||||
Feb-23-2018 | done | Ross Whitney | | Tabs broken | | Hi Brian, A customer pointed this out to me (never a good thing). On the page linked above, the tabs for 'AVR and AVR PLUS' and 'AVR BALANCED INPUT' do nothing. I tried Chrome and Internet Explorer on my Windows 7 machine here and the customer was using Safari on an iPad. Please investigate - thanks! Ross | | ||||||
Feb-01-2018 | done | Ross | | Manual to be replaced | | Hi Brian, There is an error in the TOT AVR manual. Corrected version is attached. Please replace the existing manual with the attached manual. Thank you, Ross | | ||||||
Feb-01-2018 | seems to be ok now no action taken | Ross | | Odd message | | Hi Brian, I just sent a site update request through this portal. Oddly, the acknowledgement message reads "Thank you for requesting a quote for shipping. We will respond quickly!" Just thought you should know. Ross | | ||||||
Feb-01-2018 | done | Ross | | Inactive distributor in India | | Hi Brian, Please rempve Audio Excellence who are listed as our distributor for India. There has been no activity there for years and we wish to remove them from our site. Thank you, Ross | | ||||||
Jan-29-2018 | done | Ross | | Web store - updates to shipping rates | | Hi Brian, We have been looking at our shipping costs for the models on the web store and we need to change the shipping costs on these models: RM 15 Plus, AVR 15 Plus, AVR2 15 Plus, RM 20, AVR 20, AVR2 20 - change to $150.00 for both US and Canadian sales. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Ross | | ||||||
Nov-23-2017 | done | Ross | | New newsletter provider | | Hi Brian, We are leaving Constant Contact and we will be using Cyberimpact for our newsletter effective immediately. Can you please make the required changes to the Join Our Newsletter button on our website? This is the link you will need: The user name for the account is toruspower and the password is cybac1dc0de Thanks, Ross | | ||||||
Nov-21-2017 | done | Ross | | New distributor - Taiwan | | Hi Brian, New distributor for us: M&K Sound Taiwan Keep Running Audio Co. 2F, No.22, Sec. 6, Xinyi Rd., Xinyi Dist. Taipei City 110, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 11086 T: +886-2-2726-1286 F: +886-2-2726-8094 Thanks, Ross | | ||||||
Oct-30-2017 | done | Ross | | Important - privacy breaches | | Hi Brian, On the site, whether logged in or not, when you click the magnifying glass and search for the word 'warranty', this is one of the pages that comes up: This page is problematic too: Serious breaches of customer privacy. Please address this ASAP. While we are here, this page comes up in the search too: I don't think this page is intended to be visible to the public. Can you hide these three pages from public view please? Thank you, Ross | | ||||||
Oct-30-2017 | done | Ross | | Phone number on Terms of Sale page | | Hi Brian, Please change this: "Before returning this product, please call Torus Power customer service at 1-800-Torus Power..." to this: "Before returning this product, please call Torus Power customer service at 1-877-337-9480 (outside of USA or Canada, +1-416-477-4799)..." Thanks, Ross | | ||||||
Oct-17-2017 | done | Rosss | | New distributor to add | | Hi Brian, Here are the details on a new distributor to be added to the CARIBBEAN – CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA section: Innovaciones Acusticas Av. Pampite s/n y Chimborazo C.C. Centro Plaza of.108-Cumbaya Quito, Ecuador +593 2 6016644 +593 99 871 2344 Thanks, Ross | | ||||||
Oct-13-2017 | done | Rosss | | Two lines to be removed | | Hi Brian, Under both the TOT MINI and TOT MAX tabs we read: "All Stand-Alone TOT models available in Anodized Aluminium chassis." Can you please remove this line from *both* tabs? Thanks Brian, Ross | | ||||||
Aug-11-2017 | done | Rosss | | Change of distributor in the Netherlands | | Hi Brian, Like the subject line says - please remove Viertron BV and replace with: Monitor Audio Nederland B.V. Singel 17F 1261 XP Blaricum The Netherlands +31 (0)35 – 6295491 Thank you, Ross | | ||||||
Jul-10-2017 | done | Rosss | | TOT page on web store - revisions | | Hi Brian, Under the TOT SERIES tab, we would like to request some changes. We will not be offering white TOT units or wall pans so these can be removed. The 19" FP Black does not fit the TOT AVR so please remove 'AVR' from its model list. Item ID 'SMSS' is not available by itself. Please add three new TOT models: TOT Mini SMSS $1149 TOT Max SMSS $1549 TOT AVR SMSS $2549 Thanks, Ross | | ||||||
Jun-20-2017 | done | Rosss | | Another typo | | Hi Brian, Please find and replace "troublingshooting" with "troubleshooting". Thanks, Ross | | ||||||
Jun-20-2017 | done | Rosss | | Typo | | Hi Brian, I hope you are continuing to mend. Please search this page for "Cabapility" and correct the spelling. Thanks, Ross | | ||||||
May-31-2017 | done | Rosss | | New contact info for Greek distributor | | Hi Brian, I hope you are on the mend 🙂 We have new contact info for our distributor in Greece. Please update the page - thanks! Ross GREECE Audio Soul ULTRA Dousmani 5 Glyfada (Athens) - 16675 P: +30 2103839399 M: +30 6945468789 | | ||||||
Apr-21-2017 | done | Rosss | | New distributor for Ecuador | | Hi Brian, Please use the information in the attached file and on this page: and add this new distributor to our website. Please use as the email address. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Ross | | ||||||
Apr-18-2017 | done | Rosss | | New newsletter for the site | | Hi Brian, Here is our latest newsletter which will be going out to our subscribers this week. Can you please put it up on the site? Thanks, Ross | | ||||||
Mar-16-2017 | done | Rosss | | New EU distributor | | Hi Brian, Please add our new distributor for Hungary to the website. Details: A.I.D.A. Audió Kft. Gyár u. 2, (Szent-Györgyi Albert u. 119.) H-2040 Budaörs, Hungary Telefon: (06-1) 248-2030 Fax: (06-23) 880-969 E-mail: Web: Thank you, Ross | RossWhitney | | |||||
Mar-06-2017 | done | Rosss | | Changes in Norway - distributor update | | Hi Brian, This just in - we have a new distributor to replace the current one in Norway. Details for the website: STEREOFIL AS Grensen 9 0159 Oslo Norway T. +47 22 41 13 20 Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Ross | RossWhitney | | |||||
Feb-13-2017 | done | Rosss | | New contact info for distributor | | Hi Brian, Our distributor in Slovenia has a new address and a new phone number. Niomcom s.r.o. Odborárska 5 831 02 Bratislava 3 Slovakia + 421 905 218 394 Cheers, Ross | RossWhitney | | |||||
Jan-25-2017 | done | Rosss | | Current rating for TOT Max CE | | Hi Brian, On this page we read: "The TOT MAX, rated at 4 Amps, can provide current to demanding power hungry systems including substantial power amplifiers." This paragraph should say the unit is rated 8 amps, not 4. Thanks, Ross | | ||||||
Jan-19-2017 | done | Rosss | | European distributors listing | | Hi Brian, We have severed our relationship with our Italian distributor and I have removed him from this page on our website. In doing so I created a gaping hole in the page. Could you please reformat the page for us? Thank you! | | ||||||
Jan-11-2017 | done | Rosss | | Error on a Japan page | | "with models from 15 Amp to 30 Amp. A popular model in the RM series is the RM 15 JP. A larger custom installation model <b>RM 30 JP</b>..." The table says the available models are the RM 15 JP and RM 20 JP. I am inclined to believe the table and believe the above text should be corrected. Thanks Brian! | RossWhitney | | |||||
Jan-09-2017 | done | Rosss | | 3 of 3 | | Last batch - cheers! | RossWhitney | | |||||
Jan-09-2017 | done | Rosss | | 2 of 3 | | More manuals - thanks! | RossWhitney | | |||||
Jan-09-2017 | done | Rosss | | Revised manuals | | Hi Brian, We have updated the terms of the Torus Power warranty and as a result we have created a new set of 'one size fits all' manuals. There are nine in total - here are the first three. Thanks, Ross | RossWhitney | | |||||
Jan-05-2017 | done | Rosss | | Wrong email address | | Hi Brian and Happy New Year! I just noticed that appears in Kevin's column as well as mine on this page. Could you please change the group email address for Kevin to The sales address reaches both of us but I believe the tech address just reaches me.Thanks! | | ||||||
Nov-03-2016 | done | Rosss | | Updated manuals - 3 of 3 | | 3 of 3 | RossWhitney | | |||||
Nov-03-2016 | done | Rosss | | Updated manuals - 2 of 3 | | 2 of 3 | RossWhitney | | |||||
Nov-03-2016 | done | Rosss | | Updated manuals - 1 of 3 | | 1 of 3 | RossWhitney | | |||||
Nov-03-2016 | done | Rosss | | Manuals | | Hi Brian, The three manuals I just uploaded are not ready for prime time. Please hold off and I will send the good stuff as soon as it becomes available. Thank you, Ross | RossWhitney | | |||||
Nov-03-2016 | done | Ross | | Updated owners manuals - part 1 | | Hi Brian, Please replace the manuals on our website with these updated ones. Thanks, Ross | RossWhitney | | |||||
Jul-13-2016 | done | Rosss | | Dealer locator issue - new | | Hi Brian, Hope you're doing well. I just added a new dealer to the website and an issue appeared that I have never seen before. You can see it on the attached image - there is no spacing between city, state and zip. I even added spaces after the city and state but it made no difference. It looks like all of our dealers may be affected. Thanks, Ross | RossWhitney | | |||||
Jul-08-2016 | test | Brian Gladstone | | Website | | This is a test | | | |||||
Jul-08-2016 | done | Rosss | | Floor mount page | | Hi Brian, Happy Friday! Please check out the attached image from the referenced page. The correct information is that the TVSS module is included with all of our floor mount models. It is standard equipment - not an option. Thanks, Ross | | ||||||
Jun-28-2016 | done | Kevin | | New Distributor for Australia | contact: International Distributors | Hi Brian, Can you please add our new distributor to the international section of the website? I will also fill out the web form for this request. Here is the contact info… Network Audio Visual 6b/3-9 Kenneth Rd. Manley Vale, 2093, NSW Australia Claver Harper Director E: W: M: 0417-404-706 P: 02 9949-9349 Thanks, Kevin | | ||||||
Jun-28-2016 | asRotHccfhvl | | 1o6eagau | 1o6eagau | <a href=>medrol</a> | Send | | ||||||
Jun-15-2016 | done | Kevin Main | | add savant link | | Hi Brian, Please see e-mail below from Savant. Can you get this link in place for us? Thanks, Kevin From: John Ball [] Sent: June-15-16 4:45 PM To: Ross Whitney <> Subject: Thanks for the Mention Hi , My name is John Ball and I'm the Digital Marketing Specialist at Savant. I just came across and enjoyed a story you wrote: I was wondering if you'd be willing to turn our name that's already in the article into a clickable link that leads to our website: It will not only help your websites user experience, but will also greatly improve our online visibility. Thank you again for mentioning us! Have a wonderful day. John Ball Digital Marketing Specialist Savant | | | |||||
Jun-14-2016 | done | Rosss | | New Message From Torus Power - Get In Touch | n/a | Hi Brian, Please see the attached image. It seems that when customers "Get In Touch" with us using the form on our website, their From addresses do not appear, which means we do not always have a way to contact them. Can you please investigate? Thank you, Ross | | ||||||
May-26-2016 | done | Kevin | | Contact Info | Contact Us | Hi Brian, On the contact us page you have me listed as President and CEO. Can you please just change this to Ptresident. Howard is actually the CEO and I am the COO, but I would prefer seem approachable on the website. Also, the formatting for the phone numbers on this page is different for each of the numbers...different spacing. Can you please clean this up so it is consistent? Thanks, Kevin | | ||||||
May-12-2016 | done | Rosss | | Newsletter sign-up link for home page | | Hi Brian, We are using Zoho as our CRM platform now and we will be using the Zoho Campaigns feature to distribute our newsletter. Here is the short URL that will feed new contact names and email addresses to our contact list: Can you please give this sign-up form a prominent spot on our home page? Alternatively, you can embed this button code: <!--Zoho Embed Button Starts--> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script> <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script> <a id="embedLink" style="text-decoration: none;" href="" target="_blank"><input name="EMBED_BUTTON" id="EMBED_BUTTON" style="padding: 10px; outline: 0px; border-radius: 5px; border: 1px solid rgb(241, 241, 241); border-image: none; width: auto; text-align: center; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); font-family: Arial; font-size: 14px; cursor: pointer; background-color: rgb(167, 167, 167);" onclick="zc_loadForm('','')" type="button" value="Join Our Newsletter" purpose="nrmlBtn" changetype="EMBED_BUTTON" btntype="nrmlBtn" formopenin="New Window"></a> <input type='hidden' id='zc_Url' value=''/> <input type='hidden' id='zc_formIx' name='zc_formIx' value='f86eaa3ad5d1e9a31438a8b019c635e5c98e811ca5f0889b' > <input type='hidden' id='cmpZuid' name='zx' value='117a38d68' > <input type='hidden' id='viewFrom' name='viewFrom' value='BUTTON_ACTION' /> <input type='hidden' id='button_tc_codeVal' name='button_tc_codeVal' value='ZCFORMVIEW' /> <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script> <script> var trackingText='ZCFORMVIEW'; var $ZC = jQuery.noConflict(); $ZC('[id=embedLink]').append("<input type='hidden' id='tc_code"+$ZC('[id=embedLink]').size()+"' value="+trackingText+">"); var elemSize = parseInt($ZC('[id=embedLink]').size())-1; var embedLink = $ZC($ZC('[id=embedLink]')[elemSize]).attr('href'); var dynamicCodeVal = $ZC("#tc_code"+$ZC('[id=embedLink]').size()).val(); embedLink = embedLink+'&trackingcode='+dynamicCodeVal; $ZC($ZC('[id=embedLink]')[elemSize]).attr('href',embedLink); $ZC('[id=button_tc_codeVal]').val(dynamicCodeVal); trackSignupEvent(dynamicCodeVal,'buttonView'); </script> <!-- Zoho Embed Button End --> Thanks Brian! | | ||||||
May-11-2016 | done | Rosss | | Link and logo to add to | | Hi Brian, Kevin has approved adding this logo and link to our site. Link: "It can go on our main page under industry affiliations." Thank you, Ross | | ||||||
May-03-2016 | done | Rosss | | New distributor for Russia | | Hi Brian, Please add the following - thanks! Ross EnTrade Leningradsky Prospekt 47, Office 328, 125167, Moscow, Russia Tel: +7 (495) 981-1407 Fax: +7 (495) 981-1408 | RossWhitney | | |||||
Apr-28-2016 | done | Kevin Main | | add to site | News | | | | |||||
Apr-21-2016 | done | Rosss | | Warranty registration page issue | | Hi Brian, From a customer: "what is the magic format for date to use in the online registration tool. web page should indicate day format desired." I experience the same issue - "Date format seems invalid" error no matter how I format the date. Please make fix - thanks! Ross | RossWhitney | | |||||
Apr-14-2016 | done apr 15 | Katye | | Add Blog to Blog page (Fulkra) | Blog | Hi Brian, I'm out of the office and am having some issues connecting to the web form upload site (the problem is on my side). I've sent this to you also via Email and apologize for the redundancy. Would you mind adding the attached document to the Blog portion of the Torus Power website using the image that's embedded or available via the link (Download Images). Once you've got the images set you won't need and can therefore remove the Download Images link and copy. The pull quote has been formatted as a block quote - hopefully this translates easily to Wordpress formatting. Once done, can you send me the link for our use in promoting the story? | | ||||||
Mar-31-2016 | done | Katye - KMB | | Consider removing the article | News | Hi Brian, Just spotted something I think you and Kevin should discuss to determine whether this post should still be up on the Torus Power site. Link: With so many references to Plitron and Torus Power by Plitron, I'm thinking it should maybe be retired. Review together....thanks! | | ||||||
Mar-31-2016 | done | Katye | | Update Pro Audio LA blog | Blog | HI Brian, I have been asked to make two small changes to the Pro Audio LA blog (link: They are minor and noted below: In the paragraph titled, New Space, Clean Power, the second paragraph should read as follows: In the AWS mix room, the Pro Audio LA team employed a similar power plan as they used in the old facility, putting the SSL console on its own circuit and using two additional voltage rails for the other equipment. “We had quite an audible performance improvement running the Focal speakers off the Torus Power unit,” says Stansill. “I can show people, firsthand, the performance improvement while simultaneously explaining the added benefits of power protection and isolation.” | | ||||||
Mar-19-2016 | done | Kevin | | Small changes to headers | News Videos & More | Hi Brian, Just a couple of very small changes. Under News, Videos & More... please change the title of In the News to News. please change the title of product reviews to Reviews please change the title of Torus Power Videos to Videos and position after Trade Shows. Thanks, Kevin | | ||||||
Mar-19-2016 | done | Kevin | | New Company phone number | Contact Us | Hi Brian, Please change our main company phone number to: (416) 477 4799 Toll Free: 1-(877) 337-9480 for Kevin Main: (416) 477-4799 ext 102 please remove my cell number as this new number will now ring through to my cell. for Ross Whitney: (416) 477-4799 ext. 100 Thanks, Kevin | | ||||||
Mar-18-2016 | done | Rosss | | Dealer locator tool | | Hi Brian, Either I am extremely thick this morning or I have lost the ability to add North American dealers to the Torus Power site. Could you please have a look and let me know? Thank you, Ross | RossWhitney | | |||||
Mar-14-2016 | done | Rosss | | Manuals to add | | Hi Brian, Happy Monday 🙂 Two manuals to add to this page if you please. Thank you, Ross | | ||||||
Mar-07-2016 | done | John Bennett | | Torus Vimeo Videos | Torus Power Videos | From: John Bennett <> Date: Fri, Mar 4, 2016 at 10:17 AM Subject: Re: WW and Torus mentioned in review To: "" <> Cc: Kevin Main <>, Katye McGregor Bennett <> Hi Brian, Here are the four links to the Torus Power Hour videos on Vimeo, ready to go. Also, please use the titles and descriptions as best you can from the Doc attached as they are SEO optimized. Dennis Erskine - Arthur Kelm - Henry Pajooman - Anthony Grimani - Let us know if you need any help! | | | |||||
Mar-07-2016 | done mar 7 | John Bennett | | Torus Power Videos | From: John Bennett <> Date: Fri, Mar 4, 2016 at 10:17 AM Subject: Re: WW and Torus mentioned in review To: "" <> Cc: Kevin Main <>, Katye McGregor Bennett <> Hi Brian, Here are the four links to the Torus Power Hour videos on Vimeo, ready to go. Also, please use the titles and descriptions as best you can from the Doc attached as they are SEO optimized. Dennis Erskine - Arthur Kelm - Henry Pajooman - Anthony Grimani - Let us know if you need any help! | | | ||||||
Mar-01-2016 | done mar 7 was waiting for vimeo videos form john bennett | Kevin Main | | Web Updates | various | Hi Brian, Please get these reviews on our website. I remember you saying that PDFs are tougher to work with, but it shouldn’t be difficult from what I am being told by other webmasters. Also, can you replace the Dean Peer video on the home page with one of the new Montana videos and move the Dean Peer video back to the regular video section? Thanks, Kevin | | | |||||
Mar-01-2016 | done Mar 1 | Rosss | | Meet the team page | | On the meet the team page, Howard should be Chairman and CEO. My title should be “Technical Sales Specialist and Customer Support Manager”. Lastly, Kevin asks if you could please lower the Howard and Kevin photos so all three are lined up. Hope this is clear - please ping me if not. Thanks! | | ||||||
Feb-26-2016 | done Feb 28 | Howard | | Add CE Pro Article | | Please change the email addresses on the website from to (except for Henry … remove his altogether). We will have a new phone # is about a week. Kevin is back on Friday, and in office all next week. HG > On Feb 23, 2016, at 4:31 PM, wrote: > > > > > > Howard Gladstone > Sent from my iPhone | | | |||||
Feb-23-2016 | done feb 26 | Katye - KMB | | Add PRs to website | In the news | Hi Brian, Can you add the attached releases to the website please, dated according to their release date? The ISE ones, while now in the past, provide good information and should be noted on the site to show continuity. The Torus Power Inc. release should be on top. Thanks! | | ||||||
Feb-17-2016 | done Feb 25 | Rosss | | New distributor info for Thailand | | Hi Dr. B 🙂 Please add: Clef Audio Co., Ltd. 33/83 Soi Narkniwas 22 Narkniwas Rd., Lardprao Bangkok 10230 Thailand +662-9325981-2 Thank you! Ross | RossWhitney | | |||||
Jan-27-2016 | done | Rosss | | Edits for Greek distributor | | Hi Brian, Message from our new distributor for Greece: "I saw our data are already published in Plitron's website as distributors. But the email is wrong. Could you please add this email address: Also please add another phone number: 6945 468789" So...please add the email address the customer provided and please *change* the phone number to +30 6945468789. Thanks Brian! Ross | RossWhitney | | |||||
Jan-25-2016 | done | Kevin | | Add new distributor | Contact - International Distributor | Hi Brian, Please add the following distributor for Greece & Cyprus: Ultra Audio Group Pitheou 27 & Ipparchou Athens 11743 Greece +30 2103839399! | | ||||||
Jan-15-2016 | done | Rosss | | Another manual | | Hi Brian, Please and thank you. Cheers, Ross | | ||||||
Jan-15-2016 | done | Rosss | | New manual to be uploaded | | Hi Brian, This one was missing - please add when you can. Thank you, Ross | | ||||||
Jan-14-2016 | Done | Rosss | | Edit for a FAQ | | Hi Brian, Could you kindly replace the "Is it recommended to leave the Torus Power unit on at all times..." question and answer with the revised version in the attached Word doc. Editorial board approval has been granted. Thank you, Ross | | ||||||
Jan-06-2016 | Done but it does not look like a complete address | Ross | | Add distributor please | | Hi Brian, Happy New Year! Please add our distributor for France to this page. The are JFF-Diffusion and all of their details are here: Thanks! | | ||||||
Dec-15-2015 | done Dec 15 | Kevin | | Distributor Information - Correction | Contact - International Distributors | Brian, Can you please correct the information listed for our new distributor in Spain? See correct info below... This distributor will also be handling our business in Portugal...can you please add Portugal to the distributors area? Thanks, kevin Our company website is Also the Phone number is not correct the correct ones is+34902500578 or 902500578 or +34 902 500 578 it depends on the space you have available to introduce in the web database. | | ||||||
Dec-14-2015 | done Dec 14 | Kevin | | New Distributor for Spain | Contact - International Distributors | Hi Brian, Please add the following distributor for Spain... Thanks, Kevin Integral Home System C/Catarroja 1 desp 114 PC 46940 Manises (Valencia) SPAIN Phone: +34 902 50 578 | | ||||||
Dec-14-2015 | done Dec 14 | Kevin | | Remove Distributor from Website | Contact - International Distributor | Hi Brian, Please remove Intek as our International distributor for be replaced by Pear Audio Europe as per me last request. Thanks, Kevin | | ||||||
Dec-14-2015 | done Dec 14 | Kevin | | New Torus Power Distributor for Slovenia | Contact - International Distributor | Hi Brian, Can you please add the following new distributor to the website?... Pear Audio Europe d.o.o. Cankarjevo Nabr. 15 1000 Ljubljana Slovenija Contact : Peter Mezek Tel.: 00386-41-711440 e mail: web site : | | ||||||
Dec-04-2015 | done | Kevin | | Trade Shows | News & Reviews / Upcoming Trade Shows | Hi Brian, Can you please add the following to our upcoming trade shows... 1) ISE - Integrated Systems Europe. Amsterdam Feb 9-12 Booth # 5-R128 2) CEDIA Expo 2016. Dallas, TX Sept 15-17. Booth # 1305 Thanks, Kevin | | ||||||
Dec-03-2015 | done | Kevin | | Latvia Distributor | Contact - International Distributors | Hi Brian, Our Latvia distributor is not listed on the Torus website. Can you please add the following distributor?... Latvia Pro 1 Sound Store Latvia, Riga, 21A Drustu Street, LV-2167 +37129204700 Contact: thanks, Kevin | | ||||||
Dec-03-2015 | Ross, I evaluated all 5 entries, and found no problems. All is working as expected. Audiovisionaries is stuck on ‘pending’ because the map does not recognize Puerto Rico (PR) as a state in USA. Puerto Rico is deemed as a ‘territory’, and the problem was corrected when I specified Puerto Rico as a ‘country’. Stone & Glidden comes up perfectly with search criteria ‘PA’ radius = 500 km, or ‘King of Prussia’ with any settings, or ‘19406’ with any settings. Audio University comes us perfectly when search criteria = ‘WI’ radius = 100 km, or ‘Madison’ with any settings, or with ‘53715’ with any settings. Innovative Does not come up because the address field contains text, and not a valid address. Stereo Types come up perfectly when searching for ‘22901’, ‘1885 Seminole Trail’, ‘Charlottesville’ when radius is set to 100km. Note – When searching by ‘State’ the map selects a reference point as the centre of the radius search – usually the state capital or geographical center of the state. This is shown on every map as a Red Flag. The red flag can be dragged anywhere on the map, which will change the search criteria radius. Regards, Brian | Ross Whitneyy | | Store locator part two | | Hi Brian, Me again 🙁 Please see the attached screen grab. These are the five most recent stores I have added and the search only finds three of them. Audiovisionaries is stuck on Pending for reasons unknown and I do not know what is wrong with Innovative but it still does not come up in a search. Thank you, Ross | RossWhitney | | |||||
Dec-03-2015 | added Augury, Argentina not sent to me .. requested from Kevin | Kevin | | New Distributor | Contact - International Distributors | Hi Brian, Please add the following distributor for Uruguay & Argentina NAME: Ateka CONTACT: Alvaro Tuzman ADDRESS: Luis Franzini 975, Montevideo, 11300, Uruguay Tel: +598.2.710.6313 contact: Thanks, Kevin website: | | ||||||
Dec-03-2015 | Ross, I evaluated all 5 entries, and found no problems. All is working as expected. Audiovisionaries is stuck on ‘pending’ because the map does not recognize Puerto Rico (PR) as a state in USA. Puerto Rico is deemed as a ‘territory’, and the problem was corrected when I specified Puerto Rico as a ‘country’. Stone & Glidden comes up perfectly with search criteria ‘PA’ radius = 500 km, or ‘King of Prussia’ with any settings, or ‘19406’ with any settings. Audio University comes us perfectly when search criteria = ‘WI’ radius = 100 km, or ‘Madison’ with any settings, or with ‘53715’ with any settings. Innovative Does not come up because the address field contains text, and not a valid address. Stereo Types come up perfectly when searching for ‘22901’, ‘1885 Seminole Trail’, ‘Charlottesville’ when radius is set to 100km. Note – When searching by ‘State’ the map selects a reference point as the centre of the radius search – usually the state capital or geographical center of the state. This is shown on every map as a Red Flag. The red flag can be dragged anywhere on the map, which will change the search criteria radius. Regards, Brian | Ross Whitneyy | | Store locator issue | | Hi Brian, Please see the attached image. I have added this new dealer to the list but when I search using the city and state or the zip code the dealer does not come up. Please investigate and let me know - I have several others to add. Thank you, Ross | RossWhitney | | |||||
Nov-30-2015 | done | John Bennett | | All-in-One abbreviation on video page | Video | Please fix All-in-One abbreviation on video page - AIO instead of AOI. | | ||||||
Nov-23-2015 | done | Ross | | New one for the FAQ page | | Hi Brian, First of all, I just noticed that "questions" is misspelled in the URL for this page. I would like to put the word out on the FAQ page to let our intelligent users know how to calibrate the voltage and current readings on their AVR and AVR2 units. To that end I have attached a document with instructions and screen shots. This information appears in some of our manuals but not all of them. Thank you, Ross | | ||||||
Nov-23-2015 | done | Kevin | | Torus Upcoming Trade Show | Trade Shows | Hi Brian, We will be exhibiting at Integrated System Europe in Amsterdam from Feb 9-12 2016. Please have a look at the show web site and let me know if you need more info. Thanks, Kevin | | ||||||
Nov-23-2015 | done | Kevin Main | | CEDIA Logo to be added to Torus Power landing page | Landing page | Hi Brian, Can you please add the CEDIA logo to our landing page? We have been a CEDIA member for several years and by adding the logo to our website it allows us to build points towards better booth selection at the CEDIA Expo each year. Thanks, Kevin | | ||||||
Nov-19-2015 | done | KMB Communications | | CEDIA videos to add to website | Videos | CEDIA video - TOT AVR with Matt Scott of AV Nation WM (All in One) with Matt Scott of AV Nation Dean Peer testimonial | | ||||||
Nov-16-2015 | copy of email sent to Ross Hi Ross, Regrettably the image you sent is not suitable for the Torus Power website. It is 300 pixels by 300 pixel Square at 72 dpi, thus it will become pixelated if enlarged. The site requires for 490 pixels by 420 pixels at minimum 72 dpi, though I prefer 96 dpi. Regards, Brian | Ross Whitney | | New mug shot | | Hi Brian, When you have a moment could you please replace my photo on the 'meet the team' page with the one I have attached? Thank you, Ross | RossWhitney | | |||||
Nov-06-2015 | Upgraded Ross's permission level as needed to make the required revisions to the dealer database | Ross Whitney | | Export of NA dealer list? | | Hi Brian, Hope you're well. I have been adding and deleting North American dealers and integrators and I would like to find an easier way to view the entire database so I can clean it up and make it as consistent as possible. To that end, can you let me know how to export the entire list or, alternatively, could you export it and send it to me? Thanks, Ross | DanaAtPlitron | | |||||
Nov-05-2015 | Advised Ross this will be handled in a future update of the plug-in | Ross Whitney | | Google maps weirdness | | Hi again Brian, Not sure if this one is within your control or not. When a customer has the '&' symbol in his company name the symbol does not render correctly on the map. See the attached JPEG to see what I mean. Is there any fix or workaround for this? Thanks, Ross | DanaAtPlitron | | |||||
Nov-05-2015 | done Nov 6 | Ross Whitney | | Access to Store Locator tool | | Hi Brian, Hope you're well. Kevin has asked me to make several changes to the North American dealer section of our website. It looks like Dana has the ability to access the Store Locator area to make changes but I do not have this access or these permissions. Can you fix this please? While we're at it please check out the attached image and the associated URL. 'Integrators' is misspelled in the URL and there are typos in the title: "AMERIAN", "INTERGRATORS" and "LISTED FOR NORTH US & CANADA". Since this is obviously a list of North American dealers and integrators, I think we can safely remove the "LISTED FOR NORTH US & CANADA" bit. Thank you, Ross | RossWhitney | | |||||
Nov-03-2015 | done, see email sent to Kevin on Nov 3. the same technology icons, until now. The TOT product has 3 technology icons, and the AVR products have 6 technology icons. <br><br>It’s getting rather confusing, don’t you think? Product pages are no longer consistent regarding groupings by technology icons. <br><br>The TOT AVR in reality has 5 technology Icons yet it now appears on the AVR page where all other products have 6, and on the TOT page where all other products have 3 Icons. <br><br>Also, all of the AVR pages contain the AVR description in the left margin, except the TOT AVR page. I added some notes in the left margin for the ‘TOT AVR’ PLEASE READ THE LEFT MARGIN TO CONFIRM IT IS OK. <br><br>RE your request for TOT AVR on first slider, I still don’t have artwork showing the TOT AVR product with Icons. I will request it again. <br><br>We need a new product Icon class with 5 Icons, which does not currently exist. <br><br>Following the above structure, should the WM RM series also appear on the RM page? The WM AVR series on the AVR page? And the WM AVR2 on the AVR2 page. <br><br>Thanks for your attention and response to the above. These may be small but very important organizational issues, and product page listings are now inconsistent. <br><br>Regards, <br><br>Brian<br> | Kevin | | TOT AVR | New TOT page | Hi Brian, I know that we have the TOT AVR listed on the AVR page...Was also hoping to see it listed on the TOT series page as it is part of that series. This is important. Also, when I land on the Torus site I get the "affordable tot series" and an image of the TOT Mini/Max...could we change the first slider to show the "New TOT AVR" ??? Thanks, kevin | | ||||||
Oct-28-2015 | Kevin Main | | web work svp | | Hi Brian, Hope all is well. Just a couple of quick things… Next upcoming trade show for Torus Power is ISE in Amsterdam Feb 9th -12th. This is not on the website yet. Maybe too soon, but CEDIA 2016 is Sept 14-17 in Dallas Attached are pictures of a large install in Stockholm using Torus Power. Can these be added to the Installation gallery? Katye will be sending you some Rave and AV Nation Videos from CEDIA to add to the site also. Thanks, kevin | | | ||||||
Oct-28-2015 | done oct 28 | Ross Whitney | | Request from Martin H - AV EMEA | | "please could you take Audio Centar in Poland off our online distributor list" | | ||||||
Oct-20-2015 | Lindsey | | Testing | Cirrus | This is very very cool! Good job. | | |||||||
Aug-27-2015 | Ross Whitney | | Torus Power "North America" designation for floor mount units | | Hi Brian, If you scroll to the bottom of the page linked above you see that our Floor Mount Series are designated for customers in North America only. Our floor mount units are 50/60Hz rated so they can also be used nearly everywhere except Japan. Steve Nolan pointed this out to me. Could you please add Continental Europe, United Kingdom and Australia below the Floor Mount description on this page and also add the Floor Mount units to the product pages for Continental Europe, United Kingdom and Australia? Feel free to call or whatever if this is less than clear. Thanks Brian! Ross | | |||||||
Aug-17-2015 | Ross | | Issues | | Hi Brian, I noticed a couple of things this morning on the above page. First, the email address for our Viet Nam distributor should be Second, in the Caribbean area, Tobago is spelled wrong - twice. Thanks Brian - site looks great! Ross | | |||||||
Aug-17-2015 | Ross | | Issues | | Hi Brian, I noticed a couple of things this morning on the above page. First, the email address for our Viet Nam distributor should be Second, in the Caribbean area, Tobago is spelled wrong - twice. Thanks Brian - site looks great! Ross | | |||||||
Jul-25-2015 | Brian Gladstone | | test | test | [Attachment1] [Attachment2] [Attachment3] | | | ||||||
Jun-24-2015 | done | Ross | | Link for new Torus Power product catalogue | | I am putting the finishing touches on the Torus Power newsletter for June/July and we want to include a link to the 2015 product catalogue. I copied the link from the Torus Power home page and noticed that it takes you off the site to: I know the new site will be launching very soon but is it possible for the new catalogue to reside on instead of on the Gladstone Media site? | | ||||||
Jun-23-2015 | done | Matthew Roher | | Please add Torus Power International Distributor to Site | Hi Brian, Please add the following International Distributor to the Torus Power webiste: Contact information: HBL Audio Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam 84-903671194 Thank you kindly, Matt | | |||||||
Jun-23-2015 | Completed on 1/01/2014 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | Matthew Roher | | Please add new Installation pictures for Dealer | Hi Brian, I'm pleased to say that we have a dealer who has used Torus Power in his demo room and would like it to be posted on our website! I will send you all the photos/logo via hotmail, but wanted to let you know now. More to come. Sincerely, Matt | | |||||||
Jun-23-2015 | Completed on 1/13/2014 | Ross Whitney | | Jan. 7 correction from RW | MOST of the RM 2.5 evidence has been removed from this page. The LINE CORDS section at the bottom of the page still mentions the 2.5A model. | | |||||||
Jun-23-2015 | Completed on 1/13/2014 | Howard | | TOT | Home | Change the copy on home for TOT to: TOT MINI and TOT MAX and are ultra compact toroidal isolation power conditioners, and the most affordable products in the Torus line-up. The compact footprint and sloped face of TOT models make them convenient for use in almost any situation. They look sharp on a component shelf, or can be located elsewhere when space is at a premium. TOT Mini is rated for 7 Amps (3Amps international), and the TOT Max is rated 15 Amps (7.5 Amps international). | | ||||||
Jun-23-2015 | Completed on 1/15/2014 | Matthew Roher | | Please remove Specialty Marketing from our list of Distributors | | Hi Brian, Please remove Specialty Marketing from this Torus Power webpage: Thank you, Matt p.s. I like the added field for webpage, very smart. | | ||||||
Jun-23-2015 | Completed on 1/15/2014 | Matthew Roher | | Please add AV Pro Alliance as a New USA Distributor | | Hi Brian, Please add AV Professional Alliance as a new Distributor for USA. Here is their contact information: AV Professional Alliance Location: USA National, based in South Dakota Sales & Support: Toll Free: 1-877-886-5112 International: 605-274-6055 Email: Web: Other inquiries: Matt Murray: 605-271-2157 Thank you kindly, Matt | | ||||||
Jun-23-2015 | Completed on 1/16/2015 | Matthew Roher | | AV Pro Alliance | | Hi Brian, Could you kindly change the name of "AV Professional Alliance" to "AV Pro Alliance"? Thank you for your help and the promptness of these posts! Our partners appreciate it too. Most Sincerely, Matt | | ||||||
Jun-23-2015 | Completed 1/20/2014 | Matthew Roher | | Menu Item Missing from Page | | Hi Brian, Not sure if this was deliberate, but when I hover the mouse over the "Contacts" heading at the top of the Torus Power home page, the link option for Dealers and Integrators USA is no longer there. Can you kindly include in the drop-down menu. Thanks, Matt | | ||||||
Jun-23-2015 | Completed 1/20/2014 | Matthew Roher | | New Italian Distributor | | Please add the following Italian Distributor to the Torus Power Website: LP Audio – Luca Parlato Via della Tesa 20 34138 Trieste Tel. 040 569824 Fax 040 2602320 Cell. 335 6434188 Thank you kindly, Matt | | ||||||
Jun-23-2015 | Done on 1/31/14 | Matthew Roher | | New Distributor in Czech Republic | | Hi Brian, Please add the following contact information for our new distributor in Czech Republic: High-End Audio Studio s.r.o. Belgicka 4, 120 00 Prague 2 Tel: +420 224 256 844 e-mail: Also, I think there may have been a formatting error with Poland. Could you kindly change the font so that it appears like the other countries? Thank you for your help. Sincerely, Matt | | ||||||
Jun-23-2015 | Completed 2/6/2014 feb5 sent email to matt This is a bit different that the other listings on that page Shall I add it twice - once for PA 2 listings, and again for DE? Pls advise your thoughts how this should be listed. | Matthew Roher | | Please add new Torus Power Dealer | | Hi Brian, Please add HiFi House to the contact page of USA Torus Power dealer: Here is their contact information: HIFI HOUSE 1001 Sussex Blvd Broomall, PA 19008 509 York Road Jenkintown, PA 19046 2304 Concord Pike Wilmington, DE 19803 T: 1-800-990-4434 Thank you, Matt | | ||||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed 02/09/14 created new page called 'Other Torus Products' | Howard Gladstone | | Revise Medical Receptacles | | The Medical Receptacles on this page are a separate product, not part of the Wall Mount product. Please create a page called OTHER TORUS PRODUCTS, and put it there.. | Brian | | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed 02/11/14 | Matthew Roher | | RMR (Audio Consultants) | | Hi Brian, Kindly add this new Dealer to the Torus Power Website: RMR (Audio Consultants) Parker, TX T: 214-938-8138 Thank you kindly, Matt | | ||||||
Jun-23-2015 | Tom Wicks | | VA ratings and missing data from RM - Products page | RM - Products page and Int'l VA data | Hi Brian, Here is my first installment for requested web edits. The atatched file was sent last week as an email attachement for VA ratings. We also need to populate the RM Series dimensions and provide other corrections. Please let me know if you need the data, or if you have it already. Thanks, Tom | POWER-VA-rating-for-Torus-Power.pdf | | ||||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed on Feb 26 - I think there are still some errors wrote email to Tom separately | Tom Wicks | | VA ratings and missing data from RM - Products page | Torus North American | I found this file yesterday that Dan had been working on some time ago: Torus Power Brochure Corrections.doc | Torus-Power-Brochure-Corrections.doc | | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed 02/26/14 | Matt | | Add Trade Shows to Torus Site | | Hi Brian, Here are some of the trade shows that Torus Power will be attending over the next several months. If you could kindly populate the Torus Power website with this information so our customers and dealers know where they can find us it would be greatly appreciated. Sapphire Marketing Road Show Boston 2014 March 12th & 13th, 2014 Embassy Suites 550 Winter Street Waltham, MA 02451, USA AXPONA – Audio EXPO North America April 25th to 27th, 2014 The Westin O'Hare 6100 North River Road Rosemont, IL 60018, USA Sapphire Marketing Road Show New York City 2014 May 1st & 2nd, 2014 Midtown Lofts 267 Fifth Avenue, 11th Floor New York, NY 10016, USA CEDIA EXPO 2014, Booth 1066 September 11th to 13th, 2014 Colorado Convention Center 700 14th Street Denver, CO 80202, USA Graphics: I have attached the Sapphire Marketing Logo. Here is a link to all logos for AXPONA: Here is a link for the AXPONA Logo with white background: Here is a link for the AXPONA Logo with black background: I have attached the CEDIA EXPO Logo. Please let me know if you have any questions. There is also a show in Northern California with Redwood Marketing, but I will pass on information for that when it becomes available. Thank you for your help. Sincerely, | CEDIA-EXPO_Logo-1500x400-2.jpg | Sapphire-Marketing-Logo-2014.jpg | Axpona_Logo_2013_whitebackground.jpg | Brian | | ||
Jun-23-2015 | done asked Tom to double check all | Tom Wicks | | raw text for GM NA Brochure Mar03 | reference for specs and copy | Hi Brian, Here is the text extracted from the Gladstone Media North American Brochure, rev. Mar03 2014. | TORUS_POWER_BROCHURE_V10_MAR_03-pagw-11-20.doc | TORUS_POWER_BROCHURE_V10_MAR_03-pagw-1-10.doc | | ||||
Jun-23-2015 | same as above completed 3/18/2014 | Matthew Roher | | Please add new Torus Power brochure | | Please replace the top left corner brochure (Torus Power Brochure Sept 23 V 71) with the attached. | TORUS_POWER_BROCHURE_V11_MAR_18_PRINT_SMALL.pdf | | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed 3/18/2014 | Matthew Roher | | Please add new Torus Power brochure | | Please replace the top left corner brochure (Torus Power Brochure Sept 23 V 71) with the attached. | TORUS_POWER_BROCHURE_V11_MAR_18_PRINT_SMALL.pdf | | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed on Mar 21, with note to Matt that i think they are all wrong should be 170-240 VAC input | Matthew Roher | | AVR2 20 BAL specification correction | | Hi Brian, On the table at the bottom of the link: It says the AVR2 20 BAL has 120V input. Can you kindly change this to indicate 240V? A dealer here in Ontario was confused when speaking with a customer (bad), but I think we have the sale (good), so no harm no foul. Thanks for your help with this. -Matt | | ||||||
Jun-23-2015 | fixed 3/24/14 - the problem was related to the phone number validation module, which was replaced - the phone number will no longer be validated | Matthew Roher | | Online Warranty Registration Page Down | | We received an email from a customer in Australia who tried to register his product and the page was blank. I tried and saw the same thing. Please help us get this page up and running agian so our customers can register their products. Thank you, Matt | | ||||||
Jun-23-2015 | Done Apr 3, 2014 | Matthew Roher | | Please add the following International Distributor to the Torus Power Website | | Please add to website: Extreme Audio Aydogan kardesler Tic.Ltd.Sti. Office: Buyukdere Cad. Uc Yol Mevkii NO.233 KAT: B2 34398 Maslak/Istanbul/Turkey TEL: +90 444 3760 FAX: +90 212 285 00 73 E-Mail: | | ||||||
Jun-23-2015 | Tom Wicks | | images available for TOT ... CE models | | Hi Brian, Thanks for the news link. Please note that we have photos available for the TOT Int'l CE page, which presently shows North American outlets. Also, the 515R page does not exist yet. I am not sure if this is intentional, so please stand-by on the 515R (50Hz 220~240V with North American outlets). Thanks! Tom | TOT-MAX-CE-masked-rear-0001.gif | TOT-MINI-CE-masked-rear-0001.gif | | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed | Ross Whitney | | "Introducing the new TOT series" page | | Hi Brian, 1. For consistency could you please remove the blank lines after paragraphs 2 and 3? 2. Can you please add my name and contact info under technical inquiries? 3. Please replace the contact emails - and Thank you, Ross | Introducing-the-new-TOT-series-from-Torus-Power-rev-03.docx | | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | send email to Ross requesting what webpage is being referred to? | Ross Whitney | | TOT in-wall changes | See body | Hi Brian, Some changes concerning in-wall mounting of the TOT. Thanks, Ross | Updates-for-website-TOT-in-wall-changes.docx | | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | sent email to ross to confirm what data to be added to site | Ross Whitney | | New rep in France | | Received this information yesterday from Martin Harding: "...we are starting this week with our new distributor in France and he will soon have stock there." Please add to the list of international distributors - thanks! | | ||||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed | Ross Whitney | | Spec error & typo | | Hi Brian, A customer pointed this out. In the row headed "Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR)" about halfway down the page: "...22, 230, 240 VAC ± 5V..." should read "...220, 230, 240 VAC ± 10V..." Thank you, Ross | | ||||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed | Ross Whitney | | Ex-distributor for Canada | & | Hi Brian, Please remove all references to Aralex Acoustics. They are no longer our distributor for Canada. They have gone out of business. Thank you, Ross | | ||||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed | Steve Nolan | | Howards Interview | News Section | | Brian | | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | Completed 6/20 | Ross Whitney | | New Torus Power sales contact | | Hi Brian, Please remove Paul as Sales contact and put in Kevin Main. 416.667.9914 x 248 Thank you! | | ||||||
Jun-23-2015 | Completed - the table is getting large and need to come up with an improved format | Ross | | Overseas updates | | Hi Brian, I hope all is well. We received this from Martin Harding. Please update the page with this info. Thank you, Ross FRANCE Europe Audio Diffusion BP82 89203 AVALLON Cédex Email. Tél: +33(0) GERMANY Mediacraft AG Gaugrafenstraße 19-23 60489 Frankfurt. Telefon +49 (0) 69 – 30 08 80 0 SWITZERLAND CHEKTONE GMBH Looslistrasse 15 CH-3027 Bern TEL.:+41 31 388 28 88 NORWAY E&S IMPORT GEITMYRSVEIEN 56 OSLO NORWAY 0455 Please remove Thailand. They are inactive... | | ||||||
Jun-23-2015 | Completed | Ross | | Floor mount page | | 1. In the chart, output voltage is given as 1 X 120V. These pieces are able to output both 120V and 240V. 2. "FM to be fed form diconnect or panel with current limiting." Two typos. Thank you Brian! | | ||||||
Jun-23-2015 | in process Jul 17 see email stream | Kevin Main | | You Tube Torus Videos | | From: Kevin Main [] Sent: July 15, 2014 12:51 PM To: Brian Gladstone - Hotmail Cc: Steve Nolan Subject: FW: Torus Power videos to be posted on new Youtube channel Hi Brian, Here are links to some Torus Power videos that we should be using on our website. We should also have these posted to a Torus youtube channel Would that be something that you would look after? Thanks, Kevin From: John Bennett [] Sent: Monday, July 14, 2014 8:13 PM To: Kevin Main Cc: Katye McGregor Bennett Subject: Torus Power videos to be posted on new Youtube channel Hey Kevin, Here are the videos that you and Katye talked about uploading to a new Torus Power youtube channel. I've included all the info on each video that will need to be added after each upload. David Susilo (shot at CES 2014) video - Title - David Susilo; PhD Testimonial of Torus Power Toroidal Isolation Transformers at CES 2014 Description - This video is a testimonial by David Susilo; PhD discussing the unique features and benefits of the Torus Power Toroidal Isolation Power Conditioner product line. David Susilo; PhD is a THX, ISF, CEDIA Certified Instructor CEA and HAA Member. For more information go to Tags - Transformers,David Susilo; PhD,Torus Power testimonial,Torus Power,toroidal isolation transformer,plitron toroidal transformer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOT Series video - Title - Torus Power TOT Mini and Max Series Power Conditioners with Plitron Toroidal Isolation Transformers Description - Torus Power TOT Mini and Max Series power conditioners with Toroidal Isolation transformers and USB charger at ISE 2014. For more information go to Tags - TOT Series,toroidal transformer,TOT Mini,TOT Max,Torus Power TOT Series,power conditioner with toroidal isolation,Plitron manufacturing ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AVR2 ( both shot at ISE 2014) video link - Title - Torus Power AVR2 Power Conditioner with Plitron Toroidal Isolation Transformer and IP addressability Description - Torus Power discusses the AVR2 with toroidal isolation transformer IP addressability at ISE 2014 in Amsterdam, NL. For more information go to Tags - Toroidal transformer,power conditioner with toroidal isolation,Plitron manufacturing,IP Address (Protocol),AVR Series,AVR2,Torus Power conditioner with toroidal isolation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- jpg for title slide (use on all videos) after uploading video to youtube- The videos where originally approved by Howard, then we changed the intro to be more inline with the style guide and I was unable to get them in front of him for review before he left for vacation. Take care, John John Bennett KMB Communications C - (406) 425-0633 E - | Brian | | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | in process Jul 17 see email stream | Kevin Main | | Update Hour Power Page | | Hi Brian, I have updated the Torus Power Hour information – attached. This should work well for the website. In terms of who should attend…we are primarily targeting Custom Integrators with 20A + product solutions. Please let me know if you need any additional info. Thanks, Kevin From: Brian Gladstone [] Sent: Monday, July 14, 2014 11:44 PM To: Kevin Main; 'Katye (McGregor) Bennett'; Ross Whitney; Steve Nolan Subject: RE: Need Details on Torus Power Hour at Cedia for Website Kevin The page describing the Torus Hour Power at CEDIA is launched to the Torus site Also note, there is a linked excerpt on the home page right side-bar under news. Obviously it’s not the final version, so pls send edits asap. (need to remove text such as (confirm verbiage with panel) etc. and replace ‘TBA’s with data. We need a link to registration, need to confirm room no, plus more details. When all the details are finalized I can put a graphic image on the home page slider. Pls send updates as soon as you can. Thanks Brian Gladstone From: Brian Gladstone [] Sent: July 14, 2014 5:28 PM To: 'Kevin Main'; 'Katye (McGregor) Bennett'; 'Ross Whitney'; 'Steve Nolan' Subject: RE: Need Details on Torus Power Hour at Cedia for Website Thanks Kevin Nice to virtually meet you as well. See Below Regards, Brian Gladstone From: Kevin Main [] Sent: July 14, 2014 2:57 PM To: Brian Gladstone - Hotmail; Katye (McGregor) Bennett; Ross Whitney; Steve Nolan Subject: RE: Need Details on Torus Power Hour at Cedia for Website Hi Brian, Nice to meet you “virtually!” Here is some information on the Torus Power Hour. You will notice that we still have to finalize some of the details of our presentation, but this should be enough for you to get the website updated. This is good to get some web presence. We can always add to the listing as needed. I will send you a link. I found this link on the Cedia site – which could be updated with more information - as you sent to me. The registration can only be done on the CEDIA website, so I will have to get the link to that site for you. Thanks a link to registration is key. I tried unsuccessfully to find a link on the Cedia site – registration is not accessible from the ‘Session Search’ (link is above). I will also try to find the CEDIA logos for you to use. I already have CEDIA logos for the website – unless there is a different version used for seminars. On another note, I have noticed some typos on the Torus product information on the website…should I send this information over to you for correcting? Pls send any requests for Torus web changes via this page the password is ‘ swordfish ‘ – I see Ross has already sent you the details. In this manner we can track changes to the website in a chronological manner and maintain a log for follow-up. I am working on a major upgrade to the Torus Power website, and I can send more details after I have a chance to consult with Howard hopefully in the very near future. Thanks, Kevin Main Vice President Sales & Marketing, Torus Power Plitron Manufacturing Inc. 8-601 Magnetic Drive Toronto, ON. M3J 3J2 Cell: (289) 439-7700 Office: (416) 667-9914 ext. 248 From: Brian Gladstone [] Sent: Monday, July 14, 2014 2:29 PM To: Katye (McGregor) Bennett; Ross Whitney; Kevin Main; Steve Nolan Subject: Need Details on Torus Power Hour at Cedia for Website Greetings Kate, I trust all is well with you. Can you advise details regarding the upcoming torus power hour seminar at Cedia, so I can get listed on the torus website? We need date, time, location, room seating capacity, short description of the session, plus any other information which would be relevant to the listing. Also, in our last series of emails we discussed putting a pre-registration form on the website. As mentioned, I can build the Web registration form in a manner that sends a confirming email to the submitter with cc to torus. As well can put all the registration info on a separate password protected page so you can export attendees info into a spreadsheet. Also can export all the names into a separate list for bulk mailing. I can get started with the web work as soon as I receive more details. Thanks and regards, Brian Gladstone Torus Power Web-guy | Torus_Power-Hour-Info.docx | Brian | | ||||
Jun-23-2015 | test of system ignore | Brian Gladstone | | fix the site | | | Brian | | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed | Ross Whitney | | Int'l wall mounts | | Hi Brian, This page says: "All units are designed for 240 Volt Balanced input (2 X 120V), or 208V input. Output is 120Volt/60 Hz at rated output current as per model listing below." The above text must have been borrowed from a North American wall mount page. I would suggest something like: "All units are designed for 220-240 Volt input. Output is 220-240 Volts at rated output current as listed below." Thanks Brian! Ross | | ||||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed | Ross Whitney | | Int's wall mounts II | | Hi Brian, In the specs chart we see : Nominal Output Current IAC 3 X 15 5 X 15 These numbers describe the output breakers, not the output current. Nominal output current for the two units is 30A and 50A respectively. Could you please change either the numbers or the heading? That is, make it read either Nominal Output Current 30A 50A or Output Breaker Rating IAC 3 X 15 5 X 15 Thanks, Ross | | ||||||
Jun-23-2015 | sent email to Ross - not sure which image to use Ross supplied image on July 25 completed | Ross Whitney | | Int'l wall mounts III | | Hi Brian, The image on this page is a wall mount AVR. The page is devoted to "RM" type wall mount units - wall mount units with the AVR circuitry have their own separate page. Let me know if you need a non-AVR wall mount image. Thanks, Ross | | ||||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed | Ross Whitney | | Contact update | | Hi Brian, I hope all is well. This request was submitted in June and on the list below it says "Completed 6/20". Kevin's name is not on the page though - the page still has Paul listed. Please update - thanks! Ross | should-be-Kevin-not-Paul.jpg | website-request.jpg | | ||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed | Ross Whitney | | New details for Norway distributor | | Hi Brian, Hope all is well. We have some new information for our partner in Norway. Now: NORWAY E&S IMPORT GEITMYRSVEIEN 56 OSLO NORWAY 0455 Change to: NORWAY NorLyd AS Geitmyrsveien 56 0455 Oslo Phone: +4791870990 Thank you, Ross | | ||||||
Jun-23-2015 | send ross an email w questions | Ross | | Trade show info page | | Hi Brian, An external party brought this to our attention 🙁 To my knowledge the only trade show plans we have for Torus Power involve the CEDIA show next month. Please add all of our CEDIA details to this page and remove all of the "legacy" stuff. Thanks Brian, Ross | | ||||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed | Ross Whitney | | Typos part 1 | | Hi Brian, Please see the attached image for some requested corrections. Thank you, Ross | fix-me-please-1.jpg | | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed | Ross Whitney | | Typos part 2 | | Hi Brian, Another one. Thank you, Ross | fix-me-please-2.jpg | | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed | Ross Whitney | | New dist. in Switzerland | | Hi Brian, We have been asked to replace the existing Switzerland information with this: GrammoFile GmbH Looslistrasse 15 CH-3027 Bern Phone: +41 31 388 28 99 Email: Thanks, Ross | | ||||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed | Ross Whitney | | Swiss distributor | | Hi Brian, Please fix the Swiss distributor's email address. The top-level domain is CH, not CA. Thanks, Ross | | ||||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed | Ross Whitney | | Swiss deistributor II | | Hi Brian, The (August 19?) request also indicates a company name change. The distributor in Switzerland is to be listed as GrammoFile GmbH. Thank you, Ross | | ||||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed | Ross | | Easy one for you | | Hi Brian, Happy Monday - hope you're well. I just spotted this under TOT SERIES on the home page: "TOT MINI and TOT MAX and are ultra compact toroidal isolation power conditioners, and the most affordable products in the Torus line-up." Too many "ands" 🙂 Thanks Brian, Ross | | ||||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed | Kevin Main | | Update Contact Information On Torus Website | CONTACTS | 1) Torus Contacts: Please add Ross Whitney as a contact for general inquiries. 2) Torus Contacts: Please add International AV Sales as our international distributor for Mexico/Caribbean/Central & South America. Website is James Wellnitz - (858) 663-8086 and Helma Paulson (407) 257-3408 3) Sales Reps & Distributors: Please remove "distributors" so this section is only listing North America Sales Reps. 4) Sales Reps & Distributors: Please remove AV Pro Alliance 5) Sales Reps & Distributors: Please change the territory for Rep-Presents to only include the states of OH/WV/KY/IN/IL/WI 6) Sales Reps & Distributors: Please add for Michigan..Sales And Marketing Inc. Sami Al-Saadi (269) 806-3949 7) Sales Reps & Distributors: Please add for Southern California, Arizona & Clark County Nevada (Las Vegas): AV Partners. 630 N. Rancho Road Thousand Oaks, CA> 91362 Martin Byrne (562) 841-5445; Eric Leicht (805) 496-7054; John Villano (661) 406-1228 8) Please add for Texas/Oklahoma/Louisiana/Arkansas: Momentum Marketing Hector Menna - South Texas - (281) 714-5742; Matt Kahle - North Texas/Oklahoma - (214) 883-8835; Chuck McClennan - Louisiana/Arkansas - (623) 209-4773 Thank you | | ||||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed | Kevin Main | | Update Dealer Locator | Dealer Locator | Please make the following changes to our dealer locator... 1) remove Hi Fi House in Pennsylvania - store is closed Please add: 1)Audio Video Integration 647 Francisco Blvd E, San Rafael, CA 94901 (415) 526-0070 2)Design Audio Video Whitehouse Texas Serving East Texas Since 1997 903-571-7189 3)Fulkra Costa Mesa, CA USA 92627 C 949.690.8055 P 949.855.8055 Showroom 290 Broadway St Laguna Beach, CA Phone:877.738.5572 Email: 4) Now Listen Here Now Listen Here 113 E Chestnut Street Lancaster, PA 17602 Phone: (717) 409-5050 5) Atomic Hi Fi 20 Main Street Ashland, MA 01721 p: 508-881-9959 f: 508-881-9958 Thank You. | | ||||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed | Kevin Main | | Remove listing for UK Distributor | Contact - International distributors | Hi, Please remove the following international distributor from our listing... UNITED KINGDOM RGB Communications Ltd 2 Lowesden Business Park, Lambourn Woodlands Hungerford, Berkshire, RG17 7RY, UK Tel: +44 (0)1488 73366 Fax: +44 (0)1488 73377 Email: | | ||||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed | Kevin Main | | Dealer Listing | Dealer Locator | Please correct the spelling of DELAWARE as the state in the dealer locator. Please remove Hi Fi House in Delaware and 2 locations in Pennsylvania as these stores have closed. Thanks. | | ||||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed | Kevin Main | | Update dealer information | Dealer Locator | Kevin, We decided to drop our 888 and fax number, so can that be removed from the dealer list? Also, remove the 508 Leone Road A/V Logix 508 Leone Road <——————————————this Woolwich, NJ USA, 08085 T: 888-579-8632 <——————————————this T: 856-832-0245 F: 856-832-0248 <—————————————— and this also, the installation gallery isn’t loading and could use a corrected name/information from us. plus the logo is an older one, can you utilize the new one instead of that gray background one you have on there now? Brian - I will send this logo to you in an e-mail... | | ||||||
Jun-23-2015 | done | Kevin main | | Contacts | Reps and distributors & International Distributors | Hi Brian, 1) Our new Rep for So. Cal is now listed - AV Partners. Can you move the order so they are right before/after Redwood marketing and then can you remove Art Kelm Ground One? Ground One Location CA, NV, HI Contact Arthur Kelm 707-480-0257 Web 2) There is an error in the phone number of our distributor in Switzerland. It should end in 89...not 99. Thanks, Kevin | | ||||||
Jun-23-2015 | done | Kevin | | International Distributor Listing | Distributors - International | Please delete the following International Distributor: Audio Center Poland Please add the following new international distributor: United Kingdom Karma Audio Visual To contact us please call the sales office: 01423 358846 Website From page: Contacts TORIUS Reps and Distributors Please remove Florida Rep - Plexus Systems and add Kevin Main an=s contact for Florida territory. | | ||||||
Jun-23-2015 | Ross Whitney | | One word to be corrected | | Near the bottom of the page in the 'Inspire' section "blacker belts" should be "blacker blacks". Thanks Brian! | | |||||||
Jun-23-2015 | Brian | | pls revise Torus Website | | This is a test | | | ||||||
Jun-05-2015 | Ross Whitney | | One word to be corrected | | Near the bottom of the page in the 'Inspire' section "blacker belts" should be "blacker blacks". Thanks Brian! | | |||||||
Feb-23-2015 | done | Kevin | | International Distributor Listing | Distributors - International | Please delete the following International Distributor: Audio Center Poland Please add the following new international distributor: United Kingdom Karma Audio Visual To contact us please call the sales office: 01423 358846 Website From page: Contacts TORIUS Reps and Distributors Please remove Florida Rep - Plexus Systems and add Kevin Main an=s contact for Florida territory. | | ||||||
Oct-03-2014 | done | Kevin main | | Contacts | Reps and distributors & International Distributors | Hi Brian, 1) Our new Rep for So. Cal is now listed - AV Partners. Can you move the order so they are right before/after Redwood marketing and then can you remove Art Kelm Ground One? Ground One Location CA, NV, HI Contact Arthur Kelm 707-480-0257 Web 2) There is an error in the phone number of our distributor in Switzerland. It should end in 89...not 99. Thanks, Kevin | | ||||||
Oct-02-2014 | completed | Kevin Main | | Update dealer information | Dealer Locator | Kevin, We decided to drop our 888 and fax number, so can that be removed from the dealer list? Also, remove the 508 Leone Road A/V Logix 508 Leone Road <——————————————this Woolwich, NJ USA, 08085 T: 888-579-8632 <——————————————this T: 856-832-0245 F: 856-832-0248 <—————————————— and this also, the installation gallery isn’t loading and could use a corrected name/information from us. plus the logo is an older one, can you utilize the new one instead of that gray background one you have on there now? Brian - I will send this logo to you in an e-mail... | | ||||||
Oct-01-2014 | completed | Kevin Main | | Dealer Listing | Dealer Locator | Please correct the spelling of DELAWARE as the state in the dealer locator. Please remove Hi Fi House in Delaware and 2 locations in Pennsylvania as these stores have closed. Thanks. | | ||||||
Oct-01-2014 | completed | Kevin Main | | Remove listing for UK Distributor | Contact - International distributors | Hi, Please remove the following international distributor from our listing... UNITED KINGDOM RGB Communications Ltd 2 Lowesden Business Park, Lambourn Woodlands Hungerford, Berkshire, RG17 7RY, UK Tel: +44 (0)1488 73366 Fax: +44 (0)1488 73377 Email: | | ||||||
Sep-30-2014 | completed | Kevin Main | | Update Dealer Locator | Dealer Locator | Please make the following changes to our dealer locator... 1) remove Hi Fi House in Pennsylvania - store is closed Please add: 1)Audio Video Integration 647 Francisco Blvd E, San Rafael, CA 94901 (415) 526-0070 2)Design Audio Video Whitehouse Texas Serving East Texas Since 1997 903-571-7189 3)Fulkra Costa Mesa, CA USA 92627 C 949.690.8055 P 949.855.8055 Showroom 290 Broadway St Laguna Beach, CA Phone:877.738.5572 Email: 4) Now Listen Here Now Listen Here 113 E Chestnut Street Lancaster, PA 17602 Phone: (717) 409-5050 5) Atomic Hi Fi 20 Main Street Ashland, MA 01721 p: 508-881-9959 f: 508-881-9958 Thank You. | | ||||||
Sep-29-2014 | completed | Kevin Main | | Update Contact Information On Torus Website | CONTACTS | 1) Torus Contacts: Please add Ross Whitney as a contact for general inquiries. 2) Torus Contacts: Please add International AV Sales as our international distributor for Mexico/Caribbean/Central & South America. Website is James Wellnitz - (858) 663-8086 and Helma Paulson (407) 257-3408 3) Sales Reps & Distributors: Please remove "distributors" so this section is only listing North America Sales Reps. 4) Sales Reps & Distributors: Please remove AV Pro Alliance 5) Sales Reps & Distributors: Please change the territory for Rep-Presents to only include the states of OH/WV/KY/IN/IL/WI 6) Sales Reps & Distributors: Please add for Michigan..Sales And Marketing Inc. Sami Al-Saadi (269) 806-3949 7) Sales Reps & Distributors: Please add for Southern California, Arizona & Clark County Nevada (Las Vegas): AV Partners. 630 N. Rancho Road Thousand Oaks, CA> 91362 Martin Byrne (562) 841-5445; Eric Leicht (805) 496-7054; John Villano (661) 406-1228 8) Please add for Texas/Oklahoma/Louisiana/Arkansas: Momentum Marketing Hector Menna - South Texas - (281) 714-5742; Matt Kahle - North Texas/Oklahoma - (214) 883-8835; Chuck McClennan - Louisiana/Arkansas - (623) 209-4773 Thank you | | ||||||
Sep-08-2014 | completed | Ross | | Easy one for you | | Hi Brian, Happy Monday - hope you're well. I just spotted this under TOT SERIES on the home page: "TOT MINI and TOT MAX and are ultra compact toroidal isolation power conditioners, and the most affordable products in the Torus line-up." Too many "ands" 🙂 Thanks Brian, Ross | | ||||||
Sep-02-2014 | completed | Ross Whitney | | Swiss deistributor II | | Hi Brian, The (August 19?) request also indicates a company name change. The distributor in Switzerland is to be listed as GrammoFile GmbH. Thank you, Ross | | ||||||
Sep-02-2014 | completed | Ross Whitney | | Swiss distributor | | Hi Brian, Please fix the Swiss distributor's email address. The top-level domain is CH, not CA. Thanks, Ross | | ||||||
Aug-19-2014 | completed | Ross Whitney | | New dist. in Switzerland | | Hi Brian, We have been asked to replace the existing Switzerland information with this: GrammoFile GmbH Looslistrasse 15 CH-3027 Bern Phone: +41 31 388 28 99 Email: Thanks, Ross | | ||||||
Aug-18-2014 | completed | Ross Whitney | | Typos part 2 | | Hi Brian, Another one. Thank you, Ross | fix-me-please-2.jpg | | |||||
Aug-18-2014 | completed | Ross Whitney | | Typos part 1 | | Hi Brian, Please see the attached image for some requested corrections. Thank you, Ross | fix-me-please-1.jpg | | |||||
Aug-13-2014 | send ross an email w questions | Ross | | Trade show info page | | Hi Brian, An external party brought this to our attention 🙁 To my knowledge the only trade show plans we have for Torus Power involve the CEDIA show next month. Please add all of our CEDIA details to this page and remove all of the "legacy" stuff. Thanks Brian, Ross | | ||||||
Aug-08-2014 | completed | Ross Whitney | | New details for Norway distributor | | Hi Brian, Hope all is well. We have some new information for our partner in Norway. Now: NORWAY E&S IMPORT GEITMYRSVEIEN 56 OSLO NORWAY 0455 Change to: NORWAY NorLyd AS Geitmyrsveien 56 0455 Oslo Phone: +4791870990 Thank you, Ross | | ||||||
Jul-23-2014 | completed | Ross Whitney | | Contact update | | Hi Brian, I hope all is well. This request was submitted in June and on the list below it says "Completed 6/20". Kevin's name is not on the page though - the page still has Paul listed. Please update - thanks! Ross | should-be-Kevin-not-Paul.jpg | website-request.jpg | | ||||
Jul-16-2014 | sent email to Ross - not sure which image to use Ross supplied image on July 25 completed | Ross Whitney | | Int'l wall mounts III | | Hi Brian, The image on this page is a wall mount AVR. The page is devoted to "RM" type wall mount units - wall mount units with the AVR circuitry have their own separate page. Let me know if you need a non-AVR wall mount image. Thanks, Ross | | ||||||
Jul-16-2014 | completed | Ross Whitney | | Int's wall mounts II | | Hi Brian, In the specs chart we see : Nominal Output Current IAC 3 X 15 5 X 15 These numbers describe the output breakers, not the output current. Nominal output current for the two units is 30A and 50A respectively. Could you please change either the numbers or the heading? That is, make it read either Nominal Output Current 30A 50A or Output Breaker Rating IAC 3 X 15 5 X 15 Thanks, Ross | | ||||||
Jul-16-2014 | completed | Ross Whitney | | Int'l wall mounts | | Hi Brian, This page says: "All units are designed for 240 Volt Balanced input (2 X 120V), or 208V input. Output is 120Volt/60 Hz at rated output current as per model listing below." The above text must have been borrowed from a North American wall mount page. I would suggest something like: "All units are designed for 220-240 Volt input. Output is 220-240 Volts at rated output current as listed below." Thanks Brian! Ross | | ||||||
Jul-15-2014 | test of system ignore | Brian Gladstone | | fix the site | | | Brian | | |||||
Jul-15-2014 | in process Jul 17 see email stream | Kevin Main | | Update Hour Power Page | | Hi Brian, I have updated the Torus Power Hour information – attached. This should work well for the website. In terms of who should attend…we are primarily targeting Custom Integrators with 20A + product solutions. Please let me know if you need any additional info. Thanks, Kevin From: Brian Gladstone [] Sent: Monday, July 14, 2014 11:44 PM To: Kevin Main; 'Katye (McGregor) Bennett'; Ross Whitney; Steve Nolan Subject: RE: Need Details on Torus Power Hour at Cedia for Website Kevin The page describing the Torus Hour Power at CEDIA is launched to the Torus site Also note, there is a linked excerpt on the home page right side-bar under news. Obviously it’s not the final version, so pls send edits asap. (need to remove text such as (confirm verbiage with panel) etc. and replace ‘TBA’s with data. We need a link to registration, need to confirm room no, plus more details. When all the details are finalized I can put a graphic image on the home page slider. Pls send updates as soon as you can. Thanks Brian Gladstone From: Brian Gladstone [] Sent: July 14, 2014 5:28 PM To: 'Kevin Main'; 'Katye (McGregor) Bennett'; 'Ross Whitney'; 'Steve Nolan' Subject: RE: Need Details on Torus Power Hour at Cedia for Website Thanks Kevin Nice to virtually meet you as well. See Below Regards, Brian Gladstone From: Kevin Main [] Sent: July 14, 2014 2:57 PM To: Brian Gladstone - Hotmail; Katye (McGregor) Bennett; Ross Whitney; Steve Nolan Subject: RE: Need Details on Torus Power Hour at Cedia for Website Hi Brian, Nice to meet you “virtually!” Here is some information on the Torus Power Hour. You will notice that we still have to finalize some of the details of our presentation, but this should be enough for you to get the website updated. This is good to get some web presence. We can always add to the listing as needed. I will send you a link. I found this link on the Cedia site – which could be updated with more information - as you sent to me. The registration can only be done on the CEDIA website, so I will have to get the link to that site for you. Thanks a link to registration is key. I tried unsuccessfully to find a link on the Cedia site – registration is not accessible from the ‘Session Search’ (link is above). I will also try to find the CEDIA logos for you to use. I already have CEDIA logos for the website – unless there is a different version used for seminars. On another note, I have noticed some typos on the Torus product information on the website…should I send this information over to you for correcting? Pls send any requests for Torus web changes via this page the password is ‘ swordfish ‘ – I see Ross has already sent you the details. In this manner we can track changes to the website in a chronological manner and maintain a log for follow-up. I am working on a major upgrade to the Torus Power website, and I can send more details after I have a chance to consult with Howard hopefully in the very near future. Thanks, Kevin Main Vice President Sales & Marketing, Torus Power Plitron Manufacturing Inc. 8-601 Magnetic Drive Toronto, ON. M3J 3J2 Cell: (289) 439-7700 Office: (416) 667-9914 ext. 248 From: Brian Gladstone [] Sent: Monday, July 14, 2014 2:29 PM To: Katye (McGregor) Bennett; Ross Whitney; Kevin Main; Steve Nolan Subject: Need Details on Torus Power Hour at Cedia for Website Greetings Kate, I trust all is well with you. Can you advise details regarding the upcoming torus power hour seminar at Cedia, so I can get listed on the torus website? We need date, time, location, room seating capacity, short description of the session, plus any other information which would be relevant to the listing. Also, in our last series of emails we discussed putting a pre-registration form on the website. As mentioned, I can build the Web registration form in a manner that sends a confirming email to the submitter with cc to torus. As well can put all the registration info on a separate password protected page so you can export attendees info into a spreadsheet. Also can export all the names into a separate list for bulk mailing. I can get started with the web work as soon as I receive more details. Thanks and regards, Brian Gladstone Torus Power Web-guy | Torus_Power-Hour-Info.docx | Brian | | ||||
Jul-15-2014 | in process Jul 17 see email stream | Kevin Main | | You Tube Torus Videos | | From: Kevin Main [] Sent: July 15, 2014 12:51 PM To: Brian Gladstone - Hotmail Cc: Steve Nolan Subject: FW: Torus Power videos to be posted on new Youtube channel Hi Brian, Here are links to some Torus Power videos that we should be using on our website. We should also have these posted to a Torus youtube channel Would that be something that you would look after? Thanks, Kevin From: John Bennett [] Sent: Monday, July 14, 2014 8:13 PM To: Kevin Main Cc: Katye McGregor Bennett Subject: Torus Power videos to be posted on new Youtube channel Hey Kevin, Here are the videos that you and Katye talked about uploading to a new Torus Power youtube channel. I've included all the info on each video that will need to be added after each upload. David Susilo (shot at CES 2014) video - Title - David Susilo; PhD Testimonial of Torus Power Toroidal Isolation Transformers at CES 2014 Description - This video is a testimonial by David Susilo; PhD discussing the unique features and benefits of the Torus Power Toroidal Isolation Power Conditioner product line. David Susilo; PhD is a THX, ISF, CEDIA Certified Instructor CEA and HAA Member. For more information go to Tags - Transformers,David Susilo; PhD,Torus Power testimonial,Torus Power,toroidal isolation transformer,plitron toroidal transformer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOT Series video - Title - Torus Power TOT Mini and Max Series Power Conditioners with Plitron Toroidal Isolation Transformers Description - Torus Power TOT Mini and Max Series power conditioners with Toroidal Isolation transformers and USB charger at ISE 2014. For more information go to Tags - TOT Series,toroidal transformer,TOT Mini,TOT Max,Torus Power TOT Series,power conditioner with toroidal isolation,Plitron manufacturing ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AVR2 ( both shot at ISE 2014) video link - Title - Torus Power AVR2 Power Conditioner with Plitron Toroidal Isolation Transformer and IP addressability Description - Torus Power discusses the AVR2 with toroidal isolation transformer IP addressability at ISE 2014 in Amsterdam, NL. For more information go to Tags - Toroidal transformer,power conditioner with toroidal isolation,Plitron manufacturing,IP Address (Protocol),AVR Series,AVR2,Torus Power conditioner with toroidal isolation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- jpg for title slide (use on all videos) after uploading video to youtube- The videos where originally approved by Howard, then we changed the intro to be more inline with the style guide and I was unable to get them in front of him for review before he left for vacation. Take care, John John Bennett KMB Communications C - (406) 425-0633 E - | Brian | | |||||
Jul-01-2014 | Completed | Ross | | Floor mount page | | 1. In the chart, output voltage is given as 1 X 120V. These pieces are able to output both 120V and 240V. 2. "FM to be fed form diconnect or panel with current limiting." Two typos. Thank you Brian! | | ||||||
Jun-23-2014 | Completed - the table is getting large and need to come up with an improved format | Ross | | Overseas updates | | Hi Brian, I hope all is well. We received this from Martin Harding. Please update the page with this info. Thank you, Ross FRANCE Europe Audio Diffusion BP82 89203 AVALLON Cédex Email. Tél: +33(0) GERMANY Mediacraft AG Gaugrafenstraße 19-23 60489 Frankfurt. Telefon +49 (0) 69 – 30 08 80 0 SWITZERLAND CHEKTONE GMBH Looslistrasse 15 CH-3027 Bern TEL.:+41 31 388 28 88 NORWAY E&S IMPORT GEITMYRSVEIEN 56 OSLO NORWAY 0455 Please remove Thailand. They are inactive... | | ||||||
Jun-19-2014 | Completed 6/20 | Ross Whitney | | New Torus Power sales contact | | Hi Brian, Please remove Paul as Sales contact and put in Kevin Main. 416.667.9914 x 248 Thank you! | | ||||||
Jun-13-2014 | completed | Steve Nolan | | Howards Interview | News Section | | Brian | | |||||
Jun-12-2014 | completed | Ross Whitney | | Ex-distributor for Canada | & | Hi Brian, Please remove all references to Aralex Acoustics. They are no longer our distributor for Canada. They have gone out of business. Thank you, Ross | | ||||||
May-30-2014 | completed | Ross Whitney | | Spec error & typo | | Hi Brian, A customer pointed this out. In the row headed "Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR)" about halfway down the page: "...22, 230, 240 VAC ± 5V..." should read "...220, 230, 240 VAC ± 10V..." Thank you, Ross | | ||||||
May-27-2014 | sent email to ross to confirm what data to be added to site | Ross Whitney | | New rep in France | | Received this information yesterday from Martin Harding: "...we are starting this week with our new distributor in France and he will soon have stock there." Please add to the list of international distributors - thanks! | | ||||||
May-15-2014 | send email to Ross requesting what webpage is being referred to? | Ross Whitney | | TOT in-wall changes | See body | Hi Brian, Some changes concerning in-wall mounting of the TOT. Thanks, Ross | Updates-for-website-TOT-in-wall-changes.docx | | |||||
May-07-2014 | completed | Ross Whitney | | "Introducing the new TOT series" page | | Hi Brian, 1. For consistency could you please remove the blank lines after paragraphs 2 and 3? 2. Can you please add my name and contact info under technical inquiries? 3. Please replace the contact emails - and Thank you, Ross | Introducing-the-new-TOT-series-from-Torus-Power-rev-03.docx | | |||||
May-05-2014 | Tom Wicks | | images available for TOT ... CE models | | Hi Brian, Thanks for the news link. Please note that we have photos available for the TOT Int'l CE page, which presently shows North American outlets. Also, the 515R page does not exist yet. I am not sure if this is intentional, so please stand-by on the 515R (50Hz 220~240V with North American outlets). Thanks! Tom | TOT-MAX-CE-masked-rear-0001.gif | TOT-MINI-CE-masked-rear-0001.gif | | |||||
Apr-03-2014 | Done Apr 3, 2014 | Matthew Roher | | Please add the following International Distributor to the Torus Power Website | | Please add to website: Extreme Audio Aydogan kardesler Tic.Ltd.Sti. Office: Buyukdere Cad. Uc Yol Mevkii NO.233 KAT: B2 34398 Maslak/Istanbul/Turkey TEL: +90 444 3760 FAX: +90 212 285 00 73 E-Mail: | | ||||||
Mar-24-2014 | fixed 3/24/14 - the problem was related to the phone number validation module, which was replaced - the phone number will no longer be validated | Matthew Roher | | Online Warranty Registration Page Down | | We received an email from a customer in Australia who tried to register his product and the page was blank. I tried and saw the same thing. Please help us get this page up and running agian so our customers can register their products. Thank you, Matt | | ||||||
Mar-20-2014 | completed on Mar 21, with note to Matt that i think they are all wrong should be 170-240 VAC input | Matthew Roher | | AVR2 20 BAL specification correction | | Hi Brian, On the table at the bottom of the link: It says the AVR2 20 BAL has 120V input. Can you kindly change this to indicate 240V? A dealer here in Ontario was confused when speaking with a customer (bad), but I think we have the sale (good), so no harm no foul. Thanks for your help with this. -Matt | | ||||||
Mar-18-2014 | completed 3/18/2014 | Matthew Roher | | Please add new Torus Power brochure | | Please replace the top left corner brochure (Torus Power Brochure Sept 23 V 71) with the attached. | TORUS_POWER_BROCHURE_V11_MAR_18_PRINT_SMALL.pdf | | |||||
Mar-18-2014 | same as above completed 3/18/2014 | Matthew Roher | | Please add new Torus Power brochure | | Please replace the top left corner brochure (Torus Power Brochure Sept 23 V 71) with the attached. | TORUS_POWER_BROCHURE_V11_MAR_18_PRINT_SMALL.pdf | | |||||
Mar-07-2014 | done asked Tom to double check all | Tom Wicks | | raw text for GM NA Brochure Mar03 | reference for specs and copy | Hi Brian, Here is the text extracted from the Gladstone Media North American Brochure, rev. Mar03 2014. | TORUS_POWER_BROCHURE_V10_MAR_03-pagw-11-20.doc | TORUS_POWER_BROCHURE_V10_MAR_03-pagw-1-10.doc | | ||||
Feb-26-2014 | completed 02/26/14 | Matt | | Add Trade Shows to Torus Site | | Hi Brian, Here are some of the trade shows that Torus Power will be attending over the next several months. If you could kindly populate the Torus Power website with this information so our customers and dealers know where they can find us it would be greatly appreciated. Sapphire Marketing Road Show Boston 2014 March 12th & 13th, 2014 Embassy Suites 550 Winter Street Waltham, MA 02451, USA AXPONA – Audio EXPO North America April 25th to 27th, 2014 The Westin O'Hare 6100 North River Road Rosemont, IL 60018, USA Sapphire Marketing Road Show New York City 2014 May 1st & 2nd, 2014 Midtown Lofts 267 Fifth Avenue, 11th Floor New York, NY 10016, USA CEDIA EXPO 2014, Booth 1066 September 11th to 13th, 2014 Colorado Convention Center 700 14th Street Denver, CO 80202, USA Graphics: I have attached the Sapphire Marketing Logo. Here is a link to all logos for AXPONA: Here is a link for the AXPONA Logo with white background: Here is a link for the AXPONA Logo with black background: I have attached the CEDIA EXPO Logo. Please let me know if you have any questions. There is also a show in Northern California with Redwood Marketing, but I will pass on information for that when it becomes available. Thank you for your help. Sincerely, | CEDIA-EXPO_Logo-1500x400-2.jpg | Sapphire-Marketing-Logo-2014.jpg | Axpona_Logo_2013_whitebackground.jpg | Brian | | ||
Feb-21-2014 | completed on Feb 26 - I think there are still some errors wrote email to Tom separately | Tom Wicks | | VA ratings and missing data from RM - Products page | Torus North American | I found this file yesterday that Dan had been working on some time ago: Torus Power Brochure Corrections.doc | Torus-Power-Brochure-Corrections.doc | | |||||
Feb-19-2014 | Tom Wicks | | VA ratings and missing data from RM - Products page | RM - Products page and Int'l VA data | Hi Brian, Here is my first installment for requested web edits. The atatched file was sent last week as an email attachement for VA ratings. We also need to populate the RM Series dimensions and provide other corrections. Please let me know if you need the data, or if you have it already. Thanks, Tom | POWER-VA-rating-for-Torus-Power.pdf | | ||||||
Feb-10-2014 | completed 02/11/14 | Matthew Roher | | RMR (Audio Consultants) | | Hi Brian, Kindly add this new Dealer to the Torus Power Website: RMR (Audio Consultants) Parker, TX T: 214-938-8138 Thank you kindly, Matt | | ||||||
Feb-09-2014 | completed 02/09/14 created new page called 'Other Torus Products' | Howard Gladstone | | Revise Medical Receptacles | | The Medical Receptacles on this page are a separate product, not part of the Wall Mount product. Please create a page called OTHER TORUS PRODUCTS, and put it there.. | Brian | | |||||
Feb-05-2014 | Completed 2/6/2014 feb5 sent email to matt This is a bit different that the other listings on that page Shall I add it twice - once for PA 2 listings, and again for DE? Pls advise your thoughts how this should be listed. | Matthew Roher | | Please add new Torus Power Dealer | | Hi Brian, Please add HiFi House to the contact page of USA Torus Power dealer: Here is their contact information: HIFI HOUSE 1001 Sussex Blvd Broomall, PA 19008 509 York Road Jenkintown, PA 19046 2304 Concord Pike Wilmington, DE 19803 T: 1-800-990-4434 Thank you, Matt | | ||||||
Jan-30-2014 | Done on 1/31/14 | Matthew Roher | | New Distributor in Czech Republic | | Hi Brian, Please add the following contact information for our new distributor in Czech Republic: High-End Audio Studio s.r.o. Belgicka 4, 120 00 Prague 2 Tel: +420 224 256 844 e-mail: Also, I think there may have been a formatting error with Poland. Could you kindly change the font so that it appears like the other countries? Thank you for your help. Sincerely, Matt | | ||||||
Jan-20-2014 | Completed 1/20/2014 | Matthew Roher | | New Italian Distributor | | Please add the following Italian Distributor to the Torus Power Website: LP Audio – Luca Parlato Via della Tesa 20 34138 Trieste Tel. 040 569824 Fax 040 2602320 Cell. 335 6434188 Thank you kindly, Matt | | ||||||
Jan-20-2014 | Completed 1/20/2014 | Matthew Roher | | Menu Item Missing from Page | | Hi Brian, Not sure if this was deliberate, but when I hover the mouse over the "Contacts" heading at the top of the Torus Power home page, the link option for Dealers and Integrators USA is no longer there. Can you kindly include in the drop-down menu. Thanks, Matt | | ||||||
Jan-16-2014 | Completed on 1/16/2015 | Matthew Roher | | AV Pro Alliance | | Hi Brian, Could you kindly change the name of "AV Professional Alliance" to "AV Pro Alliance"? Thank you for your help and the promptness of these posts! Our partners appreciate it too. Most Sincerely, Matt | | ||||||
Jan-15-2014 | Completed on 1/15/2014 | Matthew Roher | | Please add AV Pro Alliance as a New USA Distributor | | Hi Brian, Please add AV Professional Alliance as a new Distributor for USA. Here is their contact information: AV Professional Alliance Location: USA National, based in South Dakota Sales & Support: Toll Free: 1-877-886-5112 International: 605-274-6055 Email: Web: Other inquiries: Matt Murray: 605-271-2157 Thank you kindly, Matt | | ||||||
Jan-15-2014 | Completed on 1/15/2014 | Matthew Roher | | Please remove Specialty Marketing from our list of Distributors | | Hi Brian, Please remove Specialty Marketing from this Torus Power webpage: Thank you, Matt p.s. I like the added field for webpage, very smart. | | ||||||
Jan-13-2014 | Completed on 1/13/2014 | Howard | | TOT | Home | Change the copy on home for TOT to: TOT MINI and TOT MAX and are ultra compact toroidal isolation power conditioners, and the most affordable products in the Torus line-up. The compact footprint and sloped face of TOT models make them convenient for use in almost any situation. They look sharp on a component shelf, or can be located elsewhere when space is at a premium. TOT Mini is rated for 7 Amps (3Amps international), and the TOT Max is rated 15 Amps (7.5 Amps international). | | ||||||
Jan-07-2014 | Completed on 1/13/2014 | Ross Whitney | | Jan. 7 correction from RW | MOST of the RM 2.5 evidence has been removed from this page. The LINE CORDS section at the bottom of the page still mentions the 2.5A model. | | |||||||
Dec-13-2013 | Completed on 1/01/2014 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | Matthew Roher | | Please add new Installation pictures for Dealer | Hi Brian, I'm pleased to say that we have a dealer who has used Torus Power in his demo room and would like it to be posted on our website! I will send you all the photos/logo via hotmail, but wanted to let you know now. More to come. Sincerely, Matt | | |||||||
Dec-10-2013 | done | Matthew Roher | | Please add Torus Power International Distributor to Site | Hi Brian, Please add the following International Distributor to the Torus Power webiste: Contact information: HBL Audio Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam 84-903671194 Thank you kindly, Matt | |
Submitted | Webmaster | your-name | g-recaptcha-response | your-email | your-subject | Page | your-message | Attachment2 | Attachment3 | Attachment1 | submit |
Nov-24-2020 | Ross | | Can't add new dealers on website | | Hi Brian, I was asked to add a new dealer to our dealer locator today. I logged in and it looks like the button to add a dealer is no longer there. Can you please send me an email or give me a call and let me know how to get in? 647-466-5150 Thanks, Ross | ||||||
Oct-23-2020 | Ross | | Change of address - distributor in Greece | | Hi Brian, New info for our partner in Greece: Audio Soul Ultra Tel. +30 2103839399 Limnou 8 street 17237, Dafni Athens Greece Email: Facebook: Metro Station: Agios Ioannis Thanks, Ross | ||||||
Sep-29-2020 | Ross | | Missing link | | Hi Brian, I have been asked to add this new dealer to our dealer locator (page link above). Theater One 15209 107th Avenue Ct E Puyallup, WA 98374 Jeff George (253) 232-8787 I logged in to the wp-admin area of the website but the left nav bar no longer shows a link for adding new dealers. Please let me know how I can do this - as soon as possible. Thanks, Ross | ||||||
May-29-2020 | Ross | 03AGdBq257niV7DXpudD2UE6rGlJ-AXw0gQipB-ifLytrvUtndZWfGgDe1SVrEv5wIaPsggsS2iLSGIvDQxYLPclCFZb4TA39GkB5cyMycV0jaInRBHIAsRPS4Au6xFiZnWEPQ3AnghfqLf7QIjWjOP1aEKxgag6pAkDEY8m_GjUnrzBN3aZO4VBB9QkHcs5gPFMyvp2D_jn0PmZ0eO9Be8BYBNoPxurqUBm8Vh3WWpHJryFj3LZARwb32VFwUWLAJuK9413n7VPF_Rre8lvLo99FNT-_00dcF_D3CIAgeIuJuLNyvV2hoJ0wgf-XT021aeSekNXc1UWcdO94IRN0UGnXirsjf1L2_83uC9EsTwfNrUJXH0nht6A1bHJxCmoDJgTULTqaX_mAC | | New distributor - Ukraine | | Hi Brian, Please add: Zapadynska 5 Kyiv 04114 Ukraine Ph: +380 (66) 473 8468 or +380 (67) 112 5028 Thanks and keep well, Ross | |||||
May-15-2020 | Ross | 03AGdBq27Y0M-Iv_tCf6_l5U71CkIYdxZO1-DlJ2MVFDpznBZ44zldJyuA3jasU3YcDgXcZgcoPfY5NtdfpOnZmOj_f_tYQ9wHqeAziD3D6-RNNpAqbqIBWgD-SItMOevqA6UStXXreeeARq7y78iYF78uQcPbT3tyqrx6oKMCzRGIq7fK6nVY0PpVv0GQuFcvtcIXVHKTIeuNqYynRPLsVp6Fegb3rJ612eMl-1466DR7VuwxnX1YiWCWZPrGHeW6594ndu74vOsBCrAEaw_pZdNrfiKKSH5w3wME3DkYSxnqtLKvH_0IwFxCeKulxkac1hiSpxaBR3mPPH1kuhkptuLmJV79NWdj0s1pk217_WaSddwwJggXKHz9a_o5kmaV5dAvtaVNosC1 | | AVR Elite page visible prematurely | | Hi Brian, This page does not appear to be ready for public viewing. If you use the search tool on for keyword 'Elite' it comes up at the top of the list of results. Can you please hide this page until is it completed? Thank you, Ross | |||||
Dec-19-2019 | Ross | | Distributor in Asia to be removed | | Hi Brian, Please remove Clef Audio in Bangkok, Thailand from our international distributors page. Thank you, Ross | ||||||
Dec-11-2019 | Ross | sales@toruspower.ciom | Contact Torus Power form - spam prevention | | Hi Brian, We had a team meeting today and we discussed the spam that comes into our address through the contact form on this web page. I know there is a very simple arithmetic question that has to be answered before the message can be submitted. Can we make it a little harder for the bad guys by implementing CAPTCHA or something similar? Thanks, Ross | ||||||
Nov-01-2019 | Ross | | Price lists available to anyone!! | see below | Hi Brian, Please take these two pages down ASAP: Not only are these pages accessible to anyone, they are found in a Google search for 'Torus price list'. Please reply when this has been received and when it has been completed. Thanks, Ross | ||||||
Oct-22-2019 | Ross | | New video for website | | Hi Brian, Kevin has asked for this video to be uploaded to the Videos area of our website - *not* to the front page, just to the Videos area. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you, Ross | ||||||
Sep-26-2019 | Ross | | Caption needed for photo on website | | Hi Brian, Please see the attached picture. Can you please add a caption below the picture of the AVR2 30 CE (on both view 1 and view 2) so it is entirely clear that the unit with three power switches is the model AVR2 30 CE? Thanks, Ross | ||||||
Aug-16-2019 | Ross | | New distributor for Portugal | | Hi Brian, Please update our Portugal distributor info to read: Ultimate Audio Rua da Casquilha N2A 1500-154 Lisboa Portugal E-mail: Thank you, Ross | ||||||
Aug-13-2019 | Ross | | Position filled - please remove help wanted ad | | Hi Brian, Like the subject says - please remove or hide this page ASAP. Thank you, Ross | ||||||
Jul-15-2019 | Ross | | Change of distributor - Slovakia | | Hi Brian, Please remove Niomcom and add DreamAudio in their place. Details: DreamAudio Jaskovy Rad 213 Bratislava, 83101 Slovakia Tel: 00421 905 199 568 website: email: Contact: Ondrej Artim Thanks, Ross | ||||||
Jul-15-2019 | Ross | | New TPI team member - Gary Collins | | Photo attached - here is the bio: Gary graduated from Ryerson University with an electrical engineering diploma and began his career working in the commercial security industry. Gary spent 20 years with Chubb Security starting as a bench technician and advancing to Technical Support Manager. While working for Chubb, Gary also attained diplomas in Telecommunications and Network Concepts and Information Systems from Humber College in Toronto. For the past five years, Gary has been providing inside sales and technical support for commercial emergency communication systems. In his business roles Gary has traveled throughout North America, Europe, United Kingdom, Asia, Australia, and New Zealand providing onsite system training, commissioning, and troubleshooting services. Gary specializes in providing technical guidance and support for commercial security and communications systems and brings a strong technology background to Torus Power. | ||||||
Jul-04-2019 | Ross | | Discontinued RM models - North America | | Hi Brian, Hope you're well. Writing today to let you know that the RM 5 and RM 10 have basically been discontinued and we would like these models to be removed from the website. Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks, Ross | ||||||
Jun-10-2019 | Ross | | Corrections for RM page | | Hi Brian, Please replace: "Torus Powers power isolation units (PIUS) combine search suppression with massive toroidal transformers to provide AC power conditioning and protection from voltage surges." with: "Torus Power's power isolation units (PIUs) combine surge suppression with massive toroidal transformers to provide AC power conditioning and protection from voltage surges." Three changes - add an apostrophe to "Powers", change "PIUS" to "PIUs" and replace "search" with "surge". Thanks, Ross | ||||||
May-31-2019 | Ross | | New distributor for the website | | Hi Brian, Here are the details on our new distributor: SOUTH KOREA SOHGOM 323, Jangsu2-ro Socho-myeon, Wonju 26308, South Korea Tel: 010-5308-8754 Thanks, Ross | ||||||
May-21-2019 | Ross | | Corrections for web page | | Hi Brian, A customer pointed this out (embarrassing). The RM 20 uses a single 2400 VA toroidal transformer to supply 120V at 20A to the 10 AC outlets on its rear panel. It has a 20 a circuit breaker for its on off switch and uses a 14 AWG detachable AC cord rated at 15 amp/125V. This should read: The RM 20 uses a single 2400VA toroidal transformer to supply 120V at 20A to the 10 AC outlets on its rear panel. It has a 20A on/off switch and uses a 12 AWG detachable AC cord rated at 20A/125V. Thanks, Ross | ||||||
May-15-2019 | Ross | | Expanded territory for distributor | | Hi Brian, Our distributor for Greece also covers Cyprus. Please change the "Greece" heading to "Greece & Cyprus" so customers in both countries will be able to find our distributor. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks Brian, Ross | ||||||
May-02-2019 | Ross | | New prices for web stores - USD and CAD | | Hi Brian, Please see the attached Word doc. We have many price changes that came into effect yesterday. Thanks, Ross | ||||||
Apr-30-2019 | Ross Whitney | | Remove 5kVA AIO panels | | Hi Brian, We are no longer including the 5kVA AIO panels on our North American price lists. Please remove the ALL IN ONE 5KVA tab and both the AIO-5K-240 and the AIO-5K-208 from our website. Thanks, Ross | ||||||
Apr-29-2019 | Ross Whitney | | Corrections for EU distributors | | Hi Brian, Please make these changes: Slovenia: Pear Audio Europe d.o.o. Cankarjevo Nabr. 15 1000 Ljubljana Slovenija Contact : Peter Mezek Tel.: 00386-41-711440 e mail: Slovakia: Niomcom s.r.o. Odborárska 5 831 02 Bratislava 3 Slovakia Tel.: +421 918 620 160 e-mail: web: Thank you, Ross | ||||||
Apr-26-2019 | Ross Whitney | | Distributor name change | | Hi Brian, Our distributor in Taiwan is listed with two company names: M&K Sound Taiwan Keep Running Audio Co. They have asked us to remove the "M&K Sound Taiwan" from the listing and to only show "Keep Running Audio Co." Can you take care of this for us please? Thanks Brian, Ross | ||||||
Apr-18-2019 | Ross Whitney | | Products to be removed from site | | Hi Brian, I just noticed that the 35kVA floor mount transformers are still on our website. Plitron is no longer building these models. Can you please remove them from our site? The 25kVA floor mount transformers are still available. Thank you, Ross | ||||||
Apr-16-2019 | Ross Whitney | | New Q&A for the FAQ page | | Hi Brian, Here is a new entry for our FAQ page. This one is asked quite frequently so please give it a prominent spot on the page. Thanks, Ross | ||||||
Apr-10-2019 | Ross | | New distributor | | Hi Brian, Please add our new distributor for Germany and Austria to the EUROPE AND UNITED KINGDOM area of our website. Here are the details: IBEX AUDIO GmbH Alfredshöhe 29 89522 Heidenheim, Germany T +49 7321 25490 M +49 176 1011 3585 Thank you, Ross | ||||||
Jul-25-2018 | Ross Whitney | | Problems with dealer locator | | Hi Brian, The dealer locator tool is not working perfectly. It throws an error or gets stuck Searching when you plug in a valid city, state and zip. Please try to get this fixed. Thank you, Ross | ||||||
Jul-11-2018 | Ross | | Newsletters to be added | | Hi Brian, I hope all is well. We have three newsletters to be added to the Torus Power site: Nov. 11, 2017: May 10, 2018: June 28, 2018: I tested the links and they work fine on my iPhone which is not logged into CyberImpact - should work for you too. Thanks, Ross | ||||||
Apr-10-2018 | done | Ross | | New info for French distributor | | Hi Brian, New address and numbers for our distributor in France - email and web will not change. JFF Diffusion 288 B allée des frênes 69300 Caluire Thanks, Ross | |||||
Apr-06-2018 | done | Ross | | New contact info for AV EMEA | | Please update the AV EMEA info as follows: Distributor Inquiries Europe, Asia, Middle East, Africa, Australia, Oceania AV EMEA Martin Harding Michael Kwetters Peter Schoon +31 416 820280 | |||||
Mar-29-2018 | done | Ross | | Japan models - remove from site | | Hi Brian, Kevin and I discussed this today. We would like you to remove Japan from the Products drop-down list and remove the page linked above along with these two pages: Please let me know if you have any questions - and thanks! Sincerely, Ross | |||||
Mar-26-2018 | done | Ross | | Updates/corrections to TOT page | | Hi Brian, There are three pages of images on this web page. Page 2 shows a white TOT Mini in a wall pan and a white TOT Max. The TOT Max caption says "Medical grade outlets & USB charger". Issues: 1. The TOT series does not use medical-grade outlets. 2. We no longer offer any TOT models in white and we no longer offer the wall pan. Please remove these images as soon as you can and please remove any images of white TOTs or mentions of wall pans from all TOT pages, domestic and international. Thanks Brian, Ross | |||||
Mar-23-2018 | done | Ross | | Discontinued models | | Hi Brian, We are discontinuing the RM 15 Plus, AVR 15 Plus and AVR2 15 Plus models. Please remove all of these models from the US and Canada web stores as soon as possible. Let me know if you have any questions - thanks! Ross | |||||
Mar-13-2018 | done | Ross | | Address change for China distributor | | Hi Brian, "Kindly also note that Laco's address has been moved from Shop A019 to Shop A029 and the rest of the address is the same. Please update your record accordingly." Please make this small change to the distributor's information - thanks. Ross | |||||
Mar-08-2018 | done | Ross | | New email address for Martin H | | Hi Brian, Can you please update Martin Harding's email address? The new one is: - thanks! | |||||
Feb-23-2018 | done | Ross Whitney | | Tabs broken | | Hi Brian, A customer pointed this out to me (never a good thing). On the page linked above, the tabs for 'AVR and AVR PLUS' and 'AVR BALANCED INPUT' do nothing. I tried Chrome and Internet Explorer on my Windows 7 machine here and the customer was using Safari on an iPad. Please investigate - thanks! Ross | |||||
Feb-01-2018 | done | Ross | | Manual to be replaced | | Hi Brian, There is an error in the TOT AVR manual. Corrected version is attached. Please replace the existing manual with the attached manual. Thank you, Ross | |||||
Feb-01-2018 | seems to be ok now no action taken | Ross | | Odd message | | Hi Brian, I just sent a site update request through this portal. Oddly, the acknowledgement message reads "Thank you for requesting a quote for shipping. We will respond quickly!" Just thought you should know. Ross | |||||
Feb-01-2018 | done | Ross | | Inactive distributor in India | | Hi Brian, Please rempve Audio Excellence who are listed as our distributor for India. There has been no activity there for years and we wish to remove them from our site. Thank you, Ross | |||||
Jan-29-2018 | done | Ross | | Web store - updates to shipping rates | | Hi Brian, We have been looking at our shipping costs for the models on the web store and we need to change the shipping costs on these models: RM 15 Plus, AVR 15 Plus, AVR2 15 Plus, RM 20, AVR 20, AVR2 20 - change to $150.00 for both US and Canadian sales. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Ross | |||||
Nov-23-2017 | done | Ross | | New newsletter provider | | Hi Brian, We are leaving Constant Contact and we will be using Cyberimpact for our newsletter effective immediately. Can you please make the required changes to the Join Our Newsletter button on our website? This is the link you will need: The user name for the account is toruspower and the password is cybac1dc0de Thanks, Ross | |||||
Nov-21-2017 | done | Ross | | New distributor - Taiwan | | Hi Brian, New distributor for us: M&K Sound Taiwan Keep Running Audio Co. 2F, No.22, Sec. 6, Xinyi Rd., Xinyi Dist. Taipei City 110, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 11086 T: +886-2-2726-1286 F: +886-2-2726-8094 Thanks, Ross | |||||
Oct-30-2017 | done | Ross | | Important - privacy breaches | | Hi Brian, On the site, whether logged in or not, when you click the magnifying glass and search for the word 'warranty', this is one of the pages that comes up: This page is problematic too: Serious breaches of customer privacy. Please address this ASAP. While we are here, this page comes up in the search too: I don't think this page is intended to be visible to the public. Can you hide these three pages from public view please? Thank you, Ross | |||||
Oct-30-2017 | done | Ross | | Phone number on Terms of Sale page | | Hi Brian, Please change this: "Before returning this product, please call Torus Power customer service at 1-800-Torus Power..." to this: "Before returning this product, please call Torus Power customer service at 1-877-337-9480 (outside of USA or Canada, +1-416-477-4799)..." Thanks, Ross | |||||
Oct-17-2017 | done | Rosss | | New distributor to add | | Hi Brian, Here are the details on a new distributor to be added to the CARIBBEAN – CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA section: Innovaciones Acusticas Av. Pampite s/n y Chimborazo C.C. Centro Plaza of.108-Cumbaya Quito, Ecuador +593 2 6016644 +593 99 871 2344 Thanks, Ross | |||||
Oct-13-2017 | done | Rosss | | Two lines to be removed | | Hi Brian, Under both the TOT MINI and TOT MAX tabs we read: "All Stand-Alone TOT models available in Anodized Aluminium chassis." Can you please remove this line from *both* tabs? Thanks Brian, Ross | |||||
Aug-11-2017 | done | Rosss | | Change of distributor in the Netherlands | | Hi Brian, Like the subject line says - please remove Viertron BV and replace with: Monitor Audio Nederland B.V. Singel 17F 1261 XP Blaricum The Netherlands +31 (0)35 – 6295491 Thank you, Ross | |||||
Jul-10-2017 | done | Rosss | | TOT page on web store - revisions | | Hi Brian, Under the TOT SERIES tab, we would like to request some changes. We will not be offering white TOT units or wall pans so these can be removed. The 19" FP Black does not fit the TOT AVR so please remove 'AVR' from its model list. Item ID 'SMSS' is not available by itself. Please add three new TOT models: TOT Mini SMSS $1149 TOT Max SMSS $1549 TOT AVR SMSS $2549 Thanks, Ross | |||||
Jun-20-2017 | done | Rosss | | Another typo | | Hi Brian, Please find and replace "troublingshooting" with "troubleshooting". Thanks, Ross | |||||
Jun-20-2017 | done | Rosss | | Typo | | Hi Brian, I hope you are continuing to mend. Please search this page for "Cabapility" and correct the spelling. Thanks, Ross | |||||
May-31-2017 | done | Rosss | | New contact info for Greek distributor | | Hi Brian, I hope you are on the mend 🙂 We have new contact info for our distributor in Greece. Please update the page - thanks! Ross GREECE Audio Soul ULTRA Dousmani 5 Glyfada (Athens) - 16675 P: +30 2103839399 M: +30 6945468789 | |||||
Apr-21-2017 | done | Rosss | | New distributor for Ecuador | | Hi Brian, Please use the information in the attached file and on this page: and add this new distributor to our website. Please use as the email address. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Ross | |||||
Apr-18-2017 | done | Rosss | | New newsletter for the site | | Hi Brian, Here is our latest newsletter which will be going out to our subscribers this week. Can you please put it up on the site? Thanks, Ross | |||||
Mar-16-2017 | done | Rosss | | New EU distributor | | Hi Brian, Please add our new distributor for Hungary to the website. Details: A.I.D.A. Audió Kft. Gyár u. 2, (Szent-Györgyi Albert u. 119.) H-2040 Budaörs, Hungary Telefon: (06-1) 248-2030 Fax: (06-23) 880-969 E-mail: Web: Thank you, Ross | |||||
Mar-06-2017 | done | Rosss | | Changes in Norway - distributor update | | Hi Brian, This just in - we have a new distributor to replace the current one in Norway. Details for the website: STEREOFIL AS Grensen 9 0159 Oslo Norway T. +47 22 41 13 20 Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Ross | |||||
Feb-13-2017 | done | Rosss | | New contact info for distributor | | Hi Brian, Our distributor in Slovenia has a new address and a new phone number. Niomcom s.r.o. Odborárska 5 831 02 Bratislava 3 Slovakia + 421 905 218 394 Cheers, Ross | |||||
Jan-25-2017 | done | Rosss | | Current rating for TOT Max CE | | Hi Brian, On this page we read: "The TOT MAX, rated at 4 Amps, can provide current to demanding power hungry systems including substantial power amplifiers." This paragraph should say the unit is rated 8 amps, not 4. Thanks, Ross | |||||
Jan-19-2017 | done | Rosss | | European distributors listing | | Hi Brian, We have severed our relationship with our Italian distributor and I have removed him from this page on our website. In doing so I created a gaping hole in the page. Could you please reformat the page for us? Thank you! | |||||
Jan-11-2017 | done | Rosss | | Error on a Japan page | | "with models from 15 Amp to 30 Amp. A popular model in the RM series is the RM 15 JP. A larger custom installation model <b>RM 30 JP</b>..." The table says the available models are the RM 15 JP and RM 20 JP. I am inclined to believe the table and believe the above text should be corrected. Thanks Brian! | |||||
Jan-09-2017 | done | Rosss | | 3 of 3 | | Last batch - cheers! | |||||
Jan-09-2017 | done | Rosss | | 2 of 3 | | More manuals - thanks! | |||||
Jan-09-2017 | done | Rosss | | Revised manuals | | Hi Brian, We have updated the terms of the Torus Power warranty and as a result we have created a new set of 'one size fits all' manuals. There are nine in total - here are the first three. Thanks, Ross | |||||
Jan-05-2017 | done | Rosss | | Wrong email address | | Hi Brian and Happy New Year! I just noticed that appears in Kevin's column as well as mine on this page. Could you please change the group email address for Kevin to The sales address reaches both of us but I believe the tech address just reaches me.Thanks! | |||||
Nov-03-2016 | done | Rosss | | Updated manuals - 3 of 3 | | 3 of 3 | |||||
Nov-03-2016 | done | Rosss | | Updated manuals - 2 of 3 | | 2 of 3 | |||||
Nov-03-2016 | done | Rosss | | Updated manuals - 1 of 3 | | 1 of 3 | |||||
Nov-03-2016 | done | Rosss | | Manuals | | Hi Brian, The three manuals I just uploaded are not ready for prime time. Please hold off and I will send the good stuff as soon as it becomes available. Thank you, Ross | |||||
Nov-03-2016 | done | Ross | | Updated owners manuals - part 1 | | Hi Brian, Please replace the manuals on our website with these updated ones. Thanks, Ross | |||||
Jul-13-2016 | done | Rosss | | Dealer locator issue - new | | Hi Brian, Hope you're doing well. I just added a new dealer to the website and an issue appeared that I have never seen before. You can see it on the attached image - there is no spacing between city, state and zip. I even added spaces after the city and state but it made no difference. It looks like all of our dealers may be affected. Thanks, Ross | |||||
Jul-08-2016 | test | Brian Gladstone | | Website | | This is a test | |||||
Jul-08-2016 | done | Rosss | | Floor mount page | | Hi Brian, Happy Friday! Please check out the attached image from the referenced page. The correct information is that the TVSS module is included with all of our floor mount models. It is standard equipment - not an option. Thanks, Ross | |||||
Jun-28-2016 | done | Kevin | | New Distributor for Australia | contact: International Distributors | Hi Brian, Can you please add our new distributor to the international section of the website? I will also fill out the web form for this request. Here is the contact info… Network Audio Visual 6b/3-9 Kenneth Rd. Manley Vale, 2093, NSW Australia Claver Harper Director E: W: M: 0417-404-706 P: 02 9949-9349 Thanks, Kevin | |||||
Jun-28-2016 | asRotHccfhvl | | 1o6eagau | 1o6eagau | <a href=>medrol</a> | Send | |||||
Jun-15-2016 | done | Kevin Main | | add savant link | | Hi Brian, Please see e-mail below from Savant. Can you get this link in place for us? Thanks, Kevin From: John Ball [] Sent: June-15-16 4:45 PM To: Ross Whitney <> Subject: Thanks for the Mention Hi , My name is John Ball and I'm the Digital Marketing Specialist at Savant. I just came across and enjoyed a story you wrote: I was wondering if you'd be willing to turn our name that's already in the article into a clickable link that leads to our website: It will not only help your websites user experience, but will also greatly improve our online visibility. Thank you again for mentioning us! Have a wonderful day. John Ball Digital Marketing Specialist Savant | |||||
Jun-14-2016 | done | Rosss | | New Message From Torus Power - Get In Touch | n/a | Hi Brian, Please see the attached image. It seems that when customers "Get In Touch" with us using the form on our website, their From addresses do not appear, which means we do not always have a way to contact them. Can you please investigate? Thank you, Ross | |||||
May-26-2016 | done | Kevin | | Contact Info | Contact Us | Hi Brian, On the contact us page you have me listed as President and CEO. Can you please just change this to Ptresident. Howard is actually the CEO and I am the COO, but I would prefer seem approachable on the website. Also, the formatting for the phone numbers on this page is different for each of the numbers...different spacing. Can you please clean this up so it is consistent? Thanks, Kevin | |||||
May-12-2016 | done | Rosss | | Newsletter sign-up link for home page | | Hi Brian, We are using Zoho as our CRM platform now and we will be using the Zoho Campaigns feature to distribute our newsletter. Here is the short URL that will feed new contact names and email addresses to our contact list: Can you please give this sign-up form a prominent spot on our home page? Alternatively, you can embed this button code: <!--Zoho Embed Button Starts--> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script> <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script> <a id="embedLink" style="text-decoration: none;" href="" target="_blank"><input name="EMBED_BUTTON" id="EMBED_BUTTON" style="padding: 10px; outline: 0px; border-radius: 5px; border: 1px solid rgb(241, 241, 241); border-image: none; width: auto; text-align: center; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); font-family: Arial; font-size: 14px; cursor: pointer; background-color: rgb(167, 167, 167);" onclick="zc_loadForm('','')" type="button" value="Join Our Newsletter" purpose="nrmlBtn" changetype="EMBED_BUTTON" btntype="nrmlBtn" formopenin="New Window"></a> <input type='hidden' id='zc_Url' value=''/> <input type='hidden' id='zc_formIx' name='zc_formIx' value='f86eaa3ad5d1e9a31438a8b019c635e5c98e811ca5f0889b' > <input type='hidden' id='cmpZuid' name='zx' value='117a38d68' > <input type='hidden' id='viewFrom' name='viewFrom' value='BUTTON_ACTION' /> <input type='hidden' id='button_tc_codeVal' name='button_tc_codeVal' value='ZCFORMVIEW' /> <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script> <script> var trackingText='ZCFORMVIEW'; var $ZC = jQuery.noConflict(); $ZC('[id=embedLink]').append("<input type='hidden' id='tc_code"+$ZC('[id=embedLink]').size()+"' value="+trackingText+">"); var elemSize = parseInt($ZC('[id=embedLink]').size())-1; var embedLink = $ZC($ZC('[id=embedLink]')[elemSize]).attr('href'); var dynamicCodeVal = $ZC("#tc_code"+$ZC('[id=embedLink]').size()).val(); embedLink = embedLink+'&trackingcode='+dynamicCodeVal; $ZC($ZC('[id=embedLink]')[elemSize]).attr('href',embedLink); $ZC('[id=button_tc_codeVal]').val(dynamicCodeVal); trackSignupEvent(dynamicCodeVal,'buttonView'); </script> <!-- Zoho Embed Button End --> Thanks Brian! | |||||
May-11-2016 | done | Rosss | | Link and logo to add to | | Hi Brian, Kevin has approved adding this logo and link to our site. Link: "It can go on our main page under industry affiliations." Thank you, Ross | |||||
May-03-2016 | done | Rosss | | New distributor for Russia | | Hi Brian, Please add the following - thanks! Ross EnTrade Leningradsky Prospekt 47, Office 328, 125167, Moscow, Russia Tel: +7 (495) 981-1407 Fax: +7 (495) 981-1408 | |||||
Apr-28-2016 | done | Kevin Main | | add to site | News | | |||||
Apr-21-2016 | done | Rosss | | Warranty registration page issue | | Hi Brian, From a customer: "what is the magic format for date to use in the online registration tool. web page should indicate day format desired." I experience the same issue - "Date format seems invalid" error no matter how I format the date. Please make fix - thanks! Ross | |||||
Apr-14-2016 | done apr 15 | Katye | | Add Blog to Blog page (Fulkra) | Blog | Hi Brian, I'm out of the office and am having some issues connecting to the web form upload site (the problem is on my side). I've sent this to you also via Email and apologize for the redundancy. Would you mind adding the attached document to the Blog portion of the Torus Power website using the image that's embedded or available via the link (Download Images). Once you've got the images set you won't need and can therefore remove the Download Images link and copy. The pull quote has been formatted as a block quote - hopefully this translates easily to Wordpress formatting. Once done, can you send me the link for our use in promoting the story? | |||||
Mar-31-2016 | done | Katye - KMB | | Consider removing the article | News | Hi Brian, Just spotted something I think you and Kevin should discuss to determine whether this post should still be up on the Torus Power site. Link: With so many references to Plitron and Torus Power by Plitron, I'm thinking it should maybe be retired. Review together....thanks! | |||||
Mar-31-2016 | done | Katye | | Update Pro Audio LA blog | Blog | HI Brian, I have been asked to make two small changes to the Pro Audio LA blog (link: They are minor and noted below: In the paragraph titled, New Space, Clean Power, the second paragraph should read as follows: In the AWS mix room, the Pro Audio LA team employed a similar power plan as they used in the old facility, putting the SSL console on its own circuit and using two additional voltage rails for the other equipment. “We had quite an audible performance improvement running the Focal speakers off the Torus Power unit,” says Stansill. “I can show people, firsthand, the performance improvement while simultaneously explaining the added benefits of power protection and isolation.” | |||||
Mar-19-2016 | done | Kevin | | Small changes to headers | News Videos & More | Hi Brian, Just a couple of very small changes. Under News, Videos & More... please change the title of In the News to News. please change the title of product reviews to Reviews please change the title of Torus Power Videos to Videos and position after Trade Shows. Thanks, Kevin | |||||
Mar-19-2016 | done | Kevin | | New Company phone number | Contact Us | Hi Brian, Please change our main company phone number to: (416) 477 4799 Toll Free: 1-(877) 337-9480 for Kevin Main: (416) 477-4799 ext 102 please remove my cell number as this new number will now ring through to my cell. for Ross Whitney: (416) 477-4799 ext. 100 Thanks, Kevin | |||||
Mar-18-2016 | done | Rosss | | Dealer locator tool | | Hi Brian, Either I am extremely thick this morning or I have lost the ability to add North American dealers to the Torus Power site. Could you please have a look and let me know? Thank you, Ross | |||||
Mar-14-2016 | done | Rosss | | Manuals to add | | Hi Brian, Happy Monday 🙂 Two manuals to add to this page if you please. Thank you, Ross | |||||
Mar-07-2016 | done | John Bennett | | Torus Vimeo Videos | Torus Power Videos | From: John Bennett <> Date: Fri, Mar 4, 2016 at 10:17 AM Subject: Re: WW and Torus mentioned in review To: "" <> Cc: Kevin Main <>, Katye McGregor Bennett <> Hi Brian, Here are the four links to the Torus Power Hour videos on Vimeo, ready to go. Also, please use the titles and descriptions as best you can from the Doc attached as they are SEO optimized. Dennis Erskine - Arthur Kelm - Henry Pajooman - Anthony Grimani - Let us know if you need any help! | |||||
Mar-07-2016 | done mar 7 | John Bennett | | Torus Power Videos | From: John Bennett <> Date: Fri, Mar 4, 2016 at 10:17 AM Subject: Re: WW and Torus mentioned in review To: "" <> Cc: Kevin Main <>, Katye McGregor Bennett <> Hi Brian, Here are the four links to the Torus Power Hour videos on Vimeo, ready to go. Also, please use the titles and descriptions as best you can from the Doc attached as they are SEO optimized. Dennis Erskine - Arthur Kelm - Henry Pajooman - Anthony Grimani - Let us know if you need any help! | ||||||
Mar-01-2016 | done mar 7 was waiting for vimeo videos form john bennett | Kevin Main | | Web Updates | various | Hi Brian, Please get these reviews on our website. I remember you saying that PDFs are tougher to work with, but it shouldn’t be difficult from what I am being told by other webmasters. Also, can you replace the Dean Peer video on the home page with one of the new Montana videos and move the Dean Peer video back to the regular video section? Thanks, Kevin | |||||
Mar-01-2016 | done Mar 1 | Rosss | | Meet the team page | | On the meet the team page, Howard should be Chairman and CEO. My title should be “Technical Sales Specialist and Customer Support Manager”. Lastly, Kevin asks if you could please lower the Howard and Kevin photos so all three are lined up. Hope this is clear - please ping me if not. Thanks! | |||||
Feb-26-2016 | done Feb 28 | Howard | | Add CE Pro Article | | Please change the email addresses on the website from to (except for Henry … remove his altogether). We will have a new phone # is about a week. Kevin is back on Friday, and in office all next week. HG > On Feb 23, 2016, at 4:31 PM, wrote: > > > > > > Howard Gladstone > Sent from my iPhone | |||||
Feb-23-2016 | done feb 26 | Katye - KMB | | Add PRs to website | In the news | Hi Brian, Can you add the attached releases to the website please, dated according to their release date? The ISE ones, while now in the past, provide good information and should be noted on the site to show continuity. The Torus Power Inc. release should be on top. Thanks! | |||||
Feb-17-2016 | done Feb 25 | Rosss | | New distributor info for Thailand | | Hi Dr. B 🙂 Please add: Clef Audio Co., Ltd. 33/83 Soi Narkniwas 22 Narkniwas Rd., Lardprao Bangkok 10230 Thailand +662-9325981-2 Thank you! Ross | |||||
Jan-27-2016 | done | Rosss | | Edits for Greek distributor | | Hi Brian, Message from our new distributor for Greece: "I saw our data are already published in Plitron's website as distributors. But the email is wrong. Could you please add this email address: Also please add another phone number: 6945 468789" So...please add the email address the customer provided and please *change* the phone number to +30 6945468789. Thanks Brian! Ross | |||||
Jan-25-2016 | done | Kevin | | Add new distributor | Contact - International Distributor | Hi Brian, Please add the following distributor for Greece & Cyprus: Ultra Audio Group Pitheou 27 & Ipparchou Athens 11743 Greece +30 2103839399! | |||||
Jan-15-2016 | done | Rosss | | Another manual | | Hi Brian, Please and thank you. Cheers, Ross | |||||
Jan-15-2016 | done | Rosss | | New manual to be uploaded | | Hi Brian, This one was missing - please add when you can. Thank you, Ross | |||||
Jan-14-2016 | Done | Rosss | | Edit for a FAQ | | Hi Brian, Could you kindly replace the "Is it recommended to leave the Torus Power unit on at all times..." question and answer with the revised version in the attached Word doc. Editorial board approval has been granted. Thank you, Ross | |||||
Jan-06-2016 | Done but it does not look like a complete address | Ross | | Add distributor please | | Hi Brian, Happy New Year! Please add our distributor for France to this page. The are JFF-Diffusion and all of their details are here: Thanks! | |||||
Dec-15-2015 | done Dec 15 | Kevin | | Distributor Information - Correction | Contact - International Distributors | Brian, Can you please correct the information listed for our new distributor in Spain? See correct info below... This distributor will also be handling our business in Portugal...can you please add Portugal to the distributors area? Thanks, kevin Our company website is Also the Phone number is not correct the correct ones is+34902500578 or 902500578 or +34 902 500 578 it depends on the space you have available to introduce in the web database. | |||||
Dec-14-2015 | done Dec 14 | Kevin | | New Distributor for Spain | Contact - International Distributors | Hi Brian, Please add the following distributor for Spain... Thanks, Kevin Integral Home System C/Catarroja 1 desp 114 PC 46940 Manises (Valencia) SPAIN Phone: +34 902 50 578 | |||||
Dec-14-2015 | done Dec 14 | Kevin | | Remove Distributor from Website | Contact - International Distributor | Hi Brian, Please remove Intek as our International distributor for be replaced by Pear Audio Europe as per me last request. Thanks, Kevin | |||||
Dec-14-2015 | done Dec 14 | Kevin | | New Torus Power Distributor for Slovenia | Contact - International Distributor | Hi Brian, Can you please add the following new distributor to the website?... Pear Audio Europe d.o.o. Cankarjevo Nabr. 15 1000 Ljubljana Slovenija Contact : Peter Mezek Tel.: 00386-41-711440 e mail: web site : | |||||
Dec-04-2015 | done | Kevin | | Trade Shows | News & Reviews / Upcoming Trade Shows | Hi Brian, Can you please add the following to our upcoming trade shows... 1) ISE - Integrated Systems Europe. Amsterdam Feb 9-12 Booth # 5-R128 2) CEDIA Expo 2016. Dallas, TX Sept 15-17. Booth # 1305 Thanks, Kevin | |||||
Dec-03-2015 | done | Kevin | | Latvia Distributor | Contact - International Distributors | Hi Brian, Our Latvia distributor is not listed on the Torus website. Can you please add the following distributor?... Latvia Pro 1 Sound Store Latvia, Riga, 21A Drustu Street, LV-2167 +37129204700 Contact: thanks, Kevin | |||||
Dec-03-2015 | Ross, I evaluated all 5 entries, and found no problems. All is working as expected. Audiovisionaries is stuck on ‘pending’ because the map does not recognize Puerto Rico (PR) as a state in USA. Puerto Rico is deemed as a ‘territory’, and the problem was corrected when I specified Puerto Rico as a ‘country’. Stone & Glidden comes up perfectly with search criteria ‘PA’ radius = 500 km, or ‘King of Prussia’ with any settings, or ‘19406’ with any settings. Audio University comes us perfectly when search criteria = ‘WI’ radius = 100 km, or ‘Madison’ with any settings, or with ‘53715’ with any settings. Innovative Does not come up because the address field contains text, and not a valid address. Stereo Types come up perfectly when searching for ‘22901’, ‘1885 Seminole Trail’, ‘Charlottesville’ when radius is set to 100km. Note – When searching by ‘State’ the map selects a reference point as the centre of the radius search – usually the state capital or geographical center of the state. This is shown on every map as a Red Flag. The red flag can be dragged anywhere on the map, which will change the search criteria radius. Regards, Brian | Ross Whitneyy | | Store locator part two | | Hi Brian, Me again 🙁 Please see the attached screen grab. These are the five most recent stores I have added and the search only finds three of them. Audiovisionaries is stuck on Pending for reasons unknown and I do not know what is wrong with Innovative but it still does not come up in a search. Thank you, Ross | |||||
Dec-03-2015 | added Augury, Argentina not sent to me .. requested from Kevin | Kevin | | New Distributor | Contact - International Distributors | Hi Brian, Please add the following distributor for Uruguay & Argentina NAME: Ateka CONTACT: Alvaro Tuzman ADDRESS: Luis Franzini 975, Montevideo, 11300, Uruguay Tel: +598.2.710.6313 contact: Thanks, Kevin website: | |||||
Dec-03-2015 | Ross, I evaluated all 5 entries, and found no problems. All is working as expected. Audiovisionaries is stuck on ‘pending’ because the map does not recognize Puerto Rico (PR) as a state in USA. Puerto Rico is deemed as a ‘territory’, and the problem was corrected when I specified Puerto Rico as a ‘country’. Stone & Glidden comes up perfectly with search criteria ‘PA’ radius = 500 km, or ‘King of Prussia’ with any settings, or ‘19406’ with any settings. Audio University comes us perfectly when search criteria = ‘WI’ radius = 100 km, or ‘Madison’ with any settings, or with ‘53715’ with any settings. Innovative Does not come up because the address field contains text, and not a valid address. Stereo Types come up perfectly when searching for ‘22901’, ‘1885 Seminole Trail’, ‘Charlottesville’ when radius is set to 100km. Note – When searching by ‘State’ the map selects a reference point as the centre of the radius search – usually the state capital or geographical center of the state. This is shown on every map as a Red Flag. The red flag can be dragged anywhere on the map, which will change the search criteria radius. Regards, Brian | Ross Whitneyy | | Store locator issue | | Hi Brian, Please see the attached image. I have added this new dealer to the list but when I search using the city and state or the zip code the dealer does not come up. Please investigate and let me know - I have several others to add. Thank you, Ross | |||||
Nov-30-2015 | done | John Bennett | | All-in-One abbreviation on video page | Video | Please fix All-in-One abbreviation on video page - AIO instead of AOI. | |||||
Nov-23-2015 | done | Ross | | New one for the FAQ page | | Hi Brian, First of all, I just noticed that "questions" is misspelled in the URL for this page. I would like to put the word out on the FAQ page to let our intelligent users know how to calibrate the voltage and current readings on their AVR and AVR2 units. To that end I have attached a document with instructions and screen shots. This information appears in some of our manuals but not all of them. Thank you, Ross | |||||
Nov-23-2015 | done | Kevin | | Torus Upcoming Trade Show | Trade Shows | Hi Brian, We will be exhibiting at Integrated System Europe in Amsterdam from Feb 9-12 2016. Please have a look at the show web site and let me know if you need more info. Thanks, Kevin | |||||
Nov-23-2015 | done | Kevin Main | | CEDIA Logo to be added to Torus Power landing page | Landing page | Hi Brian, Can you please add the CEDIA logo to our landing page? We have been a CEDIA member for several years and by adding the logo to our website it allows us to build points towards better booth selection at the CEDIA Expo each year. Thanks, Kevin | |||||
Nov-19-2015 | done | KMB Communications | | CEDIA videos to add to website | Videos | CEDIA video - TOT AVR with Matt Scott of AV Nation WM (All in One) with Matt Scott of AV Nation Dean Peer testimonial | |||||
Nov-16-2015 | copy of email sent to Ross Hi Ross, Regrettably the image you sent is not suitable for the Torus Power website. It is 300 pixels by 300 pixel Square at 72 dpi, thus it will become pixelated if enlarged. The site requires for 490 pixels by 420 pixels at minimum 72 dpi, though I prefer 96 dpi. Regards, Brian | Ross Whitney | | New mug shot | | Hi Brian, When you have a moment could you please replace my photo on the 'meet the team' page with the one I have attached? Thank you, Ross | |||||
Nov-06-2015 | Upgraded Ross's permission level as needed to make the required revisions to the dealer database | Ross Whitney | | Export of NA dealer list? | | Hi Brian, Hope you're well. I have been adding and deleting North American dealers and integrators and I would like to find an easier way to view the entire database so I can clean it up and make it as consistent as possible. To that end, can you let me know how to export the entire list or, alternatively, could you export it and send it to me? Thanks, Ross | |||||
Nov-05-2015 | Advised Ross this will be handled in a future update of the plug-in | Ross Whitney | | Google maps weirdness | | Hi again Brian, Not sure if this one is within your control or not. When a customer has the '&' symbol in his company name the symbol does not render correctly on the map. See the attached JPEG to see what I mean. Is there any fix or workaround for this? Thanks, Ross | |||||
Nov-05-2015 | done Nov 6 | Ross Whitney | | Access to Store Locator tool | | Hi Brian, Hope you're well. Kevin has asked me to make several changes to the North American dealer section of our website. It looks like Dana has the ability to access the Store Locator area to make changes but I do not have this access or these permissions. Can you fix this please? While we're at it please check out the attached image and the associated URL. 'Integrators' is misspelled in the URL and there are typos in the title: "AMERIAN", "INTERGRATORS" and "LISTED FOR NORTH US & CANADA". Since this is obviously a list of North American dealers and integrators, I think we can safely remove the "LISTED FOR NORTH US & CANADA" bit. Thank you, Ross | |||||
Nov-03-2015 | done, see email sent to Kevin on Nov 3. the same technology icons, until now. The TOT product has 3 technology icons, and the AVR products have 6 technology icons. <br><br>It’s getting rather confusing, don’t you think? Product pages are no longer consistent regarding groupings by technology icons. <br><br>The TOT AVR in reality has 5 technology Icons yet it now appears on the AVR page where all other products have 6, and on the TOT page where all other products have 3 Icons. <br><br>Also, all of the AVR pages contain the AVR description in the left margin, except the TOT AVR page. I added some notes in the left margin for the ‘TOT AVR’ PLEASE READ THE LEFT MARGIN TO CONFIRM IT IS OK. <br><br>RE your request for TOT AVR on first slider, I still don’t have artwork showing the TOT AVR product with Icons. I will request it again. <br><br>We need a new product Icon class with 5 Icons, which does not currently exist. <br><br>Following the above structure, should the WM RM series also appear on the RM page? The WM AVR series on the AVR page? And the WM AVR2 on the AVR2 page. <br><br>Thanks for your attention and response to the above. These may be small but very important organizational issues, and product page listings are now inconsistent. <br><br>Regards, <br><br>Brian<br> | Kevin | | TOT AVR | New TOT page | Hi Brian, I know that we have the TOT AVR listed on the AVR page...Was also hoping to see it listed on the TOT series page as it is part of that series. This is important. Also, when I land on the Torus site I get the "affordable tot series" and an image of the TOT Mini/Max...could we change the first slider to show the "New TOT AVR" ??? Thanks, kevin | |||||
Oct-28-2015 | Kevin Main | | web work svp | | Hi Brian, Hope all is well. Just a couple of quick things… Next upcoming trade show for Torus Power is ISE in Amsterdam Feb 9th -12th. This is not on the website yet. Maybe too soon, but CEDIA 2016 is Sept 14-17 in Dallas Attached are pictures of a large install in Stockholm using Torus Power. Can these be added to the Installation gallery? Katye will be sending you some Rave and AV Nation Videos from CEDIA to add to the site also. Thanks, kevin | ||||||
Oct-28-2015 | done oct 28 | Ross Whitney | | Request from Martin H - AV EMEA | | "please could you take Audio Centar in Poland off our online distributor list" | |||||
Oct-20-2015 | Lindsey | | Testing | Cirrus | This is very very cool! Good job. | ||||||
Aug-27-2015 | Ross Whitney | | Torus Power "North America" designation for floor mount units | | Hi Brian, If you scroll to the bottom of the page linked above you see that our Floor Mount Series are designated for customers in North America only. Our floor mount units are 50/60Hz rated so they can also be used nearly everywhere except Japan. Steve Nolan pointed this out to me. Could you please add Continental Europe, United Kingdom and Australia below the Floor Mount description on this page and also add the Floor Mount units to the product pages for Continental Europe, United Kingdom and Australia? Feel free to call or whatever if this is less than clear. Thanks Brian! Ross | ||||||
Aug-17-2015 | Ross | | Issues | | Hi Brian, I noticed a couple of things this morning on the above page. First, the email address for our Viet Nam distributor should be Second, in the Caribbean area, Tobago is spelled wrong - twice. Thanks Brian - site looks great! Ross | ||||||
Aug-17-2015 | Ross | | Issues | | Hi Brian, I noticed a couple of things this morning on the above page. First, the email address for our Viet Nam distributor should be Second, in the Caribbean area, Tobago is spelled wrong - twice. Thanks Brian - site looks great! Ross | ||||||
Jul-25-2015 | Brian Gladstone | | test | test | [Attachment1] [Attachment2] [Attachment3] | ||||||
Jun-24-2015 | done | Ross | | Link for new Torus Power product catalogue | | I am putting the finishing touches on the Torus Power newsletter for June/July and we want to include a link to the 2015 product catalogue. I copied the link from the Torus Power home page and noticed that it takes you off the site to: I know the new site will be launching very soon but is it possible for the new catalogue to reside on instead of on the Gladstone Media site? | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | done | Matthew Roher | | Please add Torus Power International Distributor to Site | Hi Brian, Please add the following International Distributor to the Torus Power webiste: Contact information: HBL Audio Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam 84-903671194 Thank you kindly, Matt | ||||||
Jun-23-2015 | Completed on 1/01/2014 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | Matthew Roher | | Please add new Installation pictures for Dealer | Hi Brian, I'm pleased to say that we have a dealer who has used Torus Power in his demo room and would like it to be posted on our website! I will send you all the photos/logo via hotmail, but wanted to let you know now. More to come. Sincerely, Matt | ||||||
Jun-23-2015 | Completed on 1/13/2014 | Ross Whitney | | Jan. 7 correction from RW | MOST of the RM 2.5 evidence has been removed from this page. The LINE CORDS section at the bottom of the page still mentions the 2.5A model. | ||||||
Jun-23-2015 | Completed on 1/13/2014 | Howard | | TOT | Home | Change the copy on home for TOT to: TOT MINI and TOT MAX and are ultra compact toroidal isolation power conditioners, and the most affordable products in the Torus line-up. The compact footprint and sloped face of TOT models make them convenient for use in almost any situation. They look sharp on a component shelf, or can be located elsewhere when space is at a premium. TOT Mini is rated for 7 Amps (3Amps international), and the TOT Max is rated 15 Amps (7.5 Amps international). | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | Completed on 1/15/2014 | Matthew Roher | | Please remove Specialty Marketing from our list of Distributors | | Hi Brian, Please remove Specialty Marketing from this Torus Power webpage: Thank you, Matt p.s. I like the added field for webpage, very smart. | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | Completed on 1/15/2014 | Matthew Roher | | Please add AV Pro Alliance as a New USA Distributor | | Hi Brian, Please add AV Professional Alliance as a new Distributor for USA. Here is their contact information: AV Professional Alliance Location: USA National, based in South Dakota Sales & Support: Toll Free: 1-877-886-5112 International: 605-274-6055 Email: Web: Other inquiries: Matt Murray: 605-271-2157 Thank you kindly, Matt | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | Completed on 1/16/2015 | Matthew Roher | | AV Pro Alliance | | Hi Brian, Could you kindly change the name of "AV Professional Alliance" to "AV Pro Alliance"? Thank you for your help and the promptness of these posts! Our partners appreciate it too. Most Sincerely, Matt | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | Completed 1/20/2014 | Matthew Roher | | Menu Item Missing from Page | | Hi Brian, Not sure if this was deliberate, but when I hover the mouse over the "Contacts" heading at the top of the Torus Power home page, the link option for Dealers and Integrators USA is no longer there. Can you kindly include in the drop-down menu. Thanks, Matt | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | Completed 1/20/2014 | Matthew Roher | | New Italian Distributor | | Please add the following Italian Distributor to the Torus Power Website: LP Audio – Luca Parlato Via della Tesa 20 34138 Trieste Tel. 040 569824 Fax 040 2602320 Cell. 335 6434188 Thank you kindly, Matt | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | Done on 1/31/14 | Matthew Roher | | New Distributor in Czech Republic | | Hi Brian, Please add the following contact information for our new distributor in Czech Republic: High-End Audio Studio s.r.o. Belgicka 4, 120 00 Prague 2 Tel: +420 224 256 844 e-mail: Also, I think there may have been a formatting error with Poland. Could you kindly change the font so that it appears like the other countries? Thank you for your help. Sincerely, Matt | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | Completed 2/6/2014 feb5 sent email to matt This is a bit different that the other listings on that page Shall I add it twice - once for PA 2 listings, and again for DE? Pls advise your thoughts how this should be listed. | Matthew Roher | | Please add new Torus Power Dealer | | Hi Brian, Please add HiFi House to the contact page of USA Torus Power dealer: Here is their contact information: HIFI HOUSE 1001 Sussex Blvd Broomall, PA 19008 509 York Road Jenkintown, PA 19046 2304 Concord Pike Wilmington, DE 19803 T: 1-800-990-4434 Thank you, Matt | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed 02/09/14 created new page called 'Other Torus Products' | Howard Gladstone | | Revise Medical Receptacles | | The Medical Receptacles on this page are a separate product, not part of the Wall Mount product. Please create a page called OTHER TORUS PRODUCTS, and put it there.. | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed 02/11/14 | Matthew Roher | | RMR (Audio Consultants) | | Hi Brian, Kindly add this new Dealer to the Torus Power Website: RMR (Audio Consultants) Parker, TX T: 214-938-8138 Thank you kindly, Matt | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | Tom Wicks | | VA ratings and missing data from RM - Products page | RM - Products page and Int'l VA data | Hi Brian, Here is my first installment for requested web edits. The atatched file was sent last week as an email attachement for VA ratings. We also need to populate the RM Series dimensions and provide other corrections. Please let me know if you need the data, or if you have it already. Thanks, Tom | POWER-VA-rating-for-Torus-Power.pdf | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed on Feb 26 - I think there are still some errors wrote email to Tom separately | Tom Wicks | | VA ratings and missing data from RM - Products page | Torus North American | I found this file yesterday that Dan had been working on some time ago: Torus Power Brochure Corrections.doc | Torus-Power-Brochure-Corrections.doc | ||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed 02/26/14 | Matt | | Add Trade Shows to Torus Site | | Hi Brian, Here are some of the trade shows that Torus Power will be attending over the next several months. If you could kindly populate the Torus Power website with this information so our customers and dealers know where they can find us it would be greatly appreciated. Sapphire Marketing Road Show Boston 2014 March 12th & 13th, 2014 Embassy Suites 550 Winter Street Waltham, MA 02451, USA AXPONA – Audio EXPO North America April 25th to 27th, 2014 The Westin O'Hare 6100 North River Road Rosemont, IL 60018, USA Sapphire Marketing Road Show New York City 2014 May 1st & 2nd, 2014 Midtown Lofts 267 Fifth Avenue, 11th Floor New York, NY 10016, USA CEDIA EXPO 2014, Booth 1066 September 11th to 13th, 2014 Colorado Convention Center 700 14th Street Denver, CO 80202, USA Graphics: I have attached the Sapphire Marketing Logo. Here is a link to all logos for AXPONA: Here is a link for the AXPONA Logo with white background: Here is a link for the AXPONA Logo with black background: I have attached the CEDIA EXPO Logo. Please let me know if you have any questions. There is also a show in Northern California with Redwood Marketing, but I will pass on information for that when it becomes available. Thank you for your help. Sincerely, | CEDIA-EXPO_Logo-1500x400-2.jpg | Sapphire-Marketing-Logo-2014.jpg | Axpona_Logo_2013_whitebackground.jpg | ||
Jun-23-2015 | done asked Tom to double check all | Tom Wicks | | raw text for GM NA Brochure Mar03 | reference for specs and copy | Hi Brian, Here is the text extracted from the Gladstone Media North American Brochure, rev. Mar03 2014. | TORUS_POWER_BROCHURE_V10_MAR_03-pagw-11-20.doc | TORUS_POWER_BROCHURE_V10_MAR_03-pagw-1-10.doc | |||
Jun-23-2015 | same as above completed 3/18/2014 | Matthew Roher | | Please add new Torus Power brochure | | Please replace the top left corner brochure (Torus Power Brochure Sept 23 V 71) with the attached. | TORUS_POWER_BROCHURE_V11_MAR_18_PRINT_SMALL.pdf | ||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed 3/18/2014 | Matthew Roher | | Please add new Torus Power brochure | | Please replace the top left corner brochure (Torus Power Brochure Sept 23 V 71) with the attached. | TORUS_POWER_BROCHURE_V11_MAR_18_PRINT_SMALL.pdf | ||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed on Mar 21, with note to Matt that i think they are all wrong should be 170-240 VAC input | Matthew Roher | | AVR2 20 BAL specification correction | | Hi Brian, On the table at the bottom of the link: It says the AVR2 20 BAL has 120V input. Can you kindly change this to indicate 240V? A dealer here in Ontario was confused when speaking with a customer (bad), but I think we have the sale (good), so no harm no foul. Thanks for your help with this. -Matt | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | fixed 3/24/14 - the problem was related to the phone number validation module, which was replaced - the phone number will no longer be validated | Matthew Roher | | Online Warranty Registration Page Down | | We received an email from a customer in Australia who tried to register his product and the page was blank. I tried and saw the same thing. Please help us get this page up and running agian so our customers can register their products. Thank you, Matt | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | Done Apr 3, 2014 | Matthew Roher | | Please add the following International Distributor to the Torus Power Website | | Please add to website: Extreme Audio Aydogan kardesler Tic.Ltd.Sti. Office: Buyukdere Cad. Uc Yol Mevkii NO.233 KAT: B2 34398 Maslak/Istanbul/Turkey TEL: +90 444 3760 FAX: +90 212 285 00 73 E-Mail: | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | Tom Wicks | | images available for TOT ... CE models | | Hi Brian, Thanks for the news link. Please note that we have photos available for the TOT Int'l CE page, which presently shows North American outlets. Also, the 515R page does not exist yet. I am not sure if this is intentional, so please stand-by on the 515R (50Hz 220~240V with North American outlets). Thanks! Tom | TOT-MAX-CE-masked-rear-0001.gif | TOT-MINI-CE-masked-rear-0001.gif | ||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed | Ross Whitney | | "Introducing the new TOT series" page | | Hi Brian, 1. For consistency could you please remove the blank lines after paragraphs 2 and 3? 2. Can you please add my name and contact info under technical inquiries? 3. Please replace the contact emails - and Thank you, Ross | Introducing-the-new-TOT-series-from-Torus-Power-rev-03.docx | ||||
Jun-23-2015 | send email to Ross requesting what webpage is being referred to? | Ross Whitney | | TOT in-wall changes | See body | Hi Brian, Some changes concerning in-wall mounting of the TOT. Thanks, Ross | Updates-for-website-TOT-in-wall-changes.docx | ||||
Jun-23-2015 | sent email to ross to confirm what data to be added to site | Ross Whitney | | New rep in France | | Received this information yesterday from Martin Harding: "...we are starting this week with our new distributor in France and he will soon have stock there." Please add to the list of international distributors - thanks! | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed | Ross Whitney | | Spec error & typo | | Hi Brian, A customer pointed this out. In the row headed "Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR)" about halfway down the page: "...22, 230, 240 VAC ± 5V..." should read "...220, 230, 240 VAC ± 10V..." Thank you, Ross | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed | Ross Whitney | | Ex-distributor for Canada | & | Hi Brian, Please remove all references to Aralex Acoustics. They are no longer our distributor for Canada. They have gone out of business. Thank you, Ross | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed | Steve Nolan | | Howards Interview | News Section | | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | Completed 6/20 | Ross Whitney | | New Torus Power sales contact | | Hi Brian, Please remove Paul as Sales contact and put in Kevin Main. 416.667.9914 x 248 Thank you! | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | Completed - the table is getting large and need to come up with an improved format | Ross | | Overseas updates | | Hi Brian, I hope all is well. We received this from Martin Harding. Please update the page with this info. Thank you, Ross FRANCE Europe Audio Diffusion BP82 89203 AVALLON Cédex Email. Tél: +33(0) GERMANY Mediacraft AG Gaugrafenstraße 19-23 60489 Frankfurt. Telefon +49 (0) 69 – 30 08 80 0 SWITZERLAND CHEKTONE GMBH Looslistrasse 15 CH-3027 Bern TEL.:+41 31 388 28 88 NORWAY E&S IMPORT GEITMYRSVEIEN 56 OSLO NORWAY 0455 Please remove Thailand. They are inactive... | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | Completed | Ross | | Floor mount page | | 1. In the chart, output voltage is given as 1 X 120V. These pieces are able to output both 120V and 240V. 2. "FM to be fed form diconnect or panel with current limiting." Two typos. Thank you Brian! | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | in process Jul 17 see email stream | Kevin Main | | You Tube Torus Videos | | From: Kevin Main [] Sent: July 15, 2014 12:51 PM To: Brian Gladstone - Hotmail Cc: Steve Nolan Subject: FW: Torus Power videos to be posted on new Youtube channel Hi Brian, Here are links to some Torus Power videos that we should be using on our website. We should also have these posted to a Torus youtube channel Would that be something that you would look after? Thanks, Kevin From: John Bennett [] Sent: Monday, July 14, 2014 8:13 PM To: Kevin Main Cc: Katye McGregor Bennett Subject: Torus Power videos to be posted on new Youtube channel Hey Kevin, Here are the videos that you and Katye talked about uploading to a new Torus Power youtube channel. I've included all the info on each video that will need to be added after each upload. David Susilo (shot at CES 2014) video - Title - David Susilo; PhD Testimonial of Torus Power Toroidal Isolation Transformers at CES 2014 Description - This video is a testimonial by David Susilo; PhD discussing the unique features and benefits of the Torus Power Toroidal Isolation Power Conditioner product line. David Susilo; PhD is a THX, ISF, CEDIA Certified Instructor CEA and HAA Member. For more information go to Tags - Transformers,David Susilo; PhD,Torus Power testimonial,Torus Power,toroidal isolation transformer,plitron toroidal transformer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOT Series video - Title - Torus Power TOT Mini and Max Series Power Conditioners with Plitron Toroidal Isolation Transformers Description - Torus Power TOT Mini and Max Series power conditioners with Toroidal Isolation transformers and USB charger at ISE 2014. For more information go to Tags - TOT Series,toroidal transformer,TOT Mini,TOT Max,Torus Power TOT Series,power conditioner with toroidal isolation,Plitron manufacturing ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AVR2 ( both shot at ISE 2014) video link - Title - Torus Power AVR2 Power Conditioner with Plitron Toroidal Isolation Transformer and IP addressability Description - Torus Power discusses the AVR2 with toroidal isolation transformer IP addressability at ISE 2014 in Amsterdam, NL. For more information go to Tags - Toroidal transformer,power conditioner with toroidal isolation,Plitron manufacturing,IP Address (Protocol),AVR Series,AVR2,Torus Power conditioner with toroidal isolation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- jpg for title slide (use on all videos) after uploading video to youtube- The videos where originally approved by Howard, then we changed the intro to be more inline with the style guide and I was unable to get them in front of him for review before he left for vacation. Take care, John John Bennett KMB Communications C - (406) 425-0633 E - | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | in process Jul 17 see email stream | Kevin Main | | Update Hour Power Page | | Hi Brian, I have updated the Torus Power Hour information – attached. This should work well for the website. In terms of who should attend…we are primarily targeting Custom Integrators with 20A + product solutions. Please let me know if you need any additional info. Thanks, Kevin From: Brian Gladstone [] Sent: Monday, July 14, 2014 11:44 PM To: Kevin Main; 'Katye (McGregor) Bennett'; Ross Whitney; Steve Nolan Subject: RE: Need Details on Torus Power Hour at Cedia for Website Kevin The page describing the Torus Hour Power at CEDIA is launched to the Torus site Also note, there is a linked excerpt on the home page right side-bar under news. Obviously it’s not the final version, so pls send edits asap. (need to remove text such as (confirm verbiage with panel) etc. and replace ‘TBA’s with data. We need a link to registration, need to confirm room no, plus more details. When all the details are finalized I can put a graphic image on the home page slider. Pls send updates as soon as you can. Thanks Brian Gladstone From: Brian Gladstone [] Sent: July 14, 2014 5:28 PM To: 'Kevin Main'; 'Katye (McGregor) Bennett'; 'Ross Whitney'; 'Steve Nolan' Subject: RE: Need Details on Torus Power Hour at Cedia for Website Thanks Kevin Nice to virtually meet you as well. See Below Regards, Brian Gladstone From: Kevin Main [] Sent: July 14, 2014 2:57 PM To: Brian Gladstone - Hotmail; Katye (McGregor) Bennett; Ross Whitney; Steve Nolan Subject: RE: Need Details on Torus Power Hour at Cedia for Website Hi Brian, Nice to meet you “virtually!” Here is some information on the Torus Power Hour. You will notice that we still have to finalize some of the details of our presentation, but this should be enough for you to get the website updated. This is good to get some web presence. We can always add to the listing as needed. I will send you a link. I found this link on the Cedia site – which could be updated with more information - as you sent to me. The registration can only be done on the CEDIA website, so I will have to get the link to that site for you. Thanks a link to registration is key. I tried unsuccessfully to find a link on the Cedia site – registration is not accessible from the ‘Session Search’ (link is above). I will also try to find the CEDIA logos for you to use. I already have CEDIA logos for the website – unless there is a different version used for seminars. On another note, I have noticed some typos on the Torus product information on the website…should I send this information over to you for correcting? Pls send any requests for Torus web changes via this page the password is ‘ swordfish ‘ – I see Ross has already sent you the details. In this manner we can track changes to the website in a chronological manner and maintain a log for follow-up. I am working on a major upgrade to the Torus Power website, and I can send more details after I have a chance to consult with Howard hopefully in the very near future. Thanks, Kevin Main Vice President Sales & Marketing, Torus Power Plitron Manufacturing Inc. 8-601 Magnetic Drive Toronto, ON. M3J 3J2 Cell: (289) 439-7700 Office: (416) 667-9914 ext. 248 From: Brian Gladstone [] Sent: Monday, July 14, 2014 2:29 PM To: Katye (McGregor) Bennett; Ross Whitney; Kevin Main; Steve Nolan Subject: Need Details on Torus Power Hour at Cedia for Website Greetings Kate, I trust all is well with you. Can you advise details regarding the upcoming torus power hour seminar at Cedia, so I can get listed on the torus website? We need date, time, location, room seating capacity, short description of the session, plus any other information which would be relevant to the listing. Also, in our last series of emails we discussed putting a pre-registration form on the website. As mentioned, I can build the Web registration form in a manner that sends a confirming email to the submitter with cc to torus. As well can put all the registration info on a separate password protected page so you can export attendees info into a spreadsheet. Also can export all the names into a separate list for bulk mailing. I can get started with the web work as soon as I receive more details. Thanks and regards, Brian Gladstone Torus Power Web-guy | Torus_Power-Hour-Info.docx | ||||
Jun-23-2015 | test of system ignore | Brian Gladstone | | fix the site | | | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed | Ross Whitney | | Int'l wall mounts | | Hi Brian, This page says: "All units are designed for 240 Volt Balanced input (2 X 120V), or 208V input. Output is 120Volt/60 Hz at rated output current as per model listing below." The above text must have been borrowed from a North American wall mount page. I would suggest something like: "All units are designed for 220-240 Volt input. Output is 220-240 Volts at rated output current as listed below." Thanks Brian! Ross | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed | Ross Whitney | | Int's wall mounts II | | Hi Brian, In the specs chart we see : Nominal Output Current IAC 3 X 15 5 X 15 These numbers describe the output breakers, not the output current. Nominal output current for the two units is 30A and 50A respectively. Could you please change either the numbers or the heading? That is, make it read either Nominal Output Current 30A 50A or Output Breaker Rating IAC 3 X 15 5 X 15 Thanks, Ross | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | sent email to Ross - not sure which image to use Ross supplied image on July 25 completed | Ross Whitney | | Int'l wall mounts III | | Hi Brian, The image on this page is a wall mount AVR. The page is devoted to "RM" type wall mount units - wall mount units with the AVR circuitry have their own separate page. Let me know if you need a non-AVR wall mount image. Thanks, Ross | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed | Ross Whitney | | Contact update | | Hi Brian, I hope all is well. This request was submitted in June and on the list below it says "Completed 6/20". Kevin's name is not on the page though - the page still has Paul listed. Please update - thanks! Ross | should-be-Kevin-not-Paul.jpg | website-request.jpg | |||
Jun-23-2015 | completed | Ross Whitney | | New details for Norway distributor | | Hi Brian, Hope all is well. We have some new information for our partner in Norway. Now: NORWAY E&S IMPORT GEITMYRSVEIEN 56 OSLO NORWAY 0455 Change to: NORWAY NorLyd AS Geitmyrsveien 56 0455 Oslo Phone: +4791870990 Thank you, Ross | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | send ross an email w questions | Ross | | Trade show info page | | Hi Brian, An external party brought this to our attention 🙁 To my knowledge the only trade show plans we have for Torus Power involve the CEDIA show next month. Please add all of our CEDIA details to this page and remove all of the "legacy" stuff. Thanks Brian, Ross | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed | Ross Whitney | | Typos part 1 | | Hi Brian, Please see the attached image for some requested corrections. Thank you, Ross | fix-me-please-1.jpg | ||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed | Ross Whitney | | Typos part 2 | | Hi Brian, Another one. Thank you, Ross | fix-me-please-2.jpg | ||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed | Ross Whitney | | New dist. in Switzerland | | Hi Brian, We have been asked to replace the existing Switzerland information with this: GrammoFile GmbH Looslistrasse 15 CH-3027 Bern Phone: +41 31 388 28 99 Email: Thanks, Ross | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed | Ross Whitney | | Swiss distributor | | Hi Brian, Please fix the Swiss distributor's email address. The top-level domain is CH, not CA. Thanks, Ross | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed | Ross Whitney | | Swiss deistributor II | | Hi Brian, The (August 19?) request also indicates a company name change. The distributor in Switzerland is to be listed as GrammoFile GmbH. Thank you, Ross | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed | Ross | | Easy one for you | | Hi Brian, Happy Monday - hope you're well. I just spotted this under TOT SERIES on the home page: "TOT MINI and TOT MAX and are ultra compact toroidal isolation power conditioners, and the most affordable products in the Torus line-up." Too many "ands" 🙂 Thanks Brian, Ross | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed | Kevin Main | | Update Contact Information On Torus Website | CONTACTS | 1) Torus Contacts: Please add Ross Whitney as a contact for general inquiries. 2) Torus Contacts: Please add International AV Sales as our international distributor for Mexico/Caribbean/Central & South America. Website is James Wellnitz - (858) 663-8086 and Helma Paulson (407) 257-3408 3) Sales Reps & Distributors: Please remove "distributors" so this section is only listing North America Sales Reps. 4) Sales Reps & Distributors: Please remove AV Pro Alliance 5) Sales Reps & Distributors: Please change the territory for Rep-Presents to only include the states of OH/WV/KY/IN/IL/WI 6) Sales Reps & Distributors: Please add for Michigan..Sales And Marketing Inc. Sami Al-Saadi (269) 806-3949 7) Sales Reps & Distributors: Please add for Southern California, Arizona & Clark County Nevada (Las Vegas): AV Partners. 630 N. Rancho Road Thousand Oaks, CA> 91362 Martin Byrne (562) 841-5445; Eric Leicht (805) 496-7054; John Villano (661) 406-1228 8) Please add for Texas/Oklahoma/Louisiana/Arkansas: Momentum Marketing Hector Menna - South Texas - (281) 714-5742; Matt Kahle - North Texas/Oklahoma - (214) 883-8835; Chuck McClennan - Louisiana/Arkansas - (623) 209-4773 Thank you | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed | Kevin Main | | Update Dealer Locator | Dealer Locator | Please make the following changes to our dealer locator... 1) remove Hi Fi House in Pennsylvania - store is closed Please add: 1)Audio Video Integration 647 Francisco Blvd E, San Rafael, CA 94901 (415) 526-0070 2)Design Audio Video Whitehouse Texas Serving East Texas Since 1997 903-571-7189 3)Fulkra Costa Mesa, CA USA 92627 C 949.690.8055 P 949.855.8055 Showroom 290 Broadway St Laguna Beach, CA Phone:877.738.5572 Email: 4) Now Listen Here Now Listen Here 113 E Chestnut Street Lancaster, PA 17602 Phone: (717) 409-5050 5) Atomic Hi Fi 20 Main Street Ashland, MA 01721 p: 508-881-9959 f: 508-881-9958 Thank You. | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed | Kevin Main | | Remove listing for UK Distributor | Contact - International distributors | Hi, Please remove the following international distributor from our listing... UNITED KINGDOM RGB Communications Ltd 2 Lowesden Business Park, Lambourn Woodlands Hungerford, Berkshire, RG17 7RY, UK Tel: +44 (0)1488 73366 Fax: +44 (0)1488 73377 Email: | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed | Kevin Main | | Dealer Listing | Dealer Locator | Please correct the spelling of DELAWARE as the state in the dealer locator. Please remove Hi Fi House in Delaware and 2 locations in Pennsylvania as these stores have closed. Thanks. | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | completed | Kevin Main | | Update dealer information | Dealer Locator | Kevin, We decided to drop our 888 and fax number, so can that be removed from the dealer list? Also, remove the 508 Leone Road A/V Logix 508 Leone Road <——————————————this Woolwich, NJ USA, 08085 T: 888-579-8632 <——————————————this T: 856-832-0245 F: 856-832-0248 <—————————————— and this also, the installation gallery isn’t loading and could use a corrected name/information from us. plus the logo is an older one, can you utilize the new one instead of that gray background one you have on there now? Brian - I will send this logo to you in an e-mail... | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | done | Kevin main | | Contacts | Reps and distributors & International Distributors | Hi Brian, 1) Our new Rep for So. Cal is now listed - AV Partners. Can you move the order so they are right before/after Redwood marketing and then can you remove Art Kelm Ground One? Ground One Location CA, NV, HI Contact Arthur Kelm 707-480-0257 Web 2) There is an error in the phone number of our distributor in Switzerland. It should end in 89...not 99. Thanks, Kevin | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | done | Kevin | | International Distributor Listing | Distributors - International | Please delete the following International Distributor: Audio Center Poland Please add the following new international distributor: United Kingdom Karma Audio Visual To contact us please call the sales office: 01423 358846 Website From page: Contacts TORIUS Reps and Distributors Please remove Florida Rep - Plexus Systems and add Kevin Main an=s contact for Florida territory. | |||||
Jun-23-2015 | Ross Whitney | | One word to be corrected | | Near the bottom of the page in the 'Inspire' section "blacker belts" should be "blacker blacks". Thanks Brian! | ||||||
Jun-23-2015 | Brian | | pls revise Torus Website | | This is a test | ||||||
Jun-05-2015 | Ross Whitney | | One word to be corrected | | Near the bottom of the page in the 'Inspire' section "blacker belts" should be "blacker blacks". Thanks Brian! | ||||||
Feb-23-2015 | done | Kevin | | International Distributor Listing | Distributors - International | Please delete the following International Distributor: Audio Center Poland Please add the following new international distributor: United Kingdom Karma Audio Visual To contact us please call the sales office: 01423 358846 Website From page: Contacts TORIUS Reps and Distributors Please remove Florida Rep - Plexus Systems and add Kevin Main an=s contact for Florida territory. | |||||
Oct-03-2014 | done | Kevin main | | Contacts | Reps and distributors & International Distributors | Hi Brian, 1) Our new Rep for So. Cal is now listed - AV Partners. Can you move the order so they are right before/after Redwood marketing and then can you remove Art Kelm Ground One? Ground One Location CA, NV, HI Contact Arthur Kelm 707-480-0257 Web 2) There is an error in the phone number of our distributor in Switzerland. It should end in 89...not 99. Thanks, Kevin | |||||
Oct-02-2014 | completed | Kevin Main | | Update dealer information | Dealer Locator | Kevin, We decided to drop our 888 and fax number, so can that be removed from the dealer list? Also, remove the 508 Leone Road A/V Logix 508 Leone Road <——————————————this Woolwich, NJ USA, 08085 T: 888-579-8632 <——————————————this T: 856-832-0245 F: 856-832-0248 <—————————————— and this also, the installation gallery isn’t loading and could use a corrected name/information from us. plus the logo is an older one, can you utilize the new one instead of that gray background one you have on there now? Brian - I will send this logo to you in an e-mail... | |||||
Oct-01-2014 | completed | Kevin Main | | Dealer Listing | Dealer Locator | Please correct the spelling of DELAWARE as the state in the dealer locator. Please remove Hi Fi House in Delaware and 2 locations in Pennsylvania as these stores have closed. Thanks. | |||||
Oct-01-2014 | completed | Kevin Main | | Remove listing for UK Distributor | Contact - International distributors | Hi, Please remove the following international distributor from our listing... UNITED KINGDOM RGB Communications Ltd 2 Lowesden Business Park, Lambourn Woodlands Hungerford, Berkshire, RG17 7RY, UK Tel: +44 (0)1488 73366 Fax: +44 (0)1488 73377 Email: | |||||
Sep-30-2014 | completed | Kevin Main | | Update Dealer Locator | Dealer Locator | Please make the following changes to our dealer locator... 1) remove Hi Fi House in Pennsylvania - store is closed Please add: 1)Audio Video Integration 647 Francisco Blvd E, San Rafael, CA 94901 (415) 526-0070 2)Design Audio Video Whitehouse Texas Serving East Texas Since 1997 903-571-7189 3)Fulkra Costa Mesa, CA USA 92627 C 949.690.8055 P 949.855.8055 Showroom 290 Broadway St Laguna Beach, CA Phone:877.738.5572 Email: 4) Now Listen Here Now Listen Here 113 E Chestnut Street Lancaster, PA 17602 Phone: (717) 409-5050 5) Atomic Hi Fi 20 Main Street Ashland, MA 01721 p: 508-881-9959 f: 508-881-9958 Thank You. | |||||
Sep-29-2014 | completed | Kevin Main | | Update Contact Information On Torus Website | CONTACTS | 1) Torus Contacts: Please add Ross Whitney as a contact for general inquiries. 2) Torus Contacts: Please add International AV Sales as our international distributor for Mexico/Caribbean/Central & South America. Website is James Wellnitz - (858) 663-8086 and Helma Paulson (407) 257-3408 3) Sales Reps & Distributors: Please remove "distributors" so this section is only listing North America Sales Reps. 4) Sales Reps & Distributors: Please remove AV Pro Alliance 5) Sales Reps & Distributors: Please change the territory for Rep-Presents to only include the states of OH/WV/KY/IN/IL/WI 6) Sales Reps & Distributors: Please add for Michigan..Sales And Marketing Inc. Sami Al-Saadi (269) 806-3949 7) Sales Reps & Distributors: Please add for Southern California, Arizona & Clark County Nevada (Las Vegas): AV Partners. 630 N. Rancho Road Thousand Oaks, CA> 91362 Martin Byrne (562) 841-5445; Eric Leicht (805) 496-7054; John Villano (661) 406-1228 8) Please add for Texas/Oklahoma/Louisiana/Arkansas: Momentum Marketing Hector Menna - South Texas - (281) 714-5742; Matt Kahle - North Texas/Oklahoma - (214) 883-8835; Chuck McClennan - Louisiana/Arkansas - (623) 209-4773 Thank you | |||||
Sep-08-2014 | completed | Ross | | Easy one for you | | Hi Brian, Happy Monday - hope you're well. I just spotted this under TOT SERIES on the home page: "TOT MINI and TOT MAX and are ultra compact toroidal isolation power conditioners, and the most affordable products in the Torus line-up." Too many "ands" 🙂 Thanks Brian, Ross | |||||
Sep-02-2014 | completed | Ross Whitney | | Swiss deistributor II | | Hi Brian, The (August 19?) request also indicates a company name change. The distributor in Switzerland is to be listed as GrammoFile GmbH. Thank you, Ross | |||||
Sep-02-2014 | completed | Ross Whitney | | Swiss distributor | | Hi Brian, Please fix the Swiss distributor's email address. The top-level domain is CH, not CA. Thanks, Ross | |||||
Aug-19-2014 | completed | Ross Whitney | | New dist. in Switzerland | | Hi Brian, We have been asked to replace the existing Switzerland information with this: GrammoFile GmbH Looslistrasse 15 CH-3027 Bern Phone: +41 31 388 28 99 Email: Thanks, Ross | |||||
Aug-18-2014 | completed | Ross Whitney | | Typos part 2 | | Hi Brian, Another one. Thank you, Ross | fix-me-please-2.jpg | ||||
Aug-18-2014 | completed | Ross Whitney | | Typos part 1 | | Hi Brian, Please see the attached image for some requested corrections. Thank you, Ross | fix-me-please-1.jpg | ||||
Aug-13-2014 | send ross an email w questions | Ross | | Trade show info page | | Hi Brian, An external party brought this to our attention 🙁 To my knowledge the only trade show plans we have for Torus Power involve the CEDIA show next month. Please add all of our CEDIA details to this page and remove all of the "legacy" stuff. Thanks Brian, Ross | |||||
Aug-08-2014 | completed | Ross Whitney | | New details for Norway distributor | | Hi Brian, Hope all is well. We have some new information for our partner in Norway. Now: NORWAY E&S IMPORT GEITMYRSVEIEN 56 OSLO NORWAY 0455 Change to: NORWAY NorLyd AS Geitmyrsveien 56 0455 Oslo Phone: +4791870990 Thank you, Ross | |||||
Jul-23-2014 | completed | Ross Whitney | | Contact update | | Hi Brian, I hope all is well. This request was submitted in June and on the list below it says "Completed 6/20". Kevin's name is not on the page though - the page still has Paul listed. Please update - thanks! Ross | should-be-Kevin-not-Paul.jpg | website-request.jpg | |||
Jul-16-2014 | sent email to Ross - not sure which image to use Ross supplied image on July 25 completed | Ross Whitney | | Int'l wall mounts III | | Hi Brian, The image on this page is a wall mount AVR. The page is devoted to "RM" type wall mount units - wall mount units with the AVR circuitry have their own separate page. Let me know if you need a non-AVR wall mount image. Thanks, Ross | |||||
Jul-16-2014 | completed | Ross Whitney | | Int's wall mounts II | | Hi Brian, In the specs chart we see : Nominal Output Current IAC 3 X 15 5 X 15 These numbers describe the output breakers, not the output current. Nominal output current for the two units is 30A and 50A respectively. Could you please change either the numbers or the heading? That is, make it read either Nominal Output Current 30A 50A or Output Breaker Rating IAC 3 X 15 5 X 15 Thanks, Ross | |||||
Jul-16-2014 | completed | Ross Whitney | | Int'l wall mounts | | Hi Brian, This page says: "All units are designed for 240 Volt Balanced input (2 X 120V), or 208V input. Output is 120Volt/60 Hz at rated output current as per model listing below." The above text must have been borrowed from a North American wall mount page. I would suggest something like: "All units are designed for 220-240 Volt input. Output is 220-240 Volts at rated output current as listed below." Thanks Brian! Ross | |||||
Jul-15-2014 | test of system ignore | Brian Gladstone | | fix the site | | | |||||
Jul-15-2014 | in process Jul 17 see email stream | Kevin Main | | Update Hour Power Page | | Hi Brian, I have updated the Torus Power Hour information – attached. This should work well for the website. In terms of who should attend…we are primarily targeting Custom Integrators with 20A + product solutions. Please let me know if you need any additional info. Thanks, Kevin From: Brian Gladstone [] Sent: Monday, July 14, 2014 11:44 PM To: Kevin Main; 'Katye (McGregor) Bennett'; Ross Whitney; Steve Nolan Subject: RE: Need Details on Torus Power Hour at Cedia for Website Kevin The page describing the Torus Hour Power at CEDIA is launched to the Torus site Also note, there is a linked excerpt on the home page right side-bar under news. Obviously it’s not the final version, so pls send edits asap. (need to remove text such as (confirm verbiage with panel) etc. and replace ‘TBA’s with data. We need a link to registration, need to confirm room no, plus more details. When all the details are finalized I can put a graphic image on the home page slider. Pls send updates as soon as you can. Thanks Brian Gladstone From: Brian Gladstone [] Sent: July 14, 2014 5:28 PM To: 'Kevin Main'; 'Katye (McGregor) Bennett'; 'Ross Whitney'; 'Steve Nolan' Subject: RE: Need Details on Torus Power Hour at Cedia for Website Thanks Kevin Nice to virtually meet you as well. See Below Regards, Brian Gladstone From: Kevin Main [] Sent: July 14, 2014 2:57 PM To: Brian Gladstone - Hotmail; Katye (McGregor) Bennett; Ross Whitney; Steve Nolan Subject: RE: Need Details on Torus Power Hour at Cedia for Website Hi Brian, Nice to meet you “virtually!” Here is some information on the Torus Power Hour. You will notice that we still have to finalize some of the details of our presentation, but this should be enough for you to get the website updated. This is good to get some web presence. We can always add to the listing as needed. I will send you a link. I found this link on the Cedia site – which could be updated with more information - as you sent to me. The registration can only be done on the CEDIA website, so I will have to get the link to that site for you. Thanks a link to registration is key. I tried unsuccessfully to find a link on the Cedia site – registration is not accessible from the ‘Session Search’ (link is above). I will also try to find the CEDIA logos for you to use. I already have CEDIA logos for the website – unless there is a different version used for seminars. On another note, I have noticed some typos on the Torus product information on the website…should I send this information over to you for correcting? Pls send any requests for Torus web changes via this page the password is ‘ swordfish ‘ – I see Ross has already sent you the details. In this manner we can track changes to the website in a chronological manner and maintain a log for follow-up. I am working on a major upgrade to the Torus Power website, and I can send more details after I have a chance to consult with Howard hopefully in the very near future. Thanks, Kevin Main Vice President Sales & Marketing, Torus Power Plitron Manufacturing Inc. 8-601 Magnetic Drive Toronto, ON. M3J 3J2 Cell: (289) 439-7700 Office: (416) 667-9914 ext. 248 From: Brian Gladstone [] Sent: Monday, July 14, 2014 2:29 PM To: Katye (McGregor) Bennett; Ross Whitney; Kevin Main; Steve Nolan Subject: Need Details on Torus Power Hour at Cedia for Website Greetings Kate, I trust all is well with you. Can you advise details regarding the upcoming torus power hour seminar at Cedia, so I can get listed on the torus website? We need date, time, location, room seating capacity, short description of the session, plus any other information which would be relevant to the listing. Also, in our last series of emails we discussed putting a pre-registration form on the website. As mentioned, I can build the Web registration form in a manner that sends a confirming email to the submitter with cc to torus. As well can put all the registration info on a separate password protected page so you can export attendees info into a spreadsheet. Also can export all the names into a separate list for bulk mailing. I can get started with the web work as soon as I receive more details. Thanks and regards, Brian Gladstone Torus Power Web-guy | Torus_Power-Hour-Info.docx | ||||
Jul-15-2014 | in process Jul 17 see email stream | Kevin Main | | You Tube Torus Videos | | From: Kevin Main [] Sent: July 15, 2014 12:51 PM To: Brian Gladstone - Hotmail Cc: Steve Nolan Subject: FW: Torus Power videos to be posted on new Youtube channel Hi Brian, Here are links to some Torus Power videos that we should be using on our website. We should also have these posted to a Torus youtube channel Would that be something that you would look after? Thanks, Kevin From: John Bennett [] Sent: Monday, July 14, 2014 8:13 PM To: Kevin Main Cc: Katye McGregor Bennett Subject: Torus Power videos to be posted on new Youtube channel Hey Kevin, Here are the videos that you and Katye talked about uploading to a new Torus Power youtube channel. I've included all the info on each video that will need to be added after each upload. David Susilo (shot at CES 2014) video - Title - David Susilo; PhD Testimonial of Torus Power Toroidal Isolation Transformers at CES 2014 Description - This video is a testimonial by David Susilo; PhD discussing the unique features and benefits of the Torus Power Toroidal Isolation Power Conditioner product line. David Susilo; PhD is a THX, ISF, CEDIA Certified Instructor CEA and HAA Member. For more information go to Tags - Transformers,David Susilo; PhD,Torus Power testimonial,Torus Power,toroidal isolation transformer,plitron toroidal transformer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOT Series video - Title - Torus Power TOT Mini and Max Series Power Conditioners with Plitron Toroidal Isolation Transformers Description - Torus Power TOT Mini and Max Series power conditioners with Toroidal Isolation transformers and USB charger at ISE 2014. For more information go to Tags - TOT Series,toroidal transformer,TOT Mini,TOT Max,Torus Power TOT Series,power conditioner with toroidal isolation,Plitron manufacturing ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AVR2 ( both shot at ISE 2014) video link - Title - Torus Power AVR2 Power Conditioner with Plitron Toroidal Isolation Transformer and IP addressability Description - Torus Power discusses the AVR2 with toroidal isolation transformer IP addressability at ISE 2014 in Amsterdam, NL. For more information go to Tags - Toroidal transformer,power conditioner with toroidal isolation,Plitron manufacturing,IP Address (Protocol),AVR Series,AVR2,Torus Power conditioner with toroidal isolation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- jpg for title slide (use on all videos) after uploading video to youtube- The videos where originally approved by Howard, then we changed the intro to be more inline with the style guide and I was unable to get them in front of him for review before he left for vacation. Take care, John John Bennett KMB Communications C - (406) 425-0633 E - | |||||
Jul-01-2014 | Completed | Ross | | Floor mount page | | 1. In the chart, output voltage is given as 1 X 120V. These pieces are able to output both 120V and 240V. 2. "FM to be fed form diconnect or panel with current limiting." Two typos. Thank you Brian! | |||||
Jun-23-2014 | Completed - the table is getting large and need to come up with an improved format | Ross | | Overseas updates | | Hi Brian, I hope all is well. We received this from Martin Harding. Please update the page with this info. Thank you, Ross FRANCE Europe Audio Diffusion BP82 89203 AVALLON Cédex Email. Tél: +33(0) GERMANY Mediacraft AG Gaugrafenstraße 19-23 60489 Frankfurt. Telefon +49 (0) 69 – 30 08 80 0 SWITZERLAND CHEKTONE GMBH Looslistrasse 15 CH-3027 Bern TEL.:+41 31 388 28 88 NORWAY E&S IMPORT GEITMYRSVEIEN 56 OSLO NORWAY 0455 Please remove Thailand. They are inactive... | |||||
Jun-19-2014 | Completed 6/20 | Ross Whitney | | New Torus Power sales contact | | Hi Brian, Please remove Paul as Sales contact and put in Kevin Main. 416.667.9914 x 248 Thank you! | |||||
Jun-13-2014 | completed | Steve Nolan | | Howards Interview | News Section | | |||||
Jun-12-2014 | completed | Ross Whitney | | Ex-distributor for Canada | & | Hi Brian, Please remove all references to Aralex Acoustics. They are no longer our distributor for Canada. They have gone out of business. Thank you, Ross | |||||
May-30-2014 | completed | Ross Whitney | | Spec error & typo | | Hi Brian, A customer pointed this out. In the row headed "Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR)" about halfway down the page: "...22, 230, 240 VAC ± 5V..." should read "...220, 230, 240 VAC ± 10V..." Thank you, Ross | |||||
May-27-2014 | sent email to ross to confirm what data to be added to site | Ross Whitney | | New rep in France | | Received this information yesterday from Martin Harding: "...we are starting this week with our new distributor in France and he will soon have stock there." Please add to the list of international distributors - thanks! | |||||
May-15-2014 | send email to Ross requesting what webpage is being referred to? | Ross Whitney | | TOT in-wall changes | See body | Hi Brian, Some changes concerning in-wall mounting of the TOT. Thanks, Ross | Updates-for-website-TOT-in-wall-changes.docx | ||||
May-07-2014 | completed | Ross Whitney | | "Introducing the new TOT series" page | | Hi Brian, 1. For consistency could you please remove the blank lines after paragraphs 2 and 3? 2. Can you please add my name and contact info under technical inquiries? 3. Please replace the contact emails - and Thank you, Ross | Introducing-the-new-TOT-series-from-Torus-Power-rev-03.docx | ||||
May-05-2014 | Tom Wicks | | images available for TOT ... CE models | | Hi Brian, Thanks for the news link. Please note that we have photos available for the TOT Int'l CE page, which presently shows North American outlets. Also, the 515R page does not exist yet. I am not sure if this is intentional, so please stand-by on the 515R (50Hz 220~240V with North American outlets). Thanks! Tom | TOT-MAX-CE-masked-rear-0001.gif | TOT-MINI-CE-masked-rear-0001.gif | ||||
Apr-03-2014 | Done Apr 3, 2014 | Matthew Roher | | Please add the following International Distributor to the Torus Power Website | | Please add to website: Extreme Audio Aydogan kardesler Tic.Ltd.Sti. Office: Buyukdere Cad. Uc Yol Mevkii NO.233 KAT: B2 34398 Maslak/Istanbul/Turkey TEL: +90 444 3760 FAX: +90 212 285 00 73 E-Mail: | |||||
Mar-24-2014 | fixed 3/24/14 - the problem was related to the phone number validation module, which was replaced - the phone number will no longer be validated | Matthew Roher | | Online Warranty Registration Page Down | | We received an email from a customer in Australia who tried to register his product and the page was blank. I tried and saw the same thing. Please help us get this page up and running agian so our customers can register their products. Thank you, Matt | |||||
Mar-20-2014 | completed on Mar 21, with note to Matt that i think they are all wrong should be 170-240 VAC input | Matthew Roher | | AVR2 20 BAL specification correction | | Hi Brian, On the table at the bottom of the link: It says the AVR2 20 BAL has 120V input. Can you kindly change this to indicate 240V? A dealer here in Ontario was confused when speaking with a customer (bad), but I think we have the sale (good), so no harm no foul. Thanks for your help with this. -Matt | |||||
Mar-18-2014 | completed 3/18/2014 | Matthew Roher | | Please add new Torus Power brochure | | Please replace the top left corner brochure (Torus Power Brochure Sept 23 V 71) with the attached. | TORUS_POWER_BROCHURE_V11_MAR_18_PRINT_SMALL.pdf | ||||
Mar-18-2014 | same as above completed 3/18/2014 | Matthew Roher | | Please add new Torus Power brochure | | Please replace the top left corner brochure (Torus Power Brochure Sept 23 V 71) with the attached. | TORUS_POWER_BROCHURE_V11_MAR_18_PRINT_SMALL.pdf | ||||
Mar-07-2014 | done asked Tom to double check all | Tom Wicks | | raw text for GM NA Brochure Mar03 | reference for specs and copy | Hi Brian, Here is the text extracted from the Gladstone Media North American Brochure, rev. Mar03 2014. | TORUS_POWER_BROCHURE_V10_MAR_03-pagw-11-20.doc | TORUS_POWER_BROCHURE_V10_MAR_03-pagw-1-10.doc | |||
Feb-26-2014 | completed 02/26/14 | Matt | | Add Trade Shows to Torus Site | | Hi Brian, Here are some of the trade shows that Torus Power will be attending over the next several months. If you could kindly populate the Torus Power website with this information so our customers and dealers know where they can find us it would be greatly appreciated. Sapphire Marketing Road Show Boston 2014 March 12th & 13th, 2014 Embassy Suites 550 Winter Street Waltham, MA 02451, USA AXPONA – Audio EXPO North America April 25th to 27th, 2014 The Westin O'Hare 6100 North River Road Rosemont, IL 60018, USA Sapphire Marketing Road Show New York City 2014 May 1st & 2nd, 2014 Midtown Lofts 267 Fifth Avenue, 11th Floor New York, NY 10016, USA CEDIA EXPO 2014, Booth 1066 September 11th to 13th, 2014 Colorado Convention Center 700 14th Street Denver, CO 80202, USA Graphics: I have attached the Sapphire Marketing Logo. Here is a link to all logos for AXPONA: Here is a link for the AXPONA Logo with white background: Here is a link for the AXPONA Logo with black background: I have attached the CEDIA EXPO Logo. Please let me know if you have any questions. There is also a show in Northern California with Redwood Marketing, but I will pass on information for that when it becomes available. Thank you for your help. Sincerely, | CEDIA-EXPO_Logo-1500x400-2.jpg | Sapphire-Marketing-Logo-2014.jpg | Axpona_Logo_2013_whitebackground.jpg | ||
Feb-21-2014 | completed on Feb 26 - I think there are still some errors wrote email to Tom separately | Tom Wicks | | VA ratings and missing data from RM - Products page | Torus North American | I found this file yesterday that Dan had been working on some time ago: Torus Power Brochure Corrections.doc | Torus-Power-Brochure-Corrections.doc | ||||
Feb-19-2014 | Tom Wicks | | VA ratings and missing data from RM - Products page | RM - Products page and Int'l VA data | Hi Brian, Here is my first installment for requested web edits. The atatched file was sent last week as an email attachement for VA ratings. We also need to populate the RM Series dimensions and provide other corrections. Please let me know if you need the data, or if you have it already. Thanks, Tom | POWER-VA-rating-for-Torus-Power.pdf | |||||
Feb-10-2014 | completed 02/11/14 | Matthew Roher | | RMR (Audio Consultants) | | Hi Brian, Kindly add this new Dealer to the Torus Power Website: RMR (Audio Consultants) Parker, TX T: 214-938-8138 Thank you kindly, Matt | |||||
Feb-09-2014 | completed 02/09/14 created new page called 'Other Torus Products' | Howard Gladstone | | Revise Medical Receptacles | | The Medical Receptacles on this page are a separate product, not part of the Wall Mount product. Please create a page called OTHER TORUS PRODUCTS, and put it there.. | |||||
Feb-05-2014 | Completed 2/6/2014 feb5 sent email to matt This is a bit different that the other listings on that page Shall I add it twice - once for PA 2 listings, and again for DE? Pls advise your thoughts how this should be listed. | Matthew Roher | | Please add new Torus Power Dealer | | Hi Brian, Please add HiFi House to the contact page of USA Torus Power dealer: Here is their contact information: HIFI HOUSE 1001 Sussex Blvd Broomall, PA 19008 509 York Road Jenkintown, PA 19046 2304 Concord Pike Wilmington, DE 19803 T: 1-800-990-4434 Thank you, Matt | |||||
Jan-30-2014 | Done on 1/31/14 | Matthew Roher | | New Distributor in Czech Republic | | Hi Brian, Please add the following contact information for our new distributor in Czech Republic: High-End Audio Studio s.r.o. Belgicka 4, 120 00 Prague 2 Tel: +420 224 256 844 e-mail: Also, I think there may have been a formatting error with Poland. Could you kindly change the font so that it appears like the other countries? Thank you for your help. Sincerely, Matt | |||||
Jan-20-2014 | Completed 1/20/2014 | Matthew Roher | | New Italian Distributor | | Please add the following Italian Distributor to the Torus Power Website: LP Audio – Luca Parlato Via della Tesa 20 34138 Trieste Tel. 040 569824 Fax 040 2602320 Cell. 335 6434188 Thank you kindly, Matt | |||||
Jan-20-2014 | Completed 1/20/2014 | Matthew Roher | | Menu Item Missing from Page | | Hi Brian, Not sure if this was deliberate, but when I hover the mouse over the "Contacts" heading at the top of the Torus Power home page, the link option for Dealers and Integrators USA is no longer there. Can you kindly include in the drop-down menu. Thanks, Matt | |||||
Jan-16-2014 | Completed on 1/16/2015 | Matthew Roher | | AV Pro Alliance | | Hi Brian, Could you kindly change the name of "AV Professional Alliance" to "AV Pro Alliance"? Thank you for your help and the promptness of these posts! Our partners appreciate it too. Most Sincerely, Matt | |||||
Jan-15-2014 | Completed on 1/15/2014 | Matthew Roher | | Please add AV Pro Alliance as a New USA Distributor | | Hi Brian, Please add AV Professional Alliance as a new Distributor for USA. Here is their contact information: AV Professional Alliance Location: USA National, based in South Dakota Sales & Support: Toll Free: 1-877-886-5112 International: 605-274-6055 Email: Web: Other inquiries: Matt Murray: 605-271-2157 Thank you kindly, Matt | |||||
Jan-15-2014 | Completed on 1/15/2014 | Matthew Roher | | Please remove Specialty Marketing from our list of Distributors | | Hi Brian, Please remove Specialty Marketing from this Torus Power webpage: Thank you, Matt p.s. I like the added field for webpage, very smart. | |||||
Jan-13-2014 | Completed on 1/13/2014 | Howard | | TOT | Home | Change the copy on home for TOT to: TOT MINI and TOT MAX and are ultra compact toroidal isolation power conditioners, and the most affordable products in the Torus line-up. The compact footprint and sloped face of TOT models make them convenient for use in almost any situation. They look sharp on a component shelf, or can be located elsewhere when space is at a premium. TOT Mini is rated for 7 Amps (3Amps international), and the TOT Max is rated 15 Amps (7.5 Amps international). | |||||
Jan-07-2014 | Completed on 1/13/2014 | Ross Whitney | | Jan. 7 correction from RW | MOST of the RM 2.5 evidence has been removed from this page. The LINE CORDS section at the bottom of the page still mentions the 2.5A model. | ||||||
Dec-13-2013 | Completed on 1/01/2014 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | Matthew Roher | | Please add new Installation pictures for Dealer | Hi Brian, I'm pleased to say that we have a dealer who has used Torus Power in his demo room and would like it to be posted on our website! I will send you all the photos/logo via hotmail, but wanted to let you know now. More to come. Sincerely, Matt | ||||||
Dec-10-2013 | done | Matthew Roher | | Please add Torus Power International Distributor to Site | Hi Brian, Please add the following International Distributor to the Torus Power webiste: Contact information: HBL Audio Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam 84-903671194 Thank you kindly, Matt |